Ch. 10 Energy Metabolism

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Waist and hip circumference measurements can determine __________.

fat distribution pattern

A person's lean body mass refers to his or her total body mass minus fat mass.

lean body mass

The primary determinant of basal metabolic rate (BMR) is __________.

lean body mass

Popular diets emphasizing low-carbohydrate intake are controversial partly because __________.

limited evidence about possible long-term benefits

Energy Balance

1. Kiyanna is a firefighter. The physical requirements of the job are intense, and all the firefighters expend a great deal of energy every day. However, they are also pretty good cooks, and they regularly make and eat big, rich meals at the firehouse. As a result, Kiyanna still weighs 148 pounds even after 12 months on the job. 2. Lisa just started college. She finds herself eating a lot more convenience food than she ever used to as part of her new routine. However, she and her roommate also swim laps every other day. As a result, her weight hasn't changed at all.

What is Jack's BMI? Round to one decimal place.

24.7 kg/m^2

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum amount of energy needed to maintain basic physiologic functions and keep the body alive. However, this rate is different for each person. Consider the following statements regarding the factors that affect the basal metabolic rate.

1. Lean body mass is more metabolically active than body fat. 2. Stress will affect your BMR.

Positive Energy Balance

1. Miguel had weighed a stable 175 pounds before his move to the city 6 months ago. Though his diet and calorie intake is exactly the same as it used to be, he no longer takes those daily walks through the park. 2. Jessica is staying with her grandparents for the summer. Her grandmother is an exceptional cook, and Jessica finds herself regularly having second helpings as well as indulging in rich desserts. By the end of the summer, her clothes are all tight.

Negative Energy Balance

1. Randall recently started a new job. He used to work at a desk for 8 hours a day, but is now a retail manager, spending all day on his feet walking from one department to another. Besides really liking his new coworkers and work environment, the loose waistband on his work pants has been a nice bonus. 2. Carter is in his 20s and was just diagnosed with celiac disease. He has been mysteriously losing weight over the last three months. His doctors found that his intestinal villi are damaged and he has not been absorbing enough nutrients from the food he eats.

When you maintain an energy imbalance over a long period of time, it will have an effect on your body weight. Consider the following statements and indicate which correctly reflect the result of prolonged energy imbalance on the body.

1. When you continually eat fewer Calories than you use, your body will use its stored energy to compensate. 2. Cutting even 50 kcal from your daily diet will result in weight loss if strictly adhered to over an extended period of time.

The thermic effect of food (TEF) is the amount of energy the body needs to digest, absorb, metabolize, and store the food you consume. Though the TEF varies somewhat depending on the type of food consumed, about what percentage of the energy content of the meal is used for TEF?


Which of the following is a limitation of body mass index (BMI)?

BMI has limited consideration of body composition.

Energy deficit occurs when the number of Calories a person burns in a day is greater than the amount he or she consumes.

Energy deficit

West Point U.S. Military Academy has been Jack's dream college for as long as he can remember. He knows that it takes more than excellent grades to be accepted. USMA wants future leaders who are not only smart and of outstanding character, but also physically fit. Jack's physical fitness is up to the admission standards, but there is one line on the application that really worries him: BMI. The U.S. Army weight standards for his age require a BMI between 19 and 25.9 kg/m2. Jack knows he is definitely heavier than most of his friends of the same height. He is very fit and his body is "solid muscle," but a rule is a rule. Jack is 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 192 pounds.


Is Jack's BMI within the range required for admission to the U.S. Military Academy?

Yes, his BMI is within normal weight range.

The basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy the body uses in order to perform its basic physiological functions.

basal metabolic rate

Used to help assess overall health, body mass index (BMI) is the ratio of a person's body weight to the square of his or her height.

body mass index (BMI)

Overeating is known to increase by __________.

easy access to food

The thrifty gene theory suggests that some people have a gene (or genes) that causes them to be __________.

energetically thrifty

When the number of Calories a person consumes is equal to the number of Calories he or she burns in a day, that person's body is in energy balance.

energy balance

The energy cost of physical activity refers to all energy expended on body movement above basal levels.

energy cost of physical activity

Someone who is in energy excess eats more Calories in a day than he or she burns.

energy excess

Safe, effective weight gain can be achieved by eating frequent meals with __________ foods.

healthful, energy-dense

A body mass index (BMI) of 19.5 is considered __________.

healthy weight

Which of the following factors increase basal metabolic rate (BMR)?

higher lean body mass

An example of a healthful, energy-dense food is __________.

peanut butter

The thermic effect of food refers to the number of Calories burned in order to digest food and absorb, transport, metabolize, and store the nutrients the body needs.

thermic effect of food

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