CH 19 and ch20 ANATOMY

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White rami are associated only with thoracic spinal nerves and the first two or three lumbar spinal nerves. Gray rami are associated with all 31 pairs of spinal nerves.

A. both statements are TRUE

In the figure below, which letter represents the celiac ganglion (one of the four major prevertebral ganglia)?

D -(CH19; Sec 19.3.2)

75) Referred pain site for the stomach

D ch20; sec 20.2.1

Sudoriferous (sweat) glands of the integument would receive motor innervation carried in which spinal cord tract?

a) lateral corticospinal b) anterior corticospinal c) lateral spinothalamic d) NONE*

Autonomic neurons that release the neurotransmitter norepinephrine are called _____ neurons.


vasoconstriction of peripheral blood vessels is a(n) _____ response.


26) Select the best description for the function of the corticobulbar tract:

c) conveys nerve impulses from motor cortex to skeletal muscles of head and neck to coordinate precise, voluntary movements

23) Select the best description for the function of the anterior spinothalamic tract:

c) impulses for itch, tickle, crude touch and pressure sensations

Which of the following receptor types has the slowest adaptation rate?

c) nociceptor

60) There are two destinations in the brain for proprioceptive information: the hypothalamus and the brainstem


All adrenergic alpha receptors are ALWAYS excitatory.


In general, the postganglionic axons (fibers) of prevertebral ganglia of the sympathetic division innervate (stimulate) effectors above the diaphragm.


Sympathetic preganglionic axons (fibers) are, in general, longer than parasympathetic preganglionic axons (fibers).


The lacrimal glands only receive parasympathetic innervation (stimulation).


The superior, middle and inferior cervical ganglia are examples of prevertebral ganglia that innervate the heart and structures of the head.


43) The rubrospinal, tectospinal, reticulospinal, and corticospinal tracts are all indirect pathways.

false (direct)

67) Tendon organs contain intrafusal fibers.

false (fibrous connective tissue)

66) Lower motor neurons that carry information from the CNS to skeletal muscle fibers form the _____.

final common pathway

53) There are three main ways to classify receptors: by _____, _____, and by _____.

location type of stimulus microscopic appearance

Final common pathways consist of:

lower motor neurons

28) Visceral senses and somatic senses are grouped together in the class called general senses.


32) The receptors for pain, temperature, itch and tickle are all free nerve endings.


33) Stimulation of nociceptors in the skin gives rise to superficial somatic pain.


34) Ascending somatic sensory pathways to the cerebral cortex consist of thousands of sets of three neurons: first-order neurons, second-order neurons, and third-order neurons.


35) A lateral gray horn could be found in the S2 (second sacral) spinal cord segment.


35) Proprioception is the sense that provides an awareness of body positions and movements of parts of the body.


36) Identifying a paper clip by feeling it or reading Braille are both examples of stereognosis.


38) Proprioceptive information may be conveyed to the cerebellum via sensory neurons that travel in spinocerebellar tracts.


39) First-order neurons transmit signals from somatic receptors along cranial and spinal nerves into the brain stem and spinal cord respectively.


40) Decussation of sensory pathways occurs before the pathway reaches the thalamus.


44) Bradykinesia, hypokinesia, tremor, and increased muscle tone are all symptoms of Parkinson's disease.


46) Nicotinic receptors and muscarinic receptors both interact with acetylcholine (ACh).


47) A single sympathetic preganglionic axon has many axon collaterals (branches) that can synapse with 20 or more postganglionic neurons. This divergence helps explain how sympathetic responses can affect most body parts simultaneously.


50) The hypothalamus is the major control and integration center of the autonomic nervous system.


58) There are two types of thermoreceptors: warm receptors in the dermis of the skin, and cold receptors located in the stratum basale of the epidermis


The posterior and lateral portions of the hypothalamus control the _____ division of the autonomic nervous system.


