Ch 15 nutrition

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Up to five years of age portion size of fruits /vegetables is blank per year of life

1 tablespoon

Fluid needs from blank to blank liters per day depending on age and gender

1.5 to 2.5 L

As many as blank school children do not eat breakfast


Less than blank percent of girls and blank for boys meet calcium intake recommendations because of why

10% for girls and 25% for boys. Due to soft drinks replacing milk as preferred beverage

Low iron stores and I am deficiency anemia affects blank amount of teenagers due to what

10%, may be here during growth spurt's which leads to fatigue and decreases concentration so teenagers need to eat iron rich foods like lean meats whole grains and Rich cereals and menstruating teenage girls should take the multivitamin your iron supplement

Fluid needs for babies

3 cups of water per day via breastmilk or formula, best rely on breastmilk in infant formula for fluid needs up to six months.

Fat needs

30 g per day, 15% of total fat should be essential fatty acid's. Excess fat intake may lead to poor fat digestion that provides half of energy supply by breast milk and formula vital to nervous system development

By toddler and preschool years growth rate tapers off to an average gain of what per year

4.5 to 6.6 pounds per year and 3 to 4 inches per year

Blank of abuse children and blank of obese adolescence become obese adults

40% and 80%

Survey of US school children showed what

40% eight no veggies except for potatoes or tomato sauce and 20% eight no fruit and less than 20% of girls consume adequate calcium

Blank of nations youth eat fast food daily reasons why

40%, convenient casual an expensive and friends Work there

What is the physical activity guidelines recommendation for children

60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily for children and adolescents

How many kilocalories does the milk provide per liter


Blank percent of teenagers report trying alcohol once blank percent report binge drinking

70%, 22%

Protein needs

9 to 14 g per day based on age. Half should be from essential amino acids. Breastmilk or formula provide sufficient protein high protein diet can cause stress on kidneys

Why must you choose dietary supplement carefully

Academy of nutrition diuretics say supplements are generally not necessary better to emphasize good foods like whole-grain breads and cereals fruits and vegetables low-fat milk and milk products and fortified cereals

What contribute to bone development and strength

Active lifestyle and a healthy dietary patterns

After six months and infants are ready for table food, do you add or replace human milk or formula

Add to do not replace. Challenging in first attempt

Number of adipose cells can increase as blank develops

Adulthood obesity

Reduction in blank causes concern of what nutrients

Appetite, Iron calcium and sodium

There's a rapid growth spurt's between ages blank and blank for boys and girls, what is the height growth usually

Between ages 10 and 13 and girls in between ages 12 and 15 for boys. Hi girls for girls is about 10 inches in for boys is about 12

Blank grows during first year faster than any other time


For infants the fishing calories provided by blank or blank provide sufficient kilocalories

Breastmilk or infant formula

Why is calcium so important for toddlers and how do they get it

Calcium is vital to maximize child and adolescent bomb ass periods of rapid growth and mineralization occur. Is found in dairy and up to two years home milk extra fat is required for energy and after two years reduced fat or fat free is preferred. Non-dairy beverages can supply enough calcium is well with soy almond or orange juice

What are some nutrients needed to support proper growth in an infant

Calories, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, and other nutrients

Why is iron so important for toddlers and preschoolers

Can cause Iron deficiency anemia, most likely to appear in children ages 6 to 24 months, iron stores of gestation run out, decreased stamina and learning ability, low oxygen supply the cells, WIC has helped to decrease anemia

What my autism kids experience

Constipation diarrhea or reflux disease, feeding problems related to developmental impairment, rejecting food or food groups some popular nutritional interventions as gluten-free or supplements and probiotics like vitamin B6 and magnesium and enlist aid of registered dietitian nutritionist

What is lead Poisoning caused by What does it resulted in

Contaminated drinking water, consuming or inhaling lead dust, contaminated dietary supplements, Results and long-term intellectual and behavioral impairments

What happens if you have excessive caffeine intake

Could affect normal neurological and cardiovascular development, causes disturbances and sleep patterns and can alter growth and learning, you can also get caffeine poisoning which is thousands of reports and some deaths have happened from energy drinks

Different types of formula

Cows milk-based formula-which contains lactose/sucrose, casein, whey, veggie oils Soy base formula- contains soy protein Hydrolyzed protein formula- if allergies to milk and soy use this Transition formulas- Introduced after six months of age

Respond to infants what

Cues of hunger

Babies are easily blank

Do you hydrated, severe dehydration can damage the kidneys use fluid replacement formulas containing electrolytes

And infants growing weight blank by 4 to 6 months and blank by one year

Doubles, triples

What are the leading food allergens in the US

Eggs milk peanuts tree nuts fish shellfish and soy or wheat products

What must be monitored If following a strict vegan diet

Energy protein iron vitamin B 12 calcium and vitamin D, this could be a early sign of disordered eating

Observe infant needs and cues to:

