Ch 13 Central Nervous System

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corpora quadrigemina

Which structure is highlighted?

corpus callosum

Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

longitudinal fissure

Which structure is highlighted?

medulla oblongata

Which structure is highlighted?

occipital lobe

Which structure is highlighted?

parietal lobe

Which structure is highlighted?

parieto-occipital sulcus

Which structure is highlighted?


A shallow groove on the surface of the cerebral cortex is called a_____________.

smooths and coordinates body movements and coordinates learned and reflexive patterns of muscular activity

Functionally, the highlighted structure ______.

dura mater

The tough, dense fibrous connective tissue meningeal layer is the________.

occipital lobe.

The visual association area of the cerebral cortex is located in the___________.


True or false Cerebrospinal fluid passes through choroidal villi to enter the superior sagittal sinus.


True or false The cerebellum has an outer cortex, internal white matter, and areas of gray matter buried deep in the white matter.


True or false The hypothalamus, in addition to the cerebral cortex, is in control of emotional responses.


True or false The pituitary gland (hypophysis) is connected to the hypothalamus and receives regulatory impulses that control the secretion of hormones.


True or false The vasomotor center of the medulla regulates blood pressure.

controls motor functions

What is a function of the highlighted structure?

coordination of movement

What is a primary function of the highlighted structure?


Which letter indicates Broca's area, which controls the motor movements necessary for speaking?


Which letter indicates Wernicke's area, which is important for understanding spoken words?


Which letter indicates a choroid plexus, which produces cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)in all four ventricles of the brain?


Which letter indicates the corpora quadrigemina, meaning "four bodies?"


Which letter indicates the corpus callosum, which is an area of white matter where axons from one cerebral hemisphere cross the midline to the opposite hemisphere?


Which letter indicates the medulla, the functional neural connection between the pons and the spinal cord?


Which letter indicates the primary somatosensory cortex?


Which letter indicates the primary visual cortex, which receives information from neurons in the retina of the eye?

occipital lobe

Which lobe is highlighted?


Neural centers that control heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are located in the______.


The insula is considered to be part of the ________.


Which of these regions of the brain regulates body temperature, hunger, and thirst?


The main visceral control center of the brain is the_______.

we have very expressive faces.

A "motor homunculus" can be visualized as an overlay on the precentral gyrus. The reason why the facial region of this homunculus covers such a large surface area is because________________.

subarachnoid space

Cerebrospinal fluid is located within the_________.

central canal

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by choroid plexuses in all the following locations except the______________.


Sleep-wake cycles are controlled by the pineal gland and the_______.

midbrain, medulla, and pons.

The brain stem consists of the________.

cerebral aqueduct

The central space of the highlighted structure is the _______.

central canal

The fluid-filled ventricles within the cerebrum are similar in function to the ________ of the spinal cord.

help protect the central nervous system

The function of the blood-brain barrier is to________.

B. conscious awareness of taste stimuli

The highlighted lobe plays important roles in all of the following except ___. A. controlling voluntary movement of the eyes B. conscious awareness of taste stimuli C. planning and coordinating complex movements D. controlling motor movements necessary for speaking

acts in visual reflexes

The highlighted structure ___.


The highlighted structures form which region of the midbrain?

falx cerebri

The sheet of dura mater that separates the right and left cerebral hemispheres is the _______________.

arachnoid and pia

The subarachnoid space lies between what two layers of meninges?

third ventricle

Which of the following is not a midbrain structure? A. cerebral peduncles B. corpora quadrigemina C. red nucleus D. third ventricle

frontal lobe

Which of these lobes of the cerebrum lies anterior to the central sulcus?


Which of these regions functions to direct nearly all sensory input, except olfactory impulses, to the cerebral cortex?


Which of these regions is the largest part of the diencephalon and forms the upper and lateral walls of the third ventricle?


Which of these regions of the brain regulates hormonal secretions from the pituitary gland (hypophysis)?


Which of these regions of the brain, besides the cerebrum, has an outer cortical layer of gray matter?


Which of these regions superior-most aspect is found in close proximity to the fourth ventricle and lies lies just posterior to the pons?

the flocculonodular lobes

Which region of the cerebellum functionally sequences complex voluntary muscle contractions to adjust posture as body position changes?

confluence of sinuses

Which sinus is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

cerebral peduncle

Which structure is highlighted?

pineal gland

Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

superior colliculus

Which structure is highlighted?

temporal lobe

Which structure is highlighted?

cerebral peduncles

Which structures are highlighted?


true or false The medullary respiratory center controls the rhythm and rate of breathing.


true or false The meninges of the brain differ from those of the spinal cord in that the dura mater of the brain splits into two layers and that there is no epidural space.


true or false The ventral portion of the cerebral peduncles connect the midbrain to the cerebellum and contain the pyramidal (corticospinal) motor tracts descending to the spinal cord.

corpora quadrigemina

which structures are highlighted?


which structures are highlighted?

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