Splanchnic nerves carry sympathetic axons (fibers) from a/an _____ ganglion to a/an _____ ganglion.

sympathetic trunk (paravertebral or vertebral chain), prevertebral

The motor output component of the autonomic nervous system has two divisions: _____ and _____.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

Select the best description of the middle cervical ganglion:

sympathetic; sends impulses along postganglionic axons to heart

62) The cell bodies of _____-order sensory neurons are located in the thalamus.


68) The major control region for planning and initiating voluntary movements is the primary motor area (precentral gyrus) of the cortex.


Parasympathetic postganglionic axons (fibers) are very short because the terminal ganglia are very close to the structures they innervate (stimulate).


Parasympathetic preganglionic neuron cell bodies are located in the brain stem and in the lateral gray horns of the second through fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord.


Preganglionic sympathetic axons (fibers) enter the sympathetic trunk ganglia via white rami communicantes.


The celiac ganglion and a mesenteric ganglion are examples of prevertebral ganglia.


The cell bodies of all autonomic nervous system postganglionic axons (fibers) are located in autonomic ganglia.


Two major plexuses of the enteric system are the myenteric plexus and the submucosal plexus.


The cranial nerve that carries most of the parasympathetic outflow is the _____.

vagus (X)

42) The anterior corticospinal tracts cross over to the opposite side at the level of the medulla oblongata.


45) A person is only truly in a coma when all reflex activity ceases.


47) Outline the three classification systems for receptors. List the types of receptors according to each classification and give examples.

1. By microscopic appearance: free nerve endings, encapsulated nerve endings, and separate cells 2. By receptor location: exteroceptors, interoceptors, proprioceptors 3. By type of stimulus detected: mechanoreceptors, photoreceptors, thermoreceptors, osmoreceptors, chemoreceptors, nociceptors

51) Name three spinal tracts that carry conscious sensory information. For each tract, describe the location and the types of sensations transmitted.

1. Posterior column-medial lemniscus 2. and 3. Anterior spinothalamic and lateral spinothalamic tracts *See Table 20.3 for location and the types of sensations transmitted*

46) A mosquito bites you on the wrist. Even before you look at the spot, your CNS has informed you of what has happened, and where. What neuronal events have occurred between the time the insect began to bite and the moment when you became aware?

1. Stimulation: activation of sensory neurons 2. Creation of a nerve impulse in a first-order sensory neuron 3. Conduction of nerve impulse to the CNS via the first-order neuron 4. Nerve impulse reaches the region in the CNS where it is transformed into a conscious perception.

17) Which groups of neurons provide input to lower motor neurons?

1. local circuit neurons 2. upper motor neurons 3. basal nuclei neurons 4. cerebellar neurons a) 1, 2, 3, 4

70) Which of the following proprioceptors contain dendrites of slowly adapting sensory neurons?

1. muscle spindles 2. tendon organs (d. 1 and 2)

53) There are two main types of receptors for both acetylcholine (ACh) and for norepinephrine (NE). Give the names of the receptors, the general location of each, and the expected effect of stimulation of each receptor type.

1. nicotinic receptors, located on the dendrites and cell bodies of sympathetic and parasympathetic postganglionic neurons, lead to excitation of the postsynaptic cell when activated. 2. muscarinic receptors, located on all effectors served by parasympathetic postganglionic neurons, cause excitation of some cells (as in the constriction of the iris), or inhibition of others (as in decreased heart rate and force of contraction) when stimulated. Receptors for NE are adrenergic receptors. The two types are alpha receptors and beta receptors. Both are found on visceral effectors innervated by most sympathetic postganglionic neurons. Alpha receptors tend to be excitatory (as in dilation of the pupil). Beta receptors are excitatory in some locations (as in increased heart rate and force of contraction) and inhibitory in others (as in airway dilation).

From the following list of spinal cord pathways, choose the ones that are together responsible for carrying all conscious sensory information in the spinal cord:

1. spinothalamic 2. gracile fasciculus 4. posterior column-medial lemniscus 5. cuneate fasciculus

6) Which of the following cutaneous receptors are responsible for fine touch?