Ensure calorie needs are being met, foster trust and responsiveness, help child develop habit of respecting internal cues of hunger and satiety

Sodium concerns

Excess sodium intake is a concern , fast and processed foods elevate sodium intake's

Why alcohol abuse among teens is bad

Exposure reduce his brain mass in area involved in decision-making learning and memory. Consequences can be long-standing and devastating like physical emotional and intellectual problems and affects of alcohol and liver Brain and cardiovascular system can start early

What are the nutrients in breastmilk

Fat: provides up to 55% of calories. Fat is calorie dense, small volume of mail Kimmy energy needs, short and medium chain fatty acid's are digested easily, contains essential fatty acid Carbohydrates: provide 35 to 40% of calories. Has lactose which is a main carbohydrate tastes sweet and easily digested. Oligosaccharides have pre-biotic affect in infants gut. Protein: Supplies less than 10% of calories

Carbohydrate needs

For ages 0 to 6 months they need 60 g per day, age 7 to 12 months 95 g per day,

What is the normal fat intake range For 1 to 3-year-olds and then older children and teenagers

From 30 to 40% of total calories, Then from 25 to 35% of total calories

Watch for signs of what

Fullness, Head turns away being an attentive falling asleep or playful or signs of fullness usually has enough after 20 minutes

Cause of childhood obesity

Genetic factors account for only 1/3 of individual differences in the way, diet and activity contribute, physical activity decreases his screen time increases

Blank is an indicator of nutritional health


Eating poor diet during stages of infancy her childhood does what

Hampers cell division, smaller in size, adequate diet later won't Compensate for lost growth

Blank is measured for your brain growth

Head circumference

What are some symptoms

Her skin there is itching tingling redness hives and swelling for G.I. track there's nausea vomiting diarrhea intestinal gas bloating pain constipation indigestion for respiratory tract is running nose wheezing and congestion and difficulty breathing and for cardiovascular system there's low blood pressure and fast heart rate

What is breastmilk the best milk

Human milk is uniquely suited to meet needs of human infants but the maternal day it may impact breastmilk composition so the flavors of Mother's Diet is transferred into milk

The American Academy of pediatrics say to limit caffeine intake to what

Hundred MG per day

About blank infants and children do not go as expected why is this

I did 10%, can have specific medical causes but 80% have no apparent disease. Poverty is the biggest environmental risk factor of under nutrition. Poor parent infant interactions and parents an experience with infant feeding can also be reasons.

How do you protect yourself from lead poisoning

I have balanced meals with a variety of whole grains lean meats and low fat dairy products. Let cold water run 2 to 3 minutes when it is not running for a long period

They're length blank by end of first year

Increases 50%

Characteristics of introducing foods

Introduce one food at a time, do not introduce makes food, I am fortified cereals I recommended to be the first solid food, first time should only be 1 teaspoon of a serving size to check for intolerance. Then wait seven days before introducing a new food which could be cooked or strained vegetable meat fruit or egg yolk.

Higher risk of Allergic diseases associated with what

Introducing foods other than milk or infant formula before six months of age and eating solid food Before 4 to six months, Formula fed babies are at greater risk

Minerals of special interest for infants

Iron -stores depleted by 4 to 6 months of age there for formula based in fence need iron fortified formula and breast-fed infants need iron supplementation. By 4 to 6 months introduce iron fortified solid foods Zinc and iodide -supplied by breast milk or formula Fluoride-Not recommended before six months so use fluoride free water and formula preparation. But after six months fluoride Supplements for two development

What happens when you miss out on breakfast

Is that a nutrients to fuel brain and body, certain day with breakfast reduces obesity rates, fortified breakfast cereal offer is good nutrition, typically best source of iron vitamin a in folic acid for children's ages 2 to 18 it also helps with energy and satiety

Why is the development of feeding skills in children so Important

It is part of the physical and cognitive development, ask for Roman through taste texture is in foods, develops dexterity by using utensils and drinking from a cup, express autonomy by refusing certain foods, test boundaries

Why do we redefine snacking

Kids have smaller stomach capacity so I just looked at to have six small meals versus three large meals because it offers nutritious snacks and crunch on raw veggies with Humus would be a good example of a small snack because children will never starve themselves but you should offer 2 to 3 nutritious options

Substances causing food intolerances

Last page

American Academy of pediatrics says what

Limit screen time to 14 hours per week, limit high calorie food sugar and soft drinks and whole milk, include more vitamin and mineral dense foods and healthy snacks, if weight loss needed gradual to about 0.5 to 1 pound per week


Must follow strict quality control guidelines, fortified with vitamins and minerals except fluoride

When warming a bottle of formula can you microwave it

No do not microwave because of risk for hotspots

Beverage choices have shifted from blank to blank

Nutrient dense to empty calorie beverages

How to wean from the breast or bottle

Often expressed breastmilk and formula or water in a sippy cup with wide flat bottom at about the age of six months because drinking from a cup prevents dental caries because using a bottle bates teeth and carbohydrate rich fluids and bacteria secrete acids and dissolves in them all

