ch 13

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A result of Americans' increasing reliance on the Internet for communications, the U.S. Postal Service suffered losses that amounted to __________ in 2012

$16 billion

All in all, the three levels of government employ about _______ of the civilian labor force

16 percent

Defense spending, with veterans' benefits, amounts to almost _________ of federal government spending

17 percent

According to a study conducted y the Government Accountability Office, ________ percent of the whistleblowers who turned to the OSC for protection during a three-year period reported that they were no longer employed by the agencies on which they blew the whistle


Together, Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation make up ___________ of the federal budget

48 percent

______________ is the process by which an administrative law judge hears and decides issues that arise as an agency tries to enforce laws and regulations


The __________ set forth procedural requirements for agencies to follow when creating new rules

Administrative Procedure Act

The Justice Department is headed by the

Attorney General

The ______ is an independent executive agency

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Each executive department was created by ________ as the perceived need for it arose


The responsibility of allocating funds to administrative industries rests on


The National Nuclear Security Administration is a subagency of the _______ department


All of the following are independent regulatory agencies EXCEPT the _____________

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

All of the following are government corporations EXCEPT the ____________

Federal Reserve System (the fed)

The _________ works to prevent businesses from engaging in unfair trade practices and to stop the formation of business monopolies

Federal Trade Commission

Government meetings are required to be open to the public. This is a result of ___________, enacted at all levels of American government

Freedom of Information Act

The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Secret Service are subagencies of the ______________ Department

Homeland Security

All of the following statements about bureaucracies is correct, except:

In a bureaucracy, power to act resides in the person rather than in the position

The ________ oversees promotions, employees' rights, and other employment matters for people working in the bureaucracy

Merit System Protection Board

The Whistle-Blower Protection Act of 1989 authorized the __________ to investigate complaints of reprisals against whistleblowers

Office of Special Counsel (OSC)

All of the following are independent executive agencies EXCEPT the ________

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Which of the following programs constitutes the largest share of federal spending?

Social Security

The principal duties of the _________ Department include negotiating treaties, developing our foreign policy, and protecting citizens abroad


The _________ is a government corporation

Tennessee Valley Authority

The __________ is a government corporation

U.S. Postal Service

The newest executive departments are

Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security

The list of federal agency positions that are filled by appointments is published after each presidential election in

a document called Policy and Supporting Positions

An administrative agency rule that carries the same weight as a statue enacted by the legislature is known as ____________

a legislative rule

Each cabinet department consists of the top administrator plus a number of _____________


The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) performs all the following tasks EXCEPT

appointing people to positions in government

The executive branch of the federal government includes all of the following major types of structures EXCEPT

autonomous advisory councils

Federal bureaucrats holding top-level positions are chosen by the president and

confirmed by the Senate

Each administrative agency maintains a ___________, which specializes in helping members of Congress in solving casework problems

congressional information office

Congress can choose to delegate tasks involving implementations of it's laws. To do this, Congress passes __________ legislation, which specifies the name, purpose, composition, and powers of the agency being created


A Federal agency that engages primarily in commercial activities, produces revenues, and requires greater flexibility than most agencies is known as a(n) __________________

government corporation

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is a(n)

government corporation

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the General Services Administration (GSA) are

independent executive agencies

A federal agency that is not located within a cabinet department and has a single function is known as a(n)n

independent executive agency

A federal organization responsible for creating and implementing rules that regulate private activity and protect the public interest in a particular sector of the economy is known as a(n) ______________

independent regulatory agency

The Federal Reserve System (FED) is a(n)

independent regulatory agency

The three corners of the iron triangle in a policy area are

interest groups, congressional committees, and executive agencies

A three-way alliance among legislators, bureaucrats, and interest groups to make or preserve policies that benefit their respective interests is referred to as a(n)

iron triangle

Groups of individuals or organizations- which consists of legislative staff members, bureaucrats, scholars, interest group leaders, and other experts-that support particular policy positions on a given issue are referred to as

issue networks

The Policy and Supporting Positions document, commonly known as the Plum Book

lists thousands of jobs to be given to people who supported the winning presidential candidate

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 established the principle of government employment on the basis of

merit through open, competitive examinations

In principle, bureaucrats are expected to exhibit ______________, and not allow themselves to be swayed by politics

neutral competency

The federal government has been experimenting with _______, which rewards employees based on output, not seniority

pay for performance

The fifteen executive departments, which are directly accountable to the _________, are the major service organizations of the federal government


One idea for reforming government bureaucracies is __________, which means turning over certain types of government work to the private sector


A major function of a regulatory agency involves the formation of new regulations, referred to as


In 1789, the three government departments were

state, war, and treasury

The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) and the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mac) are

stockholder-owned government-sponsored enterprises

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Patent and Trademark Office are subagencies of

the Department of Commerce

The rank-and-file bureaucrats obtain their jobs through

the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

Rank-and -file bureaucrats who are non-military government employees are also known as

the civil service

Increasingly, government agencies have attempted to improve their effectiveness and efficiency by making use of ____________

the internet

The executive departments are

the major service organizations of the federal government

A bureaucracy exists in any large organization. In the federal government, the head of bureaucracy is

the president

Issue networks differ from iron triangles in each of the following ways except

they usually include fewer players than iron triangles

A government employee who reports on gross governmental inefficiency , illegal activities, or other wrongdoing is called a


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