1. type I cutaneous mechanoreceptors 4. corpuscles of touch (Meissner corpuscles)

The motor neurons of a sympathetic autonomic motor pathway have the following route:

1.gray ramus 2.anterior root of spinal nerve 3.axon collaterals 4.white ramus 5.nerve to a visceral effector 6.sympathetic trunk ganglion a) 2, 4, 6, 3, 1, 5

The neurotransmitter acetylcholine binds with which of the following types of receptors?

3. nicotinic 4. muscarinic

This leader line points to right vagus (X) nerve which supplies parasympathetic fibers to most of the trunk viscera.

A CH19; 19.4.1

74) Referred pain site for the liver and gallbladder

A ch20; sec 20.2.1

This leader line points to the greater splanchnic nerve which synapses with postganglionic cell bodies in the celiac ganglion.

B CH19; sec 19.3.3

73) Referred pain site for the heart

B ch20; sec 20.2.1

This leader line points to the right sympathetic trunk ganglion which receives preganglionic axons from thoracic and lumbar spinal cord segments.

C CH19; 19.3.2

72) Referred pain site for the kidneys

C CH20; sec 20.2.1

51) List the four cranial nerves that carry parasympathetic motor impulses. Three pairs of these nerves lead to four pairs of ganglia. Name the ganglia and state which cranial nerves connect to them.

Oculomotor (III) facial (VII) glossopharyngeal (IX) vagus (X) First 3 lead to ganglia

48) What is referred pain? Using an example, explain how referred pain occurs.

Pain impulses from the viscera are often interpreted as coming from the skin either near to, or more removed from, the affected organ. The most common example is the pain of a heart attack. The area to which the pain is referred (medial aspect of left arm, skin over the left side of the chest) is served by the T1-T5 region of the cord, which also serves the heart.

52) Name, locate, and briefly describe the functions of three descending tracts that are referred to as the direct pathways.

The corticospinal (anterior and lateral) and corticobulbar tracts

Which division of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for preparing the body for an emergency situation? Describe the responses of the body that collectively are referred to as the fight-or-flight response.

The sympathetic division produces the fight-or-flight responses

59) Receptors for pressure and vibration that consist of an oval multi-layered capsule surrounding a dendrite, and that are located in the skin as well as subcutaneous and submucosal tissues, are called _____.

a) lamellated corpuscles (pacinian corpuscles)

Which of the following is/are innervated ONLY by the sympathetic division?

a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1. arrector pili muscles 2. kidney arterioles 3. sweat glands 4. adipose tissue 5. skeletal muscle arterioles 6. brain arterioles 7. adrenal medulla

Which of the following statements is TRUE for the autonomic nervous system?

a) Sensory signals are usually consciously perceived. b) The effect of motor neurons is always excitatory. c) Autonomic motor neurons only secrete Acetylcholine (ACh). d) None of these choices. D. none of these

The receptors for pain:

a) are free nerve endings called nociceptors. b) may be stimulated by chemicals released by injured tissues. c) respond to any type of stimulus if it is of sufficient intensity. d) ALL OF THESE ARE CORRECT

Select the best description of the sympathetic preganglionic neurons:

a) cell bodies are in the lateral gray horns of all thoracic and first two or three lumbar spinal segments

7) Which of the following is NOT a proprioceptor?

a) hair root plexus

27) Select the best description for the function of the anterior corticospinal tract:

a) impulses for coordination of movements of the trunk and proximal parts of the limbs

Pyramidal pathways:

a) innervate skeletal muscles only. b) contain upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons. c) extend from the cerebral cortex, through the medulla, and then to their destination, either through cranial nerves or through spinal cord tracts and spinal nerves. d) ALL ARE CORRECT

65) Incoming sensory information is integrated; that is, it is processed and interpreted and a course of action is taken. At which of the following locations does the integration process occur?

a) spinal cord and brain stem b) cerebellum c) cerebral cortex d) ALL ARE CORRECT

Autonomic plexuses in the thorax, abdomen and pelvis may