Ch 10 Sherwood

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50. The movements of fluid across the capillary wall is influenced by a. capillary blood pressure b. interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure c. plasma osmotic pressure d. interstitial fluid osmotic pressure e. all of the above

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

6. Blood flow is affected by a. pressure differences b. the viscosity of the blood c. the amount of friction in the blood vessels d. the length and diameter of the blood vessels e. all of the above

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

23. If the arterial blood pressure is recorded at 132/84, what is the mean arterial pressure? a. 100 mm Hg b. 93 mm Hg c. 108 mm Hg d. 48 mm Hg e. none of these

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Analysis

57. Given the following forces acting at a given point across the capillary wall, _______ will occur with a net ______ pressure of ____ mm Hg. - capillary blood pressure = 32 mm Hg - blood osmotic pressure = 23 mm Hg - interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure = 1 mm Hg - interstitial fluid osmotic pressure = 0 mm Hg a. Ultrafiltration, outward, 8 b. Ultrafiltration, outward, 10 c. Ultrafiltration, outward, 56 d. Reabsorption, inward, 24 e. Reabsorption, inward, 10

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Analysis

12. Which of the following factors would produce the greatest change in blood flow? a. Doubling the radius of the vessel b. Doubling the difference in the pressure gradient within the vessel c. Doubling the viscosity of the blood d. Doubling the length of the vessel e. Halving the viscosity of the blood

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

16. The arteries a. serve as rapid-transit passageways from the heart because of their large radii b. act as a blood reservoir because they have the capacity to store large volumes of blood with little change in their internal pressure c. are the major sites of blood flow resistance in the vasculature d. are the site of exchange between the blood and surrounding tissues e. always carry oxygenated blood

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

3. Resistance increases when a. vessel radius decreases b. vessel length decreases c. blood viscosity decreases d. red blood cell count decreases e. both a and b occurs

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

48. As the total cross-sectional area of the vascular tree ____, the velocity of blood flow ____. a. increases; decreases b. increases; increases c. decreases; decreases d. increases; remains constant e. decreases; remains constant

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

53. Fluid movement into and out of the capillary is dependent on the blood's ____ and ____ working in ____ direction(s). a. hydrostatic pressure, osmotic pressure, opposite b. hydrostatic pressure, osmotic pressure, the same c. ultrafiltration rate, bulk flow rate, the same d. ultrafiltration rate, bulk flow rate, opposite e. protein removal rate, hydrostatic pressure, the same

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

55. What is the primary method by which materials such as O2, CO2, and nutrients are exchanged between the blood and surrounding tissues? a. passive diffusion across the capillary wall down their concentration gradients b. active transport across the capillary wall c. osmotic pressure drawing water and solutes out of the capillary and bringing these dissolved nutrients into contact with the tissue cells d. ultrafiltration and reabsorption e. bulk flow

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

61. Edema could result from a. blockage of lymph vessels b. increased capillary blood pressure c. decreased blood osmotic pressure d. all of the above e. only a and b

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

70. Sympathetic stimulation of veins ____ venous pressure and drives ____ blood into the heart. a. increases; more b. increases; less c. decreases; more d. decreases; less e. None of choices above correctly complete the sentence.

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

21. The pulse pressure is the a. difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures b. average pressure throughout the cardiac cycle c. maximum pressure exerted in the arteries d. minimum pressure exerted in the arteries e. change in pressure that can be felt in an artery due to shutting of the aortic valve

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

27. Which of the following properties does not pertain to the arterioles? a. Their radii remain constant. b. Their walls contain a relatively thick layer of smooth muscle. c. They are responsible for the distribution of blood flow to the various organs. d. They are the major vessels that contribute to total peripheral resistance. e. They are richly innervated by sympathetic nerve fibers.

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

30. Which local chemical factor is not associated with vasodilation of arterioles? a. decreased nitric oxide b. increased CO2 c. increased acid d. decreased O2 e. increased histamine

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

32. Which statement about nitric oxide is incorrect? a. It increases the total peripheral resistance by its action on arteriolar smooth muscle. b. It relaxes digestive tract smooth muscle. c. It is the direct mediator of penile erection. d. It is released as "chemical warfare" by macrophages of the immune system. e. It serves as a novel type of neurotransmitter in the brain.

