CGS4854 Final
What does this code do: chmod 755 ../../*
Grants permission to the user to access the file.
In terminal mode: write the code to see the tables in your database.
SHOW tables FROM database_name;
What was the purpose of the email_me.php
To extract data from input values on the front-end to be emailed to the designated email address.
Write the code to create two checkboxes input box, done in program 2
<input type="checkbox" name="Cuban" value="Cuban"> <input type="checkbox" name="Colombian" value="Colombian">
In terminal mode: write the code to delete a table.
DROP TABLE table_name;
In terminal mode: write the code to see the name of all your databases.
SHOW databases;
Write the code for placeholders
<input type="text" name="Email placeholder="Email" value="Email">
. Write the heading & closing of the form that calls the constructor3.php program.
<form method = "post" action="constructor3.php"></form
Write the code to create two radio buttons pgm3:
<input type="radio" name="Gender" value="Male" <?php if ($Gender == 'Male') echo "checked";?> > Male <input type="radio" name="Gender" value="Male" <?php if ($Gender == 'Female') echo "checked";?> > Female
What language was used to display the data and time clock on program 3 and 4.
a. Assume that you are in the same folder where the index file is found, create a hyperlink that will call page1.php located in the includes folder. b. Display "Welcome" using Arial font, size 3, color blue
a. <a href="./includes/page1.php">page1</a> b. <p font face = "Arial" size = "3" color="blue">"Welcome"</p>
In Linux: a. what is the name of the folder to place all your programs & folders for your website. B. What is the name for you website's required file, as used in this class.
a. public_html b. index.html
In terminal mode: write the code to connect to your mysql.
mysql -u -u fall18_username -p
In terminal mode: Write the code to connect to your website located in FIU's server.
ssh -x [email protected]
Create a css3 program named FontSize94 , to set the font size to 50 px.
nav .FontSize94 { font-size="50px"; }
LAST record on leads.php
LAST record on leads.php
Write the code that will display an image called theGraph.png that when pressed it will load the web page called
<a href=''><img src="theGraph.png"></a>
a. What does cellspacing do. b. What does cellpadding do.
a. spacing between table cells. b. background spacing
Write the code for a textarea input box as done in program 3.
.<textarea rows="5" col="20"<?php ?></textarea>
Write the code to create one dropdown input box, as done in program 2.
<select name == "Dropdown" size="1" style="width:15em"> <option>option1</option> <option>option2</option> </select>