ch 10

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Which of the following is NOT a common opiate effect?

-pupil constriction -lowered body temperature -respiratory depression

Endorphin release is produced by __________.

-running -acupuncture -pain

______ developed the process that separated morphine from opium in 1803.

F.W. Serturner

Injecting Suboxone results in more intense, longer-acting effects than heroin.


Traces of heroin remain in urine for more than a month after a single injection.


Which of the following is NOT a major opium producing region?

New Guinea

_____ is a drug that was designed for treatment of severe pain and involves a time-release of high doses of painkiller.


The rise in illegal use of prescription opiates in the first few years of this century was largely related to what drug?


The plant from which opium is made is __________.

Papaver somniferum

Most heroin entering the U.S. today comes from Latin American countries.


The number of new needle-borne HIV cases has declined rapidly in recent years.


Which of the following is not a result of opiate use?

altered serotonergic neurotransmission

Opiate antagonists such as naloxone (Narcane) __________.

block the effects of opiates

Opiate drugs act by mimicking which neurotransmitter system?


The brain's "opiate receptors" respond to __________.


A heroin overdose can be treated with:

naloxone (Narcane)

Which of the following is a synthetic opiate?


Endorphins are thought to be involved with which of the following functions?

pain relief

Opium comes from the __________.


The major medical use for opiate drugs is treatment of __________.

severe pain

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