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

36. The major site of sympathetic blood flow control (resistance changes) is at the a. arterioles b. capillaries c. metarterioles d. arteries e. veins

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

43. Active hyperemia refers to a. arteriolar dilation in response to local chemical changes that accompany increased metabolic activity of the tissue b. local arteriolar mechanisms that are aimed at keeping tissue blood flow fairly constant in spite of wide deviations in mean arterial driving pressure c. the increase in blood flow to a tissue that occurs after removal of an occlusion of its blood supply d. maintaining adequate mean arterial pressure to drive blood forward into a tissue e. none of the above

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

49. In most tissues, glucose, a water-soluble substance, crosses capillary walls through a. water-filled pores b. endothelial cells c. sinusoids d. a and b e. a and c

ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

74. Mean arterial blood pressure a. equals stroke volume times heart rate b. is 91 mm Hg when the blood pressure is recorded as 117/78 c. is 97.5 mm Hg when the blood pressure is recorded as 117/78 d. is both a and b e. is both a and c

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Analysis

78. Which of the following is not associated with sympathetic stimulation? a. Constriction of arterioles, which increases peripheral resistance b. Decreased end diastolic volume, which increases cardiac output c. Increased stroke volume, which increases cardiac output d. Constriction of veins, which increases venous return e. Constriction of veins, which increases stroke volume

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Analysis

83. A sudden increase in pressure within the carotid sinus leads to a. increased sympathetic nerve activity b. increased parasympathetic nerve activity c. increased cardiac output d. increased peripheral resistance e. none of the above

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Analysis

62. Each of the following factors promotes the function of the capillaries except a. a blood pressure forcing fluid out of these vessels b. a small total surface area c. an osmotic pressure drawing fluid into these vessels d. pores in the endothelial wall e. thin walls

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

7. Vasoconstriction a. causes a decrease in resistance b. refers to a decrease in the radius of a vessel c. is due to a decrease in sympathetic activity d. is both a and b e. is both b and c

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

77. All the following compensate for a fall in blood pressure below normal except a. increased cardiac output b. decreased total peripheral resistance c. increased heart rate d. venous vasoconstriction e. increased stroke volume

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

1. At rest, which of the following receives the most blood flow? a. heart muscle b. kidney c. brain d. skeletal muscle e. bone

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

14. The microcirculation is composed of a. arteries, arterioles, and capillaries b. arterioles, capillaries, and venules c. arteries, capillaries, and venules d. arteries, arterioles, and venules e. capillaries only

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

19. The pressure measured in the arteries just before the next ventricular ejection of blood is a. systolic pressure b. diastolic pressure c. pulse pressure d. mean venous pressure e. mean arterial pressure

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

25. What force continues to drive blood through the vasculature during ventricular diastole? a. contraction of the ventricles b. elastic recoil of the stretched arteries c. sympathetic-induced vasoconstriction d. skeletal muscles squeezing the blood e. respiratory movements creating a pressure gradient that drives blood forward

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

31. Which of the following does not cause relaxation of smooth muscle within local arterioles? a. carbon dioxide b. endothelin c. nitric oxide d. histamine e. increased osmolarity

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

42. Binding of epinephrine to alpha receptors causes smooth muscle a. relaxation in arteries of the brain b. relaxation in skeletal muscle arteries c. constriction in skeletal muscle arteries d. relaxation in coronary arteries e. to not experience any of the above

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

60. What is the primary reason that edema may occur with serious burns? a. increased venous pressure due to interference with circulation through scarring in the burned area b. lowering of blood osmotic pressure due to the loss of protein-rich fluid from the surface of the burn c. blockage of lymphatic drainage from the burned area d. loss of protein in the urine e. increased tissue hydrostatic pressure

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

68. The venous valves a. actively contract to force blood uphill against gravity b. passively close to prevent the backflow of blood in the veins c. prevent blood from flowing into lymphatic vessels d. primarily prevent blood plasma from moving into the interstitial fluid e. perform all of the above functions

