Ch 1-9 for Final

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Which of the following factors pulled people away from farms and into cities during the period of rapid industrialization more so than the others?


Organic solidarity describes a(n) ________ society that is characterized by _______.

modern; an extensive division of labor

Kevin recently moved to France from the United States for a new job opportunity. Even though he is living and working in France, every morning he still reads the New York Times. Which concept helps explain Kevin's preference for American news?


a number of popular celebrities, such as Morgan Freeman, have fallen victim to rumors of their death spread on the internet. Whether the news is passed through electronic messages or face-to-face, insights gleaned from _________ could help to explain how this misinformation is passed through social circles.

network analysis

Medicare is health insurance for everyone __________.

over 65

Of the following behaviors, which is least likely to be considered a norm violation?

physically assaulting a police officer

Imagine that you are a senior in college with one semester to go before graduation. You do not have a job yet, but you are looking for one. You have a good relationship with your parents, are married, but do not have children. Which of the following is one of your reference groups?

recent college graduates

American workers are increasingly reliant on employers for __________, whereas workers in other rich countries are not.

retirement benefits

What is cultural relativism?

the idea that cultural meanings and practices must be evaluated in their own social contexts

Public restrooms are a complex social space in which we are both required to prepare for our public performances and deal with others who may view that performance. You want to study a similar backstage area. Which of the following spaces would suit your requirements?

the kitchen in a restaurant

In a hypothesis about crime that makes a casual claim that an increase in the level of inequality in society will result in an increase in the crime rate in that society, _________ is the independent variable.

the level of inequality

Where does the process of socialization typically begin?

in families

Why is the image of the "invisible hand" in Adam Smith's analysis of capitalism said to be misleading?

For markets to function properly, rules must be enforced by the state when violated.

Of the following higher education institutions, which two are most likely to be in the same niche market?

Harvard University and Yale University

Which of the following is an example of an informal rule?

Respecting the needs of children.

The __________ is a product of __________.

assembly line; scientific management

What is social hierarchy?

social arrangements in which some groups or individuals are elevated above others

Social movements allow for the process of __________.

social change

Your position in key social hierarchies is likely to have the least impact on __________.

your food preferences

What happens when individuals follow an organization's formal rules very strictly but disregard its informal rules?

Organizations suffer because no one is taking the necessary shortcuts to get all of the work done.

When research questions are about the thought processes that lead people to have certain opinions, what research method is usually best?

in-depth interviews

In an ongoing study of more than 2,000 young adults as they progress through college and into their post collegiate years, sociologist Richard Arum has found that ________.

24 percent of graduates in the study were back living with their parents two years after graduation

In terms of how it influences our thinking, what does ethnocentrism lead to?

incorrect assumptions about other cultures on the basis of our own experiences

Our world is becoming __________.

increasingly urbanized

Which of the following statements about a code of ethics and sociological research is true?

All social scientists commit to a shared code of ethics.

Sociologists argue that we know appropriate social behavior because of commonsense understandings based in __________.

the generalized other

Which of the following statements best explains why it is difficult to bring about change in U.S. national politics?

Change in the U.S. national politics is difficult because of the power of federal bureaucracies.

David Jones is a Green Party candidate for city council, which elects one candidate from each of five city districts. He garnered 25 percent of the vote in his district, but took no seat on the city's governing council. Why, do you theorize, this is so?

City council seats are not subject to proportional representation.

Which of the following statements is indicative of the three-dimensional view of power?

Conflict is not necessary for power to exist.

Which of the following statements exemplifies the "conservative egalitarian" label, which sociologists apply to American voters who do not consistently connect their beliefs about equality to support for government programs that might make our society more egalitarian?

Conservative egalitarian Americans want to help the poor but do not want to pay higher taxes.

Why is the family of interest to many sociologists?

Families are a key to understanding how individuals develop

In the debate between the power of social structure and free will, you fall on the side of free will. Which of the following statements are you most likely to believe?

Individuals have a great deal of control when it comes to their day-to-day actions.

How can path dependency impact the development of society?

It is far easier to use preexisting social structures than to develop new ones.

How does the perspective of the city as a growth machine counter the Burgess urban ecology model?

It recognizes the role of political and economic forces, whereas the Burgess model does not

Julie opened a bookstore in 1992 and was pleased that it soon became a favorite gathering spot for local college students. As technology rapidly advanced all around her, demanding major adaptations at all the larger bookstore chains in her area, Julie exhibited structural inertia. Which of the following decisions is confirmation of Julie's structurally inert bookstore business?

