Ch. 15 Quiz

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Which of the following was the most direct catalyst for the secession of South Carolina? A The Dred Scott decision B The election of 1860 C The Wilmot Proviso D John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry E The attack on Charles Sumner

B The election of 1860

Which of the following statements about African American soldiers during the Civil War is correct? A They were primarily engaged in military campaigns west of the Mississippi. B They were limited to noncombat duty. C They were barred form receiving awards for valor in combat. D For most of the war, they were paid less than White soldiers of equal rank. E For most of the war, they were led by African American officers.

D For most of the war, they were paid less than White soldiers of equal rank.

On the eve of the Civil War, the South enjoyed an advantage over the North in A shipping capacity B total population C railroad mileage D firearms production E experienced military leadership

E experienced military leadership

When the Emancipation Proclamation was issued at the beginning of 1863, its immediate effect was to A end the Civil War B abolish slavery C free slaves held in the border sates D alienate Britain and France E strengthen the moral cause of the Union

E strengthen the moral cause of the Union

In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president on a Republican platform that advocated all of the following EXCEPT A higher protective tariffs B government subsidies for a transcontinental railroad C free western land for settlers who would live and work on it D the exclusion of slavery from United States territorial possessions E the abolition of slavery throughout the United States

E the abolition of slavery throughout the United States

"I am filled with deep emotion at finding myself standing here in the place . . . from which sprang the institutions under which we live. . . . I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence. . . . It was not the mere matter of the separation of the colonies from the mother land; but something in that Declaration giving liberty, not alone to the people of this country, but hope to the world for all future time. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights should be lifted from the shoulders of all men. . . . "Now, my friends, can this country be saved upon that basis? If it can, I will consider myself one of the happiest men in the world if I can help to save it. If it can't be saved upon that principle, it will be truly awful. "Now, in my view of the present aspect of affairs, there need be no bloodshed and war. . . . And I may say in advance, there will be no blood shed unless it be forced upon the Government. . . . "My friends, this is a wholly unprepared speech. I did not expect to be called upon to say a word when I came here. . . . I may, therefore, have said something indiscreet, but I have said nothing but what I am willing to live by, and, in the pleasure of Almighty God, die by." President-elect Abraham Lincoln, speaking at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, February 22, 1861 Evidence in the excerpt best corroborates which of the following? A Southern politicians would not abandon slavery, and they believed Lincoln was a threat to that system. B Sectional divisions were not as deep as many thought, and there was agreement about gradual abolition. C Political leadership in previous administrations had successfully limited sectional conflict. D Lincoln viewed foreign influences as serious threats to the stability of the United States.

A Southern politicians would not abandon slavery, and they believed Lincoln was a threat to that system.

During the Civil War, the Republican Party passed legislation promoting economic development concerning all of the following EXCEPT the A granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goods B establishment of a high tariff to protect American industry from foreign competition C organization of a national banking system to provide a uniform national currency D provision of government loans and land grants to private companies to construct a transcontinental railroad E passage of the Homestead Act

A granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goods

Of the following, the most threatening problem for the Union from 1861 through 1863 was A possible British recognition of the Confederacy B Spanish intervention in Santo Domingo C French objections to the Union blockade D British insistence on the abolition of slavery E British objections to the Union position on "continuous voyage"

A possible British recognition of the Confederacy

At the beginning of the Civil War, Southerners expressed all of the following expectations EXCEPT: A The materialism of the North would prevent Northerners from fighting an idealistic war. B Great Britain would intervene on the side of the South in order to preserve its source of cotton. C Northern unity in the struggle against the Southern states would eventually break. D The South's superior industrial resources would give it an advantage over the North. E The justice of the South's cause would prevail.

D The South's superior industrial resources would give it an advantage over the North.

$$$The Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, is considered pivotal to the outcome of the Civil War because it A represented the Union's deepest thrust into southern territory B forestalled the possibility of European intervention C resulted in the border states joining the Confederacy D marked the first use of Black troops by the Union army E confirmed George McClellan's status as the leading Union general

B forestalled the possibility of European intervention

The belief by some Americans that the Civil War was "a rich man's war but a poor man's fight" was reflected in A Sherman's march to Atlanta B the draft riots in New York City C Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus in the South D Thoreau's denunciation of the war E John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry

B the draft riots in New York City

"I am filled with deep emotion at finding myself standing here in the place . . . from which sprang the institutions under which we live. . . . I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence. . . . It was not the mere matter of the separation of the colonies from the mother land; but something in that Declaration giving liberty, not alone to the people of this country, but hope to the world for all future time. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights should be lifted from the shoulders of all men. . . . "Now, my friends, can this country be saved upon that basis? If it can, I will consider myself one of the happiest men in the world if I can help to save it. If it can't be saved upon that principle, it will be truly awful. "Now, in my view of the present aspect of affairs, there need be no bloodshed and war. . . . And I may say in advance, there will be no blood shed unless it be forced upon the Government. . . . "My friends, this is a wholly unprepared speech. I did not expect to be called upon to say a word when I came here. . . . I may, therefore, have said something indiscreet, but I have said nothing but what I am willing to live by, and, in the pleasure of Almighty God, die by." President-elect Abraham Lincoln, speaking at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, February 22, 1861 The excerpt best serves as evidence for which of the following developments? A Abraham Lincoln attempted to increase the size of the army to regain Southern states. B Lincoln rejected allowing any additional states to join the United States. C Lincoln sought to avoid violence over the issues that divided the country. D Lincoln intended to enforce the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

C Lincoln sought to avoid violence over the issues that divided the country.