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

69. Heart and venous valves serve a similar function. They prevent a ____ flow of blood. a. forward b. backward c. turbulent d. pulsatile e. laminar

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

8. The major determinant influencing resistance to blood flow is the a. viscosity of the blood b. radius of the vessel through which the blood is flowing c. pressure gradient in the vessel d. concentration of red blood cells in the blood e. amount of plasma protein

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

81. The cardiovascular center responds to rising H+/CO2 by a. dilating arteries b. constricting arterioles c. increasing respiratory rate d. slowing the heart rate e. decreasing venous return

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

9. In an arteriole, if the blood vessel radius is 2 units and is then vasoconstricted to 1 unit, a. blood flow decreases by half b. resistance increases 16 times c. blood viscosity increases d. all of the above will occur e. only b and c occur

ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

56. Given the following parameters, what would the reabsorption pressure be? - Blood pressure at arteriolar end of capillary = 35 mm Hg - Blood pressure at venule end of capillary = 15 mm Hg - Blood osmotic pressure = 22 mm Hg - Interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure = 1 mm Hg - Interstitial fluid osmotic pressure: 0 mm Hg a. 6 mm Hg b. 7 mm Hg c. 8 mm Hg d. 10 mm Hg e. 22 mm Hg

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Analysis

44. Which of the following is not a characteristic of capillaries? a. thin walls b. short distance between adjacent vessels c. distensible walls d. slow blood velocity e. large total surface area

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

45. The largest total cross-sectional area is found in the a. aorta b. arterioles c. capillaries d. venules e. veins

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

47. The velocity of blood flow in capillaries is a. greater than that for arterioles b. greater than that for veins c. slow enough to favor adequate exchange of nutrients and wastes d. both a and b e. both a and c

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

54. The principle force that causes movement of fluid from the tissues into the capillaries is a. the hydrostatic pressure of the venous blood b. the hydrostatic pressure of the arterial blood c. the osmotic pressure created by the plasma proteins d. the pressure of the lymph in the tissues around the capillaries e. none of the above

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

58. Which change will increase fluid reabsorption by the capillaries? a. Decreased interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure b. Increased capillary blood pressure c. Increased blood osmotic pressure d. Increased interstitial fluid osmotic pressure e. None of the above

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

86. Hypertension may be caused by all of the following except a. renal disease b. hardening of the arteries c. overactive baroreceptors d. salt imbalances e. adrenal medullary tumors

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

88. Which of the following is not a compensation mechanism for blood loss? a. Fluid shift from ICF to plasma b. Venous vasoconstriction c. Lowered angiotensin II production d. Thirst e. Increased renal reabsorption of salt and water

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

13. Which type of blood vessel consists of only one cell layer? a. arteriole b. artery c. capillary d. vein e. venule

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

22. Mean arterial pressure is: a. diastolic pressure + (systolic/3) b. systolic pressure + (pulse pressure/3) c. diastolic pressure + (pulse pressure/3) d. pulse pressure - (diastolic pressure/3) e. pulse pressure + (systolic pressure/3)

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

26. What is the most important factor that increases blood flow through a tissue to meet that tissue's needs? a. Vasoconstriction of arteries forces more blood to flow into the tissue. b. Parasympathetic-induced vasodilation of capillaries within the tissue. c. Cellular products cause local vasodilation. d. Widespread venous vasoconstriction allows blood to dam up at the tissue level. e. All except a

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

28. As metabolic activity of an organ or tissue increases, blood flow to that organ increases. This phenomenon is known as a. pressure autoregulation b. tissue anoxia c. active hyperemia d. hypertension e. atherosclerosis

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

29. Which local chemical changes do not occur during a period of increased cell activity? a. increased CO2 b. increased acid c. decreased adenosine release d. increased K+ e. increased osmolarity

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

38. The myogenic response refers to vascular smooth muscle's tendency to a. constrict when blood flow increases b. relax when blood flow increases c. constrict when stretched d. dilate when stretched e. do both b and d

