CDP ISR Development Module 3.4 / 3.5 / 3.6

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Base of Preference (BOP)

Allows First Term Airmen to apply for CONUS to CONUS BOP, + OS to CONUSDOP, and/or in-place BOP.


allows AD members to transition to the ANG / USAFR as soon as the day after separating from AD service.


an early release program which allows members to transfer from ADinto the USAFR + ANG. if approved, the member's remaining AD service commitment (ADSC) is waived in exchange for accepting an extended assignment in the AFR.


chief of chaplains


chief scientist


chief, AF reserve

Standby Reserve (SR)

comprised of reserve members who have no military service obligation, members who have been temporarily excused from participation in reserve activity, or members who have been designated as essential personnel in their present civilian position

Title 32

considered federal active duty for specific state missions + full-time guard positions. this type of state-level activation is guided by state laws + policies but it is funded by the federal gov't after approval from the president. this typically happens w large-scale, state-related missions; major natural disasters for example. the governor is the boss even though the state mission is sanctioned + funded by the federal government.

Enlisted Intelligence Assignments Functional Manager (FM)

handles enlisted assignments via a systematic process based on the most eligible airman. designed to ensure everyone who is eligible for reassignment has a chance to compete for the known advertised requirements.


intelligence, surveillance, + reconnaissance


judge advocate general

Twenty-Second Air Force (22AF)

located at dobbins ARB, ga its units are responsible for "tactical airlift, combat support, training + institutional forces."

Fourth Air Force (4AF)

located at march ARB, ca its subordinate units are responsible for "strategic reach forces" which includes aerial refueling + long-range, strategic airlift missions.

Tenth Air Force (10AF)

located at naval air station [NAS] joint reserve base [JRB] ft worth, tx its subordinate units are responsible for "power/vigilance w intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, network operations, space, + special operations forces."; include fighters, bombers, remotely piloted aircraft, cyber, space operations, + spec ops flying + training.

Force Generation Center (FGC)

located at robins AFB, ga serves as the single point for requesting, receiving, overseeing + delivering AF Reserve forces + capabilities.


logistics, engineering, + force protection

Enlisted Quarterly Assignment List (EQUAL) Plus

used to fill joint / special duty assignments, jobs w specific requirements + CMSGT assignments. 9S100 jobs are also advertised. jobs are typically advertised for a minimum of 21 days, after which AFPC has 120 days to select, + then the airman will have 120 days to report. airman can only apply for one job at a time. any additional applications in AMS will overwrite the existing job application.

Enlisted Quarterly Assignments List Overseas (EQUAL OS)

when selecting AF members for overseas assignment, there are predetermined priorities for selection. this prioritization begins by categorizing certain groups of eligible personnel.

9S100 Assignments

nearly all are controlled through the EQUAL plus ads + OSR/CMM cycles

1A8XX Assignments

not actually a special assignments process. processed manually to ensure mission design series [MDS] training timelines + other mission specific requirements are met.

Title 10

outlines the role of the armed forces as well as providing the legal basis for roles, mission, + organization. governs when members are called to active duty. establishes the SECDEF as principal advisor to the president in all DoD matters + is authorized to utilize DoD intel assets to provide support to the DNI, DoD service departments, + to CCDRs.

Title 50

outlines the role of war and national defense states that traditional military operations are not "covert action." an ISR professional should be familiar w: chapter 15 - national security chapter 33 - war powers resolution chapter 36 - foreign intelligence surveillance

Participating Individual Ready Reserve (PIRR)

primarily participate for points only + are attached to active component units; may earn pay + points on MPA / RPA status. members do not have a FY "AT / IDT" requirement, however, they must maintain readiness requirements. assignments are only valid for up to 3-years.generally reserved for members who have lost their position in the unit for reasons outside of their control. status allows qualifying members to continue earning points while looking for an assignment in another unit.

Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)

provides combat ready forces to fly, fight, + win, as well as providing the USAF about 14% of the total force for about 4% of the manpower budget.

State Mission

report to the governor of their respective state, territory [PR, guam, virgin islands] or the commanding general of the district of columbia national guard. each of the 54 national guard orgs is supervised by the adjutant general of the state or territory. under state law, ANG provides protection of life, property + preserves peace, order + public safety. missions are accomplished through emergency relief support during natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and forest fires; search + rescue operations; support to civil defense authorities; maintenance of vital public services + counterdrug operations.




strategic deterrence + nuclear integration


strategic plans + programs


studies, analysis, + assessments


surgeon general


test + evaluation

Total Force Integration (TFI)

the goal is to provide the AF + CCDR the best possible capabilities to meet their requirements by leveraging the combined human resources of AD, guard + reserve members. the key requirement is to ensure that the AF maintains the capability to meet CCDRs requirements for both surge + sustained operations.


AF director of staff


AF historian

Air Staff

HQ - at the pentagon headed by the chief of staff of the AF primarily comprised of uniformed USAF officials who assist the chief of staff in carrying out his dual-hatted role as the principal military advisor to the secretary of the AF + as a member of the joint chief of staff.


HQ sexual assault prevention + response

Air National Guard (ANG)

a federal military reserve force as well as the militia air force of each US state, the district of columbia, PR + the territories of guam + US virgin islands. has both federal + state missions.