Julie resists selling e-books even though her customers have asked her to do so.

Which of the following scenarios is an accurate reflection of the impact of technology on community life?

Keisha has already experienced social isolation in the city where she lives, and her sense of disconnectedness increases with the infusion of technology and social media into her everyday life.

Sociology laid the groundwork for which of the following academic disciplines?

Latino/a studies and industrial relations

Which scenario typifies a federally subsidized exodus of whites from central cities?

Lisa was intimidated by nonwhite minorities who were moving large numbers to her city, so she relocated to an ethnically homogenous white suburb

Which of the following accurately connects the effect communities have on people's life pathways?

Living around people who encourage a child to be confident leads to children who are more ambitious in life.

Applying her understanding of cities as growth machines, what can Gabby logically conclude about how and why her city's population has increased so rapidly over the past decade?

Local builders, government officials, media moguls, and university used taxation, policy regulations, and civic engagement to develop strip malls, improve public transportation, and build sport and entertainment venues designed to increase population and economic activity.

Which of the following statements about social theorists is chronologically accurate?

Marx wrote before Bourdieu

Why is it important to understand context when engaging in ethnomethodology?

Most human communication cannot be understood outside of the context in which it occurs.

When we fail at public social performances, such as accidentally dropping a book in class, how do we repair our mistake?

Most people signal that all is okay by quietly indicating that they have performed imperfectly

Which of the following groups is an example of a counterculture?


What does it mean to operationalize a research question?

Operationalizing is determining the operations and techniques to be used to assess a research question's key concepts.

Sociologists' understanding of social contexts, social interactions , and social structures teaches us that people ____________.

Present themselves in different ways based on the social situation they are in

Which of the following is a benefit of representative sampling?

Representative sampling allows researchers to use a subset to approximate results to the entire population

Identify a limitation of the premise made by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations.

Smith's analysis did not give enough power to the state's role in capitalism.

According to Bourdieu, what differentiates "social" from "symbolic" capital?

Social capital is your support system whereas symbolic capital is your reputation.

How do social media complicate our social interactions?

Social media can create confusion because typed communication lacks tone

Which of the following statements explains why it is better to be a rich person in the United States than in any other part of the world?

The revised tax system has allowed wealthy people to retain most of their income.

What policy change did David Rosenhan's study "Being Sane in Insane Places" lead to?

The study contributed to the deinstitutionalization movement

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies one for the causes of the rise of urbanization in the US during the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

Toby, the son of former slaves, hoped to find employment and tolerance in the North

What can applying the sociological imagination tell us about unemployment and homelessness?

Unemployment and homelessness can be due to changing social forces beyond an individual's control

Which of the following statements about socialization is true? People who are socialized to the same norms __________.

behave in different and occasionally unpredictable ways

Urban ecology, a sociological perspective on how neighborhoods form and change, famously borrows ideas from what other academic discipline?


The capitalist world system is a theory of globalization that argues ___________

capitalism is an economic system that has consequences between countries and not just within them

Which of the following is an accurate example of norms?

Walking on the right side of a hallway full of people.

Billionaire __________ famously highlighted the extent of tax loopholes for the wealthiest Americans when he reported paying less in federal taxes on his income, in terms of percentage, than his secretary.

Warren Buffet

What causes role conflict?

What causes role conflict? the expectations of one role preventing the of other role expectations

When we change statuses, what happens to our role sets?

When our status changes, our corresponding role sets also change.

Your evening is not going as planned. While at a bar, you accidentally knock over a man's drink. Although the spill was an accident, it has ruined his date's clothing and he is very angry. What is the most likely next step in this conflict's interaction ritual chain?

You get insulted.

Imagine that you are a sociology student in the early twentieth century at the University of chicago. You are trying to come up with an idea for a research project that you can easily conduct without leaving the city. which of the following projects best embodies the sociological imagination?

You have observed that the police force is made up almost entirely of a certain immigrant group. You want to interview members of that community and police officers to find out why this group might be drawn to police work.

You are a first-year student at a major university. Which of the following describes a social context that could have a positive impact on your academic success?

Your parents were able to hire summer tutors for you when you were in high school.