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

46. Through which vessel is the velocity of blood flow the slowest? a. aorta b. arterioles c. capillaries d. venules e. veins

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

5. Which of the following is the correct relationship between pressure, flow, and resistance? a. b. c. d. e.

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

67. Which vessels contain the highest percentage of total blood volume? a. pulmonary veins b. pulmonary arteries c. systemic veins d. systemic arteries e. coronary arteries

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

80. Regulation of arterial pressure can be mediated by a reflex mechanism utilizing a pressure receptor called a ______, located in the ____. a. chemoreceptor; carotid sinus b. baroreceptor; heart c. baroreceptor; carotid sinus d. chemoreceptor; skeletal muscles e. baroreceptor; skeletal muscles

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

85. Which of the following does not occur as a compensation for hemorrhage? a. Shift of fluid from the interstitial fluid into the plasma b. Reduced urinary output c. Increased capillary permeability d. Increased cardiac output e. Increased synthesis of plasma proteins

ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

24. If the pulse pressure is 44 mm Hg and the diastolic pressure is 68 mm Hg, the systolic pressure is ____ mm Hg. a. 22 b. 24 c. 66 d. 112 e. 145

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Analysis

82. When the receptor potential of the baroreceptors decreases, the cardiovascular center responds by bringing about an increase in a. stroke volume b. venous return c. total peripheral resistance d. all of the above e. only a and b

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Analysis

33. Extrinsic control of arteriolar radius is a. accomplished primarily by the sympathetic nervous system b. important in the regulation of arterial blood pressure c. sometimes overridden by local adjustments d. all of the above e. only a and b

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

4. Vasoconstriction a. refers to a decrease in the radius of a vessel b. of an arteriole decreases blood flow through that vessel c. of a vein increases blood flow through that vessel d. is defined in "a" and causes "b" e. is defined in "a" and causes "c"

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

41. Which factor would reduce total peripheral resistance? a. adrenal medulla hormones b. angiotensin II c. red blood cell concentration d. anaphylactic shock e. cardiovascular center activity

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

51. The process of ultrafiltration a. is movement of protein-free plasma from the capillaries into the interstitial fluid b. occurs when capillary blood pressure plus interstitial fluid osmotic pressure exceed blood-osmotic pressure plus interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure c. occurs when capillary blood pressure plus plasma osmotic pressure exceed interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure plus interstitial fluid osmotic pressure d. is both a and b e. is both a and c

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

10. The larger arteries assist with systemic blood flow to tissues by a. contracting their endothelial layer b. using valves to propel the blood c. providing blood directly to large veins d. elastic recoil of their walls e. continuous vasoconstriction

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

15. Organs that recondition the blood a. receive disproportionately large percentages of the cardiac output b. can withstand temporary reductions in blood flow much better than organs that do not recondition the blood c. must receive a constant blood supply in order to maintain homeostasis d. have characteristics a and b e. have characteristics b and c

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

20. Select the correct statement about veins. a. Their walls are highly muscular. b. Their walls consist of one layer of cells. c. There are only about 40 large ones in the body. d. They serve as a blood reservoir. e. They transport blood away from the heart.

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

34. During strenuous exercise, blood flow increases to a. the heart because of local control factors b. the brain because of reflex control factors c. the skeletal muscles because of local control factors d. both a and c e. none of the above; blood flow remains fairly constant to these organs

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

37. Each of the following local factors produces the relaxation of arteriolar smooth muscle except increased a. acid b. carbon dioxide c. osmolarity d. oxygen e. potassium

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

40. During exercise, blood flow to the _____ remains fairly constant. a. kidney b. heart c. skin d. brain e. liver

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

64. Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system? a. Defense against disease b. Return of fluid to the circulatory system c. Transport of fat molecules d. Regulation of sodium balance e. Return of proteins to the circulatory system

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

66. Which vessels can act as a blood reservoir by adjusting their total capacity to accommodate variations in blood volume? a. lymph vessels b. arterioles c. capillaries d. veins e. lymph vessels and veins