"You will, no doubt, be hard on us rioters tomorrow morning—but that 300-dollar law has made us nobodies, vagabonds and cast-outs of society, for whom nobody cares when we must go to war and be shot down." The statement above refers to conscription during which conflict? A The American Revolution B The Mexican-American War C The Civil War D The First World War

C The Civil War

UNION AND CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS BY PROFESSION ProfessionUnionConfederacyFarmers and farm laborers (including planters)47.5%61.5%Skilled laborers25.1%14.1%Unskilled laborers15.9%8.5%White-collar workers5.1%7.0%Professionals3.2%5.2%Miscellaneous3.2%3.7% UNION AND CONFEDERATE MILITARIES Military MembershipUnionConfederacyTotal enlistment2,672,3411,227,890Casualties (wounded and killed)642,427483,026 Source: Adapted from James M. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era (1988). The data in the tables most likely indicate which of the following? A The Union had more educated leadership in its army than did the Confederacy. B The Confederacy more typically enlisted enslaved African Americans to fill its army. C The Union had a larger and more diverse population of workers to enlist from than did the Confederacy. D The Confederacy had more wealthy people in its armed forces than did the Union.

C The Union had a larger and more diverse population of workers to enlist from than did the Confederacy.

The Union's victory at Gettysburg was significant because it A prevented Britain and Russia from intervening in the Civil War B prompted Abraham Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation C halted the last major Confederate invasion of the North D gave the Union control over the Mississippi River E caused the Confederacy to surrender

C halted the last major Confederate invasion of the North

In 1861 the North went to war with the South primarily to A liberate the slaves B prevent European powers from meddling in American affairs C preserve the Union D average political defeats and insults inflicted by the South E forestall a Southern invasion of the North

C preserve the Union

"I am filled with deep emotion at finding myself standing here in the place . . . from which sprang the institutions under which we live. . . . I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence. . . . It was not the mere matter of the separation of the colonies from the mother land; but something in that Declaration giving liberty, not alone to the people of this country, but hope to the world for all future time. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights should be lifted from the shoulders of all men. . . . "Now, my friends, can this country be saved upon that basis? If it can, I will consider myself one of the happiest men in the world if I can help to save it. If it can't be saved upon that principle, it will be truly awful. "Now, in my view of the present aspect of affairs, there need be no bloodshed and war. . . . And I may say in advance, there will be no blood shed unless it be forced upon the Government. . . . "My friends, this is a wholly unprepared speech. I did not expect to be called upon to say a word when I came here. . . . I may, therefore, have said something indiscreet, but I have said nothing but what I am willing to live by, and, in the pleasure of Almighty God, die by." President-elect Abraham Lincoln, speaking at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, February 22, 1861 The excerpt most likely reflects which of the following historical situations? A Abraham Lincoln won all of the electoral college votes in the presidential election. B Formerly enslaved people were given the right to vote in presidential elections. C Southern states refused to participate in the presidential election. D States in the South had begun seceding after the presidential election.

D States in the South had begun seceding after the presidential election.

"Whether you are or are not, entitled to all the rights of citizenship in this country has long been a matter of dispute to your prejudice. By enlisting in the service of your country at this trial hour, and upholding the National Flag, you stop the mouths of [cynics] and win applause even from the iron lips of ingratitude. Enlist and you make this your country in common with all other men born in the country or out of it. . . . He who fights the battles of America may claim America as his country—and have that claim respected. Thus in defending your country now against rebels and traitors you are defending your own liberty, honor, manhood and self-respect. . . . . . . [H]istory shall record the names of heroes and martyrs who bravely answered the call of patriotism and Liberty—against traitors, thieves and assassins—let it not be said that in the long list of glory, composed of men of all nations—there appears the name of no colored man." Frederick Douglass, excerpt from an editorial, April 1863 Ideas expressed by Douglass in the excerpt were most likely interpreted as supporting which of the following arguments? A The war would make African Americans feel free. B The war was the product of years of injustice against African Americans. C The war would take enormous sacrifice of military combat to achieve victory. D The war was no longer just about preserving the union of the states.

D The war was no longer just about preserving the union of the states.

At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, pro-Union sentiment was strong in western Virginia, eastern Tennessee, and western North Carolina primarily because A Confederate troops had committed atrocities to terrorize state representatives from these regions into voting for secession B these regions had more trade with the North than did other regions in the South C these regions were more industrialized than other regions of the South D there were relatively few slaves or large plantations in these regions E Lincoln had promised not to send federal troops into these regions

D there were relatively few slaves or large plantations in these regions

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