Karl Marx argued that __________.

human history is best understood through the history of a society's economic system

During a break at the company that employs them both, Liz and Phil discuss what they dislike about their jobs. Liz is eager to implement some innovative ideas, but her boss is neither enthusiastic about her suggestions nor hopeful that upper management would adopt them. Phil is new to the company, but is already bored with the tedious routine of his job. They both dream about a more exciting, innovative workplace. Liz and Phil's complaints are indicative of the negative aspects of __________.

a bureaucracy

What do we call the act of bowing out of a conversation when two or more people are talking at once?

a repair

What is a cultural tool kit?

a set of ideas and skills that we learn and use in daily life

When research questions center on patterns of behavior among large groups, what research method is usually best?

a survey

Which of the following forms of community would a New Urbanist favor?

a walkable urban community combining different types of housing, offices, retail, schools, and other components

A company named Worldwide Widget Distributors is conducting a job search for a new regional sales manager. Based on what researchers have documented about how power influences hiring decisions, which of the following applicants is most likely to get the job?

a young white male who recently graduated from a top-tier university

Eloise is a network executive at XYZ News Media. She has been instructed to prevent XYZ journalists from covering a breaking scandal involving XYZ's chief financial officer. She has the staff prepare filler stories instead. XYZ, with Eloise's complicity, is engaging in __________.

agenda setting.

What is a spurious relationship?

an apparent relationship between two factors that has the appearance of linkage but, in reality, does not

Socialism is __________.

an economic system where the government owns property and controls production

When understanding intimate relationships, a sociological imagination allows us to ____________.

challenge the assumption that particular forms of marriage are natural as opposed to social in origin.

According to Georg Simmel, ignoring someone, out of politeness, who is only inches away from you on a crowded bus is an example of __________.

civil inattention

Through what process are class boundaries and distinctions maintained over time?

class reproduction

Primary-source data are data ____________.

collected by researchers themselves

Researchers whose questions explore understanding social variation over time and place are likely to use which research method?

comparative-historical perspective

According to sociologists, what does the rational-choice perspective of markets overlook?

concerns and considerations about social forces

Dallas/Fort Worth is an example of an urban form known as a __________.


Sociologist Herbert Gans, in his study of community life, focused on __________.

demographic factors like age, race, occupation and income

Enrique took pride in his ability to handcraft furniture, enjoying each step in the construction, assembly, and finishing of each piece. When his business failed, he began working at a furniture manufacturing plant, where he was responsible for nailing upholstery to sofa and chair frames. Enrique's experience is an example of __________.


Exercising power by breaking the rules of the game __________.

doesn't work long term, since threats and bribes, for example, can fail

Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu thought about the kinds of resources that have a bearing on people's lives in terms of __________.

economic capital, social capital, and cultural capital

German sociologist Jurgen Habermas's ideal of the public sphere is a vision of the __________.

equal participation in political life of all private citizens

The traditional concept of America as a melting pot is an example of _____?


In terms of job satisfaction, people tend to rate jobs as better when they __________.

feel trusted by their employer

According to Marx, an automatic welding machine used to assemble automobile bodies would be an example of _____________.

forces of production

Insider trading is an example of a(n) __________.

formal market rule

Growth of specialization in the kinds of jobs people hold __________.

has continued right up to the present

According to C. Wright Mills, the sociological imagination enables us to grasp the relations between _________ in society

history and biography

Before industrialization, daily life for the vast majority of people focused on __________.

immediate sustenance

Conflict theory was developed primarily from the work of sociologists looking for new ways of thinking about ______ and _____

inequality; social justice

When ideas are passed down from one generation to another, they begin to solidify, become accepted, and then become __________.


You want to study a riot that occurred over 60 years ago. You have access to a handful of survivors, but they likely cannot provide all the information you need. Which two research methods should you use to complete the study?

interviews and historical research

What principal purpose does group style serve?

it distinguishes a group from other groups through a set of norms and practices

Which of these are the basic rules of society that help us know what is and what is not appropriate to do in any situation?


People, more often than not, obey firefighters in emergency situations because they believe it is the "right thing to do". Weber would refer to this as an example of ________.