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

72. The two determinants of mean arterial pressure are ____ and ____. a. stroke volume; compliance of vessel walls b. heart rate; stroke volume c. heart rate; end-diastolic volume d. cardiac output; total peripheral resistance e. None of the above

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

75. When blood pressure becomes elevated above normal, a. the carotid and aortic baroreceptors increase their rate of firing b. sympathetic stimulation of blood vessels increases c. arteriolar vasoconstriction occurs as a compensatory response d. parasympathetic stimulation of the heart increases e. all of the above occur

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

76. Short-term adjustments in blood pressure are mediated by a. baroreceptor reflexes b. changes in cardiac output c. renal activity d. both a and b e. both b and c

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

90. The carotid sinuses and aorta contain receptors that are sensitive to changes in a. blood pressure b. acid level in the blood c. oxygen level in the blood d. all of the above e. only a and c

ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

52. Reabsorption in capillaries occurs a. when blood osmotic pressure plus blood hydrostatic pressure exceed outward-driving forces. b. when blood osmotic pressure plus interstitial fluid osmotic pressure exceed outward-driving forces. c. when blood hydrostatic pressure plus blood osmotic pressure is less than inward-driving forces. d. under conditions a and c e. None of these

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

59. Which of the following alterations could lead to edema? a. A fall in capillary blood pressure b. A fall in the concentration of plasma proteins c. Blocked lymph vessels d. Both a and b e. Both b and c

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

63. Which of the following conditions might be the cause of edema? a. Extensive burns b. Congestive heart failure c. Blocked lymphatics d. Increased venous pressure e. All of the above

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Comprehension

11. Which is not true about blood pressure? a. It is maximal during ventricular systole. b. It decreases as blood moves farther away from the heart. c. It increases with increasing resistance. d. It decreases with increasing vessel diameter. e. It can be increased by direct parasympathetic activity.

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

17. The major function of the arterioles is to a. regulate flow of blood through capillary beds b. distribute the cardiac output to tissues c. serve as a pressure reservoir d. convert the intermittent flow from the heart to a steady outflow e. perform functions a and b

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

18. Because of their elasticity, arteries act as a(n) ____ for maintaining blood flow during diastole. a. cardiac reserve b. venous reserve c. arterial capacitance d. lymphatic reserve e. pressure reservoir

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

2. Resistance a. is a measure of the hindrance to blood flow through a vessel caused by friction between the moving fluid and stationary vascular walls b. is doubled when the radius of the vessel is reduced by one-half c. increases 16-fold when the radius of the vessel is reduced by one-half d. is both a and b e. is both a and c

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

35. Arterioles in which of the following receive stimulation from parasympathetic neurons? a. liver b. kidney c. brain d. heart e. clitoris

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

39. Which of the following does not cause arteriolar vasodilation? a. decreased sympathetic stimulation b. local decrease in O2 c. histamine d. application of heat e. myogenic response

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

65. The veins a. act as high-resistance passageways for blood flow from the tissues to the heart b. can serve as a blood reservoir by adjusting their total capacity to accommodate variations in blood volume c. contain one-way valves that prevent backflow as blood moves toward the heart d. have characteristics a and b e. have characteristics b and c

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

71. Which of the following factors aids venous return to the heart? a. Sympathetic stimulation of capillaries b. Skeletal muscle pump squeezing blood through veins c. Respiratory pump providing a pressure gradient between the lower and chest veins d. Both a and b e. Both b and c

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

73. Which of the following would promote an increase in blood pressure? a. epinephrine b. aldosterone c. angiotensin II d. water retention e. All of the above

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

79. Receptors that detect changes in the blood pressure are located in a. the carotid sinus b. the aorta c. the hypothalamus d. all of the above e. both a and b

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

84. _______ refers to a chronic state of increased arterial pressure. a. Shock b. Congestive heart failure c. Pulmonary edema d. Angina pectoris e. Hypertension

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

87. Shock may develop from a. loss of blood b. low cardiac output c. decreased venous return d. excessive vasodilation e. all of the above

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

89. Varicose veins develop mainly from the incompetent function of the a. connective tissue lining b. endothelium c. lack of a pressure gradient d. smooth muscle e. valves

ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Knowledge

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