Ch 16

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Identify the statements that describe the Haymarket Affair

-Eight men were charged with carrying out the bombing -Four strikers were killed by police on May 3, 1886, when they clashed with strikebreakers

Identify the statements that describe "robber barons".

-John D. Rockefeller was considered by many to be the worst of the robber barons -Ironically, many of the "robber barons" rose from modest backgrounds and seemed examples of how creative genius and business sense enabled Americans to seize success

Identify the statements that describe working conditions and policies during the Gilded Age in America.

-Many industrial workers labored with no pensions, compensation for injuries, or protections against unemployment -"The miner's freedom" consisted of work rules that left skilled miners fee of managerial supervision on the job

Identify the statements that describe liberal reformers during the Gilded Age.

-Some liberal reformers urged a return to property qualifications for voting -Liberal reformers feared that as lower classes looked to use govt. to further their own interests, democracy was becoming a threat to individual liberty and the rights to property

Identify the events and conditions that led to the second industrial revolution that took place between the Civil War and the early twentieth century.

-The federal govt. enacted tariffs that protected American industry from foreign competition -The country had a growing supply of labor and an expanding market for manufactured goods -There was money available for investment

Identify the statements that describe the Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee massacre

-U.S. troops opened fire on Ghost Dancers, killing 150 to 200 of them -Fearful of a general uprising on the reservations, the U.S. govt. sent troops in response to the Ghost Dance

single tax

Concept of taxing only landowners as a remedy for poverty, promulgated by Henry George in Progress and Poverty (1879).

horizontal expansion

The process by which a corporation acquires or merges with its competitors.

liberty of contract

A judicial concept of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries whereby the courts overturned laws regulating labor conditions as violations of the economic freedom of both employers and employees.

Social Darwinism

Application of Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to society; used the concept of the "survival of the fittest" to justify class distinctions and to explain poverty.


Companies combined to limit competition.

vertical integration

Company's avoidance of middlemen by producing its own supplies and providing for distribution of its product.

Identify the statements that describe the Knights of Labor.

-The Knights of Labor included women in its membership

What are Chief Joseph's complaints about the treatment of his people?

-The white men do not keep their word to his men -Despite his view that all men are brothers, the white men do not treat Indians as equals

IN 1879 the United States went off the gold standard to help debt-ridden farmers. T or F?

False. In 1879 the U.S. returned to the gold standard by which currency was exchangeable with gold at a fixed rate

Between the end of the Civil War and the early twentieth century, the United States experienced stagnant economic growth and the loss of international markets. T or F?

False. There was an explosive level of economic growth

Most of the farms on the Great Plains were bonanza farms that covered thousands of acres and employed large numbers of agricultural wage workers. T or F?

False. There were a few bonanza farms, but most of the farms were still small, family farms.

Every Republican candidate for president from 1868 to 1900 except for James G. Blaine had fought in the Confederate army in the Civil War. T or F?

False. They had all been a part of the Union Army except for Blaine.

The conquest of the American West was a unique phenomenon in global history, whereby settlers moved boldly into the interior of regions of a great continent with a temperate climate, bringing their families, crops, and livestock, and establishing mining and other industries. T or F?

False. This was not a unique phenomenon because it was happening in other countries as well, such as Argentina, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and most of Africa.

In 1893, the historian Frederick Jackson Turner gave a celebrated lecture, "The Insignificance of the Frontier in American History, " in which he argued the West had acted as a destabilizing and chaotic force in American history. T or F?

False. Turner argued that the West defined many of the qualities we value as Americans

Knights of Labor

Founded in 1869, the first national union; lasted, under the leadership of Terence V. Powderly, only into the 1890s; supplanted by the American Federation of Labor.

Social Gospel

Ideals preached by liberal Protestant clergymen in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; advocated the application of Christian principles to social problems generated by industrialization.

Interstate Commerce Commission

Organization established by Congress, in reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Wabash Railroad v. Illinois (1886), in order to curb abuses in the railroad industry by regulating rates.

the Gilded Age

The popular but derogatory name for the period from the end of the Civil War to the turn of the century, after the title of the 1873 novel by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner.

The "overwhelming labor question" replaced slavery as the hot-button topic in the late nineteenth century. Identify the events and actions that illustrate the "overwhelming labor question".

-the Great Railroad Strike -Troops fired on striking workers in Pittsburgh, killing twenty people -The federal govt. built National Guard armories in major cities to ensure troops would be on hand if strikes got out of control

bonanza farms

Large farms that covered thousands of acres and employed hundreds of wage laborers in the West in the late nineteenth century.

Sherman Antitrust Act

Passed in 1890, first law to restrict monopolistic trusts and business combinations; extended by the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914.

gold standard

Policy at various points in American history by which the value of a dollar is set at a fixed price in terms of gold (in the post-World War II era, for example, $35 per ounce of gold).

The Gilded Age marketplace proved to be chaotic as businesses in all industries engaged in ruthless competition. In response to this chaos, many businesses created trusts--legal devices whereby the affairs of several companies were managed by a single director. T or F?


The Knights of Labor were the first group to try to organize unskilled and skilled labor, both men and women, and black and white, though they gave into West Coast racism and excluded the despised immigrants from Asia on the West Coast. T or F?


The Battle of the Little Bighorn was an example of how the Indians occasionally managed to defeat army units as they sought to defend their tribal lands. T or F?


Haymarket Affair

Violence during an anarchist protest at Haymarket Square in Chicago on May 4, 1886; the deaths of eight, including seven policemen, led to the trial of eight anarchist leaders for conspiracy to commit murder.

Wounded Knee massacre

Last incident of the Indian Wars; it took place in 1890 in the Dakota Territory, where the U.S. Cavalry killed over 200 Sioux men, women, and children.

Dawes Act

Law passed in 1887 meant to encourage adoption of white norms among Indians; broke up tribal holdings into small farms for Indian families, with the remainder sold to white purchasers.

Civil Service Act of (1883)

Law that established the Civil Service Commission and marked the end of the spoils system.

The Battle of Little Bighorn

Most famous battle of the Great Sioux War took place in 1876 in the Montana Territory; combined Sioux and Cheyenne warriors massacred a vastly outnumbered U.S. Cavalry commanded by Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer.

Mann Act of 1910

This legislation banned the transportation of women across state lines for immoral purposes in an effort to suppress prostitution

Great Railroad Strike

A series of demonstrations, some violent, held nationwide in support of striking railroad workers in Martinsburg, West Virginia, who refused to work due to wage cuts.

Ghost Dance

A spiritual and political movement among Native Americans whose followers performed a ceremonial "ghost dance" intended to connect the living with the dead and make the Indians bulletproof in battles intended to restore their homelands.

robber barons

Also known as "captains of industry"; Gilded-Age industrial figures who inspired both admiration, for their economic leadership and innovation, and hostility and fear, due to their unscrupulous business methods, repressive labor practices, and unprecedented economic control over entire industries.

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