Enlisted Quarterly Assignments Listing (EQUAL)

advertises most available enlisted assignments sending airmen overseas. also provides CONUS assignments for airmen in the ranks of E-1 through E-8 who are returning from overseas tours. these assignments are advertised + matched 8 times per year (4 cycles each for those departing to + for returning from overseas duty locations). the listing notifies airmen what assignments are available + are sorted by AFSC, grade, + location. allows members to align their assignment preferences w current AF needs.

Short Tour

any location in which an accompanied tour is not authorized / a location in which the unaccompanied tour length is less than 18 months + the accompanied tour length is 24 months.

Long Tour

any location in which both an accompanied + unaccompanied tour is authorized + the unaccompanied tour length is 18 months or more.

Career Field Manager (CFM)

appointed to represent each functional family in the AF. must be a CMSGT + they will serve as the day-to-day advocate for assigned functional community, addressing issues + coordinating specialty concerns across various staffs. - implement career field policies. - provide central oversight for career field education + training in coordination w AETC, air university (AU), AF institute of technology (AFIT), + AFPC. - conduct utilization + training workshops (U+TW)/specialty training requirements team (STRT) meetings. - develop a career field education + training plan (CFETP) for life-cycle training at appropriate points throughout a career path. - coordinate all force structure changes w HAF/A1 + participates in accession + training conferences.

Air Reserve Component (ARC) + Regular AF (RegAF)

combined form a more cohesive + effective combat unit that will allow efficient use of all available + valuable resources at our disposal. also allows the efficiency of sharing equipment which in turn ensures training on identical equipment.

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

designed to protect airmen + their families; does not prevent assignment selection once a member is selected for an assignment, the gaining location must be vetted to ensure the care necessary is available to family members.


director, air national guard

Humanitarian Assignments

established to assist members in resolving severe short-term problems involving a family member. the family member is defined as spouse, child, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in- law, stepparent, person in loco parentis, or other persons actually residing in the household who are dependent for over half of their financial support. the problem must be more severe than usually encountered + the airman's presence must be deemed absolutely essential to alleviating the problem. the "term" to resolve the issue is typically 12 months.

AFRC Numbered AF

fourth AF [4AF], tenth AF [10AF] twenty-second AF [22AF] force generation center[FGC]

Mil-to-Mil + Join Spouse

hand-matched + are predicated on each member's assignment preference. these preferences are expressed as join spouse intent codes A - concurrent short tours B - non-concurrent short tours H - assignment together not desired

What are the Individual Reservist types?

individual mobilization augmentee [IMA] participating individual ready reserve [PIRR] individual ready reserve [IRR] standby reserve [SR] active guard reserve [AGR]

MAJCOM Functional Manager (MFM)

manage designated enlisted career fields for a MAJCOM + serve as the MAJCOM liaisons for their respective AFCFMs. monitor the health + manning of their career fields within their command + elevate concerns to the AFCFMs. manage command training for their career field + coordinate command training and+personnel issues across their MAJCOM staff + w AFCFMs. coordinate w the AFPC to distribute personnel throughout the MAJCOM to ensure proper command prioritization of allocated/assigned personnel resources. provide functional + subject matter expertise to AETC managers to develop new or modify/improve existing training programs.


manpower, personnel + services

Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA)

may be assigned to MAJCOMs, field operating agencies (FOAs), joint orgs, direct reporting units (DRUs), + outside agencies. typically train for pay and/or points w AD component units.; maintain the same fiscal year drill requirements as TRs except drills can be executed throughout the year w no monthly requirement.

Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)

members are not required to participate in monthly drill exercises, complete annual training, or participate in any other routine military activities, w the exception of periodic muster activities. AD members who separate or are discharged before completing eight years total active duty service are automatically enrolled

Active Guard Reserve (AGR)

members of the ANG + AF reserve on federal active duty status under Title 10 U.S.C., or full- time National Guard duty under Title 32 U.S.C. 502(f) for a period of 180 consecutive days or greater in order to provide full-time support to national guard + reserve orgs for the purpose of leading, organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the reserve component.

OS Returnee & CONUS Mandatory Mover (OSR/CMM)

one-for-one positions that are available for the exact number of individuals in the applicable categories slated to move during their appointed PCS schedule. note: failure to match one's assignment preferences to the list will result in his / her name falling to the bottom of the priority list. the member will receive whichever assignment remains after all other assignments have been filled.

Developmental Special Duty (DSD)

only 8-series jobs fall in this category like recruiters, first sgts, etc. hires twice a year in fall/spring.


operations, plans, + requirements

Traditional Reservist

serve a single mission at their assigned reserve unit, + typically serve one weekend a month + an additional two weeks a year, usually coordinated + managed by the reserve unit.

United States Code + Title Authorities

the backbone of US legislation, comprised of all general + permanent federal laws; containing a total of 52 titles, the USC establishes + governs the form, function, duties, + responsibilities of the US gov't.

Federal Mission

to maintain well-trained, well-equipped units available for prompt mobilization during war + provide assistance during national emergencies, such as national disasters or civil disturbances.+ support units are assigned to most AF MAJCOMs to carry out missions compatible w training, mobilization readiness, humanitarian + contingency operations. ANG units may be activated in a number of ways as prescribed by public law. most of the laws may be found in title 10 of the US code. ANG provides almost half of the AF's tactical airlift support, combat communications functions, aeromedical evacuations + aerial refueling; has total responsibility for air defense of the entire US.

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