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drinking sea water causes the loss of water from cells lining the digestive tract

receptor-mediated endocytosis

the molecule to be transported binds to a receptor protein in the plasma membrane; the complex migrates to a specialized coated pit; the pit pinches off forming a vesicle/vacuole

facilitated diffusion

the movement of materials across a semipermeable membrane down their concentration gradients with the assistance of transport proteins


the movement of materials down their concentraion gradients

facilitated diffusion

transportr proteins are used to trandport glucose or amino acids down their concentration gradients into the cell


white blood cells engulf a harmful bacterium


intake of small droplets of liquid by endocytosis


intake of solids by endocytosis


movement of water across a semipermeable membrane down its concentration gradient


occurs when a small region of the plasma membrane folds inward, pinches off, and forms a vesicle/vacuole


occurs when a vesicle/vacuole fuses with the cell membrane releasing the contents to the outside

active transport

pumping of materials across a membrane against their concentration gradients

active transport

sodium/potassium pump

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