Ethnography is a research method based on __________.

lengthy and intimate observation of a group

In comparison with other countries with advanced economies, the United States has __________.

less workplace regulation and weaker labor unions

Research has shown that most Americans have two tools available to them in their cultural tool kits regarding romantic love. What are they?

love as a choice and love as a commitment

Service sector jobs, which began to replace manufacturing jobs in the 1970s, refer to:

low wage and high wage work

The primary points of entry for the majority of immigrants coming to America from abroad are:

major cities

Which of the following phenomenon do sociologists suggest is a contributing factor to people's sense of national identity?

mass production and consumption of print media written in local languages

Sociology is different from some of the other social sciences because it has _______ and _________ social theories.

multiple; competing

Which of the following groups is an example of a subculture?

online gamers

By attempting to develop a unified theory for sociology, Talcott Parsons argued that they key elements of any society were __________

organized around the broader and often hidden needs of society

In the 1970s, residents who lived in a neighborhood called Love Canal in New York discovered that their homes had been built on a dump for toxic wastes. There were high rates of birth defects, miscarriages, and other health complications in Love Canal. After an investigation was conducted, residents were compensated for their pain and suffering. This scenario represents the importance of __________.

regulatory policies.

Loopholes in the progressive tax system mean the_______.

rich pay far less in taxes than the official tax rate suggests

What key components make up social structure?

roles and social hierarchy; norms and institutions

Each year millions of people watch, and many attend, NFL games. A sociologists, observing how the team logos, colors, the field, and the rivalries bring people together in ritual behavior, would label these things as ___________.


Luther has been part of the football team for two years, but he still feels like an outsider with many of the players. His teammates never asked him to hang out after practices or get together at any other time separate from team functions. Simmer would describe Luthor's experience as being a result of his __________

social distance

Emile Durkheim claimed that any regularity of rule of everyday life in human communities is a ______________.

social fact

Norms, the basic rules of society that help us know what is or is not appropriate in a social situation, govern ____________.

social interaction

Christine works at the high school, is a deacon at her church, a den mother for the Girl Scouts, a Sergeant in the National Guard, and a kickboxing instructor at her gym. The connection of Christine to other individuals in these groups are her ________

social networks

Max Weber focused primarily on individual actions as a foundation of ___________.

social order

__________ refers to the enduring patterns that shape and guide social interaction.

social structure

For symbolic interactionists, social order __________

starts from individuals and the meanings they give to objects

Weber's concept of _________ have similar kinds of attributes and identities. These may be based on a wide variety of attributes such as race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or social class.

status groups

Parson's theory of an overarching social system guiding the individuals, groups, and social institutions of society would become known as __________

structural functionalism

Alpha Corporation, which has developed an impermeable shell that protects it from environmental demands, strongly resists change and thus is said to exhibit __________.

structural inertia

What type of research method is good at generating data about an entire population?


Studying symbols helps us understand things about society __________.

that are often not discussed

In cross-country comparisons, the country that does the least to reduce poverty is __________.

the United States.

How do sociologists define power?

the ability to influence the behavior of others

Structural individualism is a theory of analytical sociology that argues that society is based on the choices and actions that individuals and groups make while __________

the actions that follow from these choices are constrained by society

Taylor is a teacher at a public school in a large city. She wants to assign her students a homework assignment that requires them to do research on the Internet. She is concerned about whether or not all of her students will be able to complete the assignment. Which of the following concepts helps explain Taylor's concerns?

the digital divide

One of the most influential theories of urban transformation that helped to explain the deterioration of black neighborhoods from vibrant metropolises to violent ghettos began by documenting:

the disappearance of manufacturing jobs from cities

At the time of its uprising, the Industrial Revolution changed the nature of __________ in society.

the division of labor

Jon views himself as a lazy person who is not very intelligent. His self-understanding comes from his overly critical father who continually belittled him when he was growing up. Jon's perception of himself is what a sociologist might refer to as __________.

the looking-glass self

Sociologists define status as __________.

the prestige accorded to individuals and to important social or economic roles

Edge cities have developed as suburban counterparts to __________.

the traditional downtown areas of large central cities

Along with informed consent, what other ethical obligation do sociologists have regarding their professional responsibilities and conduct?

they must disclose their identity as researchers

Subordinate groups may challenge contemporary institutionalization practices because ___________.

they want to gain access to more power

Social capital refers to the resources available to individuals

through their relationships and networks

Why do institutions form?

to ensure consistency and continuity

Major corporations that earn tax credits can use them __________.

to lavish pay and other perks on their top managers.

Why do markets need social ties?

to maintain levels of trust necessary to carry out economic transactions

Research memos are to _____________ thinkers as data displays are to __________ thinkers.

verval; visual

According to Charles Horton Cooley, how do most people construct the way they view themselves?

we view ourselves based on how we think others views us

Social Security, health and unemployment insurance, and welfare for poor families comprise the __________.

welfare state

The glass ceiling is a barrier against the advancement of _______.


Qualitative research relies on __________.

words, observations, or pictures

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