Autism affects blank in every blank children and it's higher in what gender

One in every 88 children, higher in males

What are the seven signs of dehydration

One more than six hours without a wet diaper two dark yellow are strong smelling urine three usually tired or fussy four dry mouth and lips five absence of tears when crying six eyes and soft spot on head appear sunken seven cold and splotchy hands and feet

Infants drink from cup by what year and should be weaned off the bottle by what

One year, 18 months

What children are at risk for cardiovascular disease

Overweight, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, family history of heart disease, abnormal blood lipids in oneof five used 12 to 19 years old,

Estimated energy requirements Equation

Page 3

Formula preparation

Page 5

Typical formula intake for infants

Page 6

How to alleviate constipation when lifestyle changes

Pediatric constipation a cruise more than two weeks of the later difficult bowel movements and bowel movements are important to have frequency so medical treatment would be to rule out any medical causes and then have an enema or take laxatives. Or you can do lifestyle changes where you set aside toilet time after each meal, eat more fiber, drink more fluids and increase physical activity and decrease sedentary activity

What do infants need to thrive

Physical contact and I contacts, proper nutrition without restrictions

Cows milk is not tolerated by infants why

Pro Tien and minerals too high

By the first year infants should be eating what

Protein sources fruits vegetables and grains.

What is a percentile and how does it work

Ranks among 100 peers matched for age and gender the 50th percentile is considered average. These are used in growth charts which the height and weight correspond to a percentile

What are general readiness signs for recognizing infants readiness for solid foods

Reaching about 13 pounds, consuming more than 32 ounces formula daily are breast-feeding more than 8 to 10 times in 24 hours, little relationship between solid food and sleeping through night. Before 4 to 6 months infants are not physically mature for consuming much solid food. Therefore it should not be introduced until after six months of age and infant should not receive cows milk before one year

What are some nutrition recommendations for teenage years

Smaller portions of high/sugary foods, larger servings of low-fat dairy lean meats veggies and fruits and whole grains

After 4 to 6 months infants can supplement diet with what

Solid foods

Infants blank when feeding

Swallow a lot of air, burp after wanted to ounces consume and spitting up is normal

What is influenced by food

Temperature, parents, texture, and taste

Why is it unwise to restrict infants dietary pattern especially fat intake

That intake is higher for under three-year-olds and can impact development of organ systems brain and nervous system

What is an antigen Allergan and anaphylaxis

The antigen is a substance that induces state of sensitivity and a resistance to micro organisms. And Allergan is a foreign protein into Jen that induces excess production of certain immune system antibodies. Anaphylaxis is severe response resulting in lowered blood pressure respiratory distress and can be fatal

What is the AAP infant dietary guidelines

The guidelines say to build to a variety of foods, Pay attention to infants appetite and avoid overfeeding her underfeeding, infants need fat, choose fruits vegetables grains and do not overdo high fiber foods. Use sugar in moderation skip seasoned and processed foods and choose foods containing iron zinc and calcium

What are the developmental factors of readiness for solid food

The nutritional needs go up and you must replenish iron stores. More mature digestive system and increase kidney function. Disappearance of extrusion reflex, better head and neck control, ability to sit up. Allergy prevention until 4 to 6 months

Characteristics of choosing a vegetarian diet

There are many health benefits but there are risks and teenagers not knowing enough about vegetarian diet pattern

There is been on an alarming increase of blank and children due to what and what are the risk factors

There's been an alarming increase of type two diabetes, 85% over away at diagnosis and it's due to decreased physical activity and some other risk factors are having a close relative with the disease and belonging to a non-white population

Since the 1970s overweight and obesity has what and more than blank US school children are classified as overweight

Tripled, 1/3

What is the USDA's team nutrition and what is 2010 healthy hunger free kids act

USTA team nutrition support his nutrition programs in schools in the 2010 healthy hunger free kids act extended national school lunch and breakfast program is a new standards for food served in schools

Wait status classifications for children's ages 2 to 20

Underway is being below 5th percentile, healthy way is being between the fifth and 85th percentile, overweight is being the 85th to 95th percentile in obese is being bigger than the 95th percentile

What are important vitamins for infants when born

Vitamin K: routinely given as injection at birth, intestinal bacteria then begins to synthesize vitamin K. Vitamin D: AAP- all infants and children should consume 400 IU vitamin D, supplement needed if breast milk/formula less than 1/4 day.Vitamin B 12: breast-fed infants his mothers are vegan, vegetarian should also receive vitamin B 12 in supplement form

Food allergies and food in tolerances

What allergies or inappropriate response of the immune system caused by proteins in foods like allergens. Food intolerances is adverse reactions to foods that do not involve immunologic mechanisms

Begin oral hygiene when

When teeth apear

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