Ch 17 The Progressive Era (1890-1929)

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1896 National Association of Colored Women

The Jungle

1906 Book written by Upton Sinclair that articulated and illustrated the exploitation of human labor and the dire conditions in which people worked. Particularly shocking to the American people were conditions of the meat packing industry

Meat Inspection Act

1906 Dictated strict cleanliness requirements for meat packers and created the program of federal meat inspection

Pure Food and Drug Act

1906 Halted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling.

Seventeenth Amendment

1913 Amendment Senators are elected by the people Prior to 1913 each state legislature chose its own senator

Clayton Antitrust Act

1914; Sought to curb business practices aimed at stifling competition

19th Amendment

1919: Congress passed the 19th amendment allowing women the right to vote (74 years after Seneca Falls Convention/1848) Success attributed to WW1 contribution by women plus on going suffrage movements.


A bill for the ballot initiated by the people (vs lawmakers)

The Payne-Aldrich Tariff

A bill signed by Taft raising certain tariffs on goods entering the United States. The high rates angered Republican reformers, and led to a deep split in the Republican Party

Florence Kelley

Advocate for improving the lives of women and children. Also, an advocate of child protection labor laws. Daughter of an antislavery Republican congressman.

Theodore Roosevelt

"Teddy" Roosevelt, suffered from asthma in childhood, drove himself to overcome his ailment. He was on the Harvard wrestling and boxing team. Politically ambitious at a young age, he became NY City police commissioner, then assistant secretary of the US Navy. In 1898 he advocated for war with Spain. He was a "rough rider" that conquered Cuba. He became governor of NY, then Vice President, then President when McKinley was assassinated in 1901.

Federal Trade Commision (FTC)

"Watchdog" agency was given power to investigate possible violations


Banning alcoholic beverages

Susan B. Anthony

Born to a strict Quaker family, Leading proponent of Suffrage, President of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)

Why did reformers seek to end child labor?

Businesses exploited children by having them work long hours and paying low wages around dangerous conditions

How did Taft's appointee Richard Ballinger anger conservationists?

By putting 1M acres of US land reserves into the public domain and firing Pichot. Pichot accused Ballinger of letting commercial interests exploit the natural resources that rightfully belonged to the public. Taft sided with Ballinger

Summarize Roosevelt's approach to environmental problems?

Conservation, allowing some to be used while still preserving some

What was the three-part strategy of suffrage and why?

Convince state legislature, pursue court cases, and constitutional amendment. By pursuing several strategies, they were more likely to achieve their goal

How did city government change during the Progressive Era?

Council-manager system was introduced, gave mayors more responsibilities

Federal Reserve System

Created the Federal Reserve System with the 1913 Federal Reserve Act which separated the nation into 12 districts and established a regional central bank in each district.

Woodrow Wilson

Democratic elected President, as republican votes were split between Roosevelt and Taft. Established a strong reform agenda as a progressive president.

The Niagara Movement

DoBois and 28 other African Americans wrote a civil rights manifesto


Enables voters to remove public officials from elected positions by forcing them to face another election prior to the end of their term

Jane Addams

Famous progressive reformer who founded Hull House in Chicago to help immigrants adapt to life in the US

What contributed to Teddy Roosevelt's reputations as the first modern president?

His bold and strong leadership style

Why was the Federal Reserve System important?

It made the money supply responsive to the state of the economy


Journalists who wrote for popular magazines to expose social and political sins and shortcomings. Roosevelt gave these journalists their nickname when he complained they were not being helpful by raking up all the muck.

What was suffragists three part plan

Lobby legislature Push court cases Pushed constitutional Amendment

Contrast the goals of scientific management with other progressive reforms.

Most progressive reforms were people centered. The goal of scientific management was more production centered and worked to benefit companies and corporations.

Ida Tarbell

Muckraker; "History of Standard Oil"

Lincoln Steffens

Muckraker; Business and Government Corruption

Upton Sinclair

Muckraking journalist that wrote the book "The Jungle" that articulated and illustrated the exploitation of human labor and dire conditions in which people worked. Particularly shocking to the American people were conditions of the meat packing industry


National American Woman Suffrage Association


National Association of Colored People

Susette La Flesche

Omaha woman who traveled east to translate into English the sad words of Chief Standing Bear, whose Ponca people had been forcibly removed from their homeland in Nebraska.

What social and economic effect did higher education have on women?

Other options besides marriage


Preserve wilderness areas

Carrie Chapman Catt

President of the National American Woman Suffrage Association in 1900 after Susan B. Anthony

Progressivism Four Main Goals

Protecting Social Welfare Promoting Moral Improvement Creating Economic Reform Fostering Efficiency


Refraining from alcohol consumption

Gifford Pinchot

Roosevelt appointed - Head of the US Forest Service

What were the differences between Taft and Roosevelt platform?

Roosevelt progressive, Taft less progressive

William Howard Taft

Roosevelt's hand-picked successor. Elected President of the US, served from 1909-1913. Was also the 10th Chief Justice of the United States (1921-1930), the only person to have held both offices. Was defeated for re-election by W.Wilson in 1912 after Roosevelt split the Republican vote by running as a third-party candidate

What was the impact of the direct election of senators?

Senators were no longer appointed by state legislatures. They are not elected by the people they represent

Richard Ballinger

Taft named him Secretary if the interior. A wealthy lawyer from Seattle. Took 1 million acres out of the national land reserved list and returned it to the public domain

Progressivism under Taft

Taft's ambivalent approach to progressive reform led to a split in the Republican Party and the loss of the Presidency to the Democrats.

James S. Hogg

Texas Progressive Governor. Helped drive illegal insurance companies from the state and championed the antitrust legislation. Also went after railroads

Bull Moose Party

The Republican based progressive party lead by Roosevelt.


The right to vote

What similarities did the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act share?

They both created regulations that protected people's health

What contribution did muckrakers make to the reform movement?

They exposed the dangers and corruption of industrial life to the public. They made people more aware of social problems and therefore more likely to think and act to make a change.

Square Deal

This term was used to describe various progressive reforms sponsored by the Roosevelt administration. Trust buster, Railroad regulation, helped with coal strike, regulated food and drugs

What might be one of Wilson's first issues to address as President?

Trust busting and social reform.


Voters vote for initiative (vs legislature)

What kind of job opportunities prompted more women to complete high school?

White-collar positions as typists, teachers, and nurses

Why did the prohibition movement appeal to so many women?

Women were often seen as responsible for societal morality. This was an area they believed they could make a difference in.

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