CES Unit 3

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sub-Saharan Africa

The region of ______ has the greatest proportion of people lacking access to clean drinking water of any world region.

inefficient resource exploitation

The supply of trees was so great as the logging industry progressed from east to west in the United States from 1860-1930 that it lead to ______.

includes technological developments and factors that might mitigate the effects of scarcity

The two models from the book Limits to Growth, published 20 years apart, differ because the newer model ______.

major environmental problems

The uncontrolled growth in cities in developing nations occurs with little planning and results in ______.

it makes a business more competitive in future markets it can save a business money in waste disposal costs planning for sustainability reduces the potential for future litigation

There is a growing interest among businesses to design products and manufacturing processes that minimize environmental impact from the start because ______.


True or false: Due to the many environmental issues, there are no benefits to living in cities.


True or false: Given a limited carrying capacity, unlimited economic growth is more than likely.


Most of the water pollution in the United States comes from the ______ sources of soil erosion, atmospheric fallout, and surface runoff.


Most often the key to political power, and subsequently policy making, is

clarified in common law as customs and previous court decisions that establish precedents

How are common law and civil law related? Civil law is ______.

buy influence in governmental agencies manipulate public opinion with advertisements

How do single-interest groups work to shape public policy to suit their agendas? Elite, rich, powerful groups ______

manipulate public opinion with advertisements buy influence in governmental agencies

How do single-interest groups work to shape public policy to suit their agendas? Elite, rich, powerful groups ______.

of technological developments

The price of raw goods generally decreases with time because ______.


A cost-benefit analysis works in part by trying to find the optimal efficiency point; this is the point at which marginal costs of pollution ______ the marginal benefits.

not possible

A limited carrying capacity means unlimited economic growth is ______.

could be reduced this way

A market-based system to reduce sulfur dioxide pollution in the United States showed that pollution ______.

agriculture; natural

A rural area is an area where most residents depend on or other ways of harvesting resources.

rural area

A(n) ______ is where most residents depend on agriculture or harvesting natural resources for their livelihood. Multiple choice question.


A(n) refers to the available supply of something that can be used.


Agricultural land, poorly run land disposal sites, and urban runoff are examples of ______ pollution sources since the contaminants produced at each site have many origins and many different ways to enter the environment. This makes it difficult to determine their original source.


An average person living in a wealthy country has the lowest environmental impact and resource use rates when they live in a ______.

individual septic systems at each dwelling, but then pumps effluent into a central treatment plant

An effluent sewerage system uses _____

People who can raise awareness through creative expression about environmental issues.



Before a trial can start, the litigants must establish that they have legal , or a right to stand before the bar and be heard.

ecological engineering

Bioremediating polluted water through a series of containers filled with different plants, animals, and algae is known as ______.


Bits of , often tossed from ships, are a major source of pollution in the ocean. It kills hundreds of thousands of birds, turtles, fish, and mammals every year.

People who appreciate how products sold and services rendered affect our environment and who promote green consumerism.


routine, intentional oil dumping

By far the largest source of oil pollution in the oceans comes from ______.


Cadmium, lead, mercury, tin, and nickel are the primary contaminants of health concern.

scientific research conducted by amateur scientists who contribute to scientific knowledge by gathering and providing data to researchers

Citizen science is ______.

purchasing of things we do not want or need to impress others

Conspicuous consumption is the ________.

Purchase only things that are needed.


To restrain dirty water or liquid wastes in a place or cap the surface with an impermeable layer



Containment, bioremediation, and extractions are all water techniques.

they realize the scope of problems is larger than they can handle alone

More countries are signing on to international environmental protection conventions because ______

is passed through a large metal grating to remove solids from the waste stream

During primary treatment, wastewater ______.


During treatment, raw sewage is passed through a metal grating to remove large debris and separate large solids from the rest of the waste stream.

People who can evaluate the costs of pollution and resource depletion and develop solutions that are cost-effective.


efficient management of resources

Economy is the ______.

the resources and services provided by the environment

Ecosystem services is the general term for ______.


Efficiently planned transportation in a city can reduce pollution by reducing the time drivers spend in traffic.

People who are likely to develop technologies and products to clean up pollution and prevent its production in the first place


People who are able to guide and prepare an environmentally literate population.

Environmental education

Develop bioremediation techniques to restore contaminated streams.

Environmental scientists

Choice, rich in organics and organisms. rich in organics and organisms.

Eutrophic water is

To pump out polluted water so it can be treated


Change practices to conserve soil and water.


Low productivity Clear

From the phrases below, choose the ones that describe oligotrophic waters and leave the ones that describe eutrophic waters.


Gross national product (GNP) and gross domestic product (GDP) measure a nation's economic output. The main difference is GDP ______ activity outside the nation's boundaries.

It can fill in lakes and reservoirs. It can obstruct shipping channels. It can increase the cost of water purification.

How does excess sediment in water cause problems?

It can save money in the long run. It can be good for employee morale. It can build a loyal following among customers.

Identify the benefits to a company for operating in a socially responsible manner.

We design every process with no resulting waste; we use the "leftovers" in other processes. We rely on the current levels of solar income (power). We consider diversity in our projects.

Identify the design principles of William McDonough in the following list.


Improving people's lives through the increased access to goods and services is known as ______.

National Environmental Education Act (NEEA)

In 1990, Congress recognized the importance of environmental understanding by all citizens by passing the ______ with the goals of improving environmental literacy among the general public, and encouraging college students to pursue environmental careers.


In addition to North America, what location below is experiencing slow or declining population sizes in most of its major cities?


International give the financial and public backing to small, local groups with environmental concerns the support they need. (Insert an acronym in the blank.)

necessary but contentious

Lack of funding, weak regulation, climate change, and the need to address nonpoint source pollution all are reasons that make reauthorization of the Clean Water Act ______.

when people with a passion for environmental quality get into positions of leadership they can effect change leaders can organize citizen groups to lobby legislators to back environmental policies

Leadership is important for environmental policy because ______.

Maintain the ecological integrity of forests while harvesting wood.



Not only does recycling and reclaiming materials in the waste stream have environmental benefits, it also has benefits because the material can be sold for a profit.

Choice, clear and nutrient poor. clear and nutrient poor.

Oligotrophic water is


One of the most controversial parts of the Clean Water Act, Section 404, protects ______ from being drained or filled, which upsets many private landowners who feel that these resources are being "taken" from them as a result.


Pesticides and pharmaceuticals are made with natural and synthetic ______ chemicals that can become pollutants.

To use plants that grow fast to remove large amounts of organic nutrients from water


Initiate or support environmental policies.



Power plants and runoff are primary sources of ______ pollution, which is heated water entering a water body.


President Trump hiring a corporate leader from the oil and gas industry to head the Department of Energy is an example of regulatory

1. vegetarian 2. fish based 3. red meat

Rank the diets based on their environmental impact, starting with the diet that has the least environmental impact at the top.

dramatically change U.S. policy

Regulatory capture occurs when a president hires someone who is antagonistic to an agency's mission as the head of that agency, with the intent to ______.

People who can understand the natural world and the effects of human activity on the environment.


informal settlements

Slums and shantytowns are both names used to describe ______ that lack organized road building and water treatment yet house hundreds of millions of city dwellers worldwide.

you are a better informed citizen you will have needed skills in the future

Striving to do well in all your college classes is an assurance that ______.

price the external costs of greenhouse gases finance other social programs

Taxes on carbon emissions can ______, while carbon markets do not.

Help children develop a sense of wonder about nature.


Individuals take more than their fair share.

The "free rider" problem with communal property resources can best be summarized by which statement below?

Clean Air Act was created Environmental Protection Agency was established

The 1970s were an important decade in environmental policy in the United States because the ______.


The Blank River is extremely important to the people of India, as they consider it sacred. It also provides water to 500 million people and is used to create hydroelectric power, irrigate farmland, and get rid of sewage.

make U.S. waters healthy enough to support fish and shellfish populations that can be consumed by people

The Clean Water Act aimed to ______.

reducing point source pollution improving surface-water quality creating better sanitation requirements for sewage processing and discharge

The Clean Water Act focuses on ________.

much cheaper than

The Stern report on the effects of climate change on business concluded that the estimated 1% of global GDP to mitigate climate change is ______ doing nothing and dealing with the consequences later.

Department of the Interior; Department of Agriculture

The ________ and ________ are to natural resources what the Environmental Protection Agency is to pollution.


The amount of dissolved is a reliable indicator of water quality; less than 2 ppm will support only detritus feeders and decomposers.


The bi-articulated bus system in Curitiba, , successfully carries 1.9 million passengers daily, and was cheaper to build than both a light rail system and a subway.


The country with the largest demographic shift from rural to city living is ______.


The current trend of large cities is that they are becoming more numerous and concentrated in countries, such as China and India.


The establishment and regulation of national , monuments, and forests lies with the executive branch of the U.S. government.


The first Earth Day was celebrated in ______ marking the birth of a new era in environmental protection.

discharges from sewage treatment plants point source pollutants end-of-the-pipe discharges from factories

The first goal of the Clean Water Act was to identify and control ________.

we choose to use them

The fossils fuels that remain in the ground only have economic worth if ______, which would likely result in drastic climate consequences.

long history professional staff large memberships

The influence and respectability of major environmental groups such as the Audubon Society and Ducks Unlimited come about from their ______.

civil; common

The legislative statutes that regulate relations between people, or people and corporations, fall under ______ law. The customs and court decisions based on these laws are called ______ law.


True or false: In terms of climate-change policy in the United States, a diverse and passionate grassroots movement may prove to be successful in raising awareness and affecting policy change, where the large established environmental groups have failed to make gains.


True or false: It is best to just focus on the classes that are in your major, as those are the only ones that can help you to build the skills you need and provide you the necessary knowledge for being successful in accomplishing your life goals.


True or false: Sub-Saharan Africa presents many of the remaining problems with water sanitation, where nearly 780 million people lack access to clean drinking water.


True or false: There are environmental benefits when companies operate in a socially responsible manner; however, there are no economic benefits.

improvements in food supplies, sanitation, and medicine

Urban populations grow through immigration and natural increase, which itself is fueled by ______.


Using the vast amounts of remaining fossils could very likely lead to serious environmental consequences. What is their worth if we choose not to use them?

shifting toward developing areas becoming more numerous

Very large cities are ______.


Waterborne diseases caused by organisms include cholera, polio, hepatitis, and typhoid.

Create resolutions are more likely. There is a greater focus on resolving the dispute rather than strict application or interpretation of the law.

What are some benefits of using arbitration and mediation techniques?

Monetary benefits for reusing or selling the material Environmental and economic benefits for reducing the amount of material handled in the waste stream Environmental benefits for not putting the material into the environment

What are some of the benefits of recycling and reclaiming materials in the waste stream of industrial processes?

Metal smelting Organic chemical synthesis Leather tanning Petroleum distillation

What are the leading sources of acid pollutants?

The policy cycle

What cycle is presented in the figure?

It directs federal agencies to take environmental consequences into account in decision making. It authorizes the Council on Environmental Quality. It requires an environmental impact statement to be published for every major federal project likely to have an impact on environmental quality.

What does NEPA do?

The act provides a structure for identifying and listing species that are vulnerable, threatened, or endangered. The act provides rules for protecting endangered species and their habitat.

What does the Endangered Species Act do? Multiple select question.

It washes into surface water bodies. Scavengers consume it. It dries and becomes part of air pollution particulates.

What happens to the human waste that accumulates in large cities that have inadequate disposal facilities?


What industry is a classic example of inefficient resource exploitation that occurred in the United States between 1860-1930 as it progressed from the east to the west?

A system of connected storm and sanitary sewers

What is a combined sewer?

A comprehensive, long-range national environmental strategy

What is a green plan?

Informal and unorganized housing organically developed to handle large number of people migrating to cities

What is an informal settlement?

Agricultural chemicals and wastes

What is the largest source (volume) of groundwater contamination?

Runoff gets treated instead of going directly to surface water bodies.

What is the primary purpose of combining sanitary and storm sewers into a single system?

The revenue from their carbon tax is used to reduce other taxes.

What is the primary reason that British Columbia has the lowest personal income tax rate in Canada and one of the lowest corporate tax rates in North America?

To provide resources for colleges and universities

What is the primary role of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education?

cut their greenhouse emissions by 26% by 2025

When President Trump dismissed the science inherent in the Paris Accord of 2017 as his excuse to withdraw from the agreement, over 1,000 American mayors pledged to ______.

When population densities are low

When is it a "safe" method of sanitation to simply go out to a forest or field and relieve yourself?


When the American president denied the science of the 2017 Paris Accord with intentions to withdraw from the international agreement, over 1,000 U.S. took up the baton to reach the greenhouse emission cuts by 2025.

a green consumer

When you purchase sustainably-produced products you are being ______.

They start as legislative proposals called "bills," introduced into Congress.

Where do federal (statute) laws in the United States start?

Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) Public Interest Research Groups

Which of the following are among the influential student environmental groups in the United States?

Agricultural land Construction sites Urban runoff

Which of the following are major nonpoint sources of pollution?

Pathogens in the clarified effluent are killed due to oxygen exposure. Solids build up and need to be pumped out periodically.

Which of the following describe a properly functioning septic system?

Public citizenship and action

Which of the following examples demonstrate public decision making as the driver of policy formation?

"Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

Which of the following is an actual quote that famously sums up a widely held belief about the size of government?

Adding an amendment to eliminate critical habitat for endangered species onto a veteran's health care bill

Which of the following is an example of a legislative rider?

Pesticide contamination

Which of the following is not a waterborne disease caused by a pathogenic organism?

Environmental and safety factors

Which of the following list of reasons has the smallest effect on job loss?

It recognizes the value of holistic planning. It acknowledges multiple users and perspectives. It involves working with local communities to gain local and traditional knowledge.

Which of the following statements help to accurately describe community-based planning?

Students are lobbying to shut down parts of their campuses that are not sustainable and return the land to its natural state by removing buildings.

Which one of the following is not an example of how students on college and university campuses are engaging in "going green?"

laws that limited corporate and union spending on political campaigns were unconstitutional

Which statement below accurately summarizes the majority opinion in the U.S. Supreme Court case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission? A majority of the Supreme Court justices ruled that ______.

Supporters want stricter enforcement of existing regulations. There are no standard policies for controlling nonpoint runoff from streets and farm fields. It doesn't take into account the hydrologic changes associated with climate change.

Why do supporters of the Clean Water Act still want to see it changed?

States (nations) are wary of interfering with the internal sovereignty of others.

Why have most international agreements for environmental protection been based on the honor system?


Williams McDonough offered three principles: waste equals food, rely on current solar income, and respect diversity.

Sustainable development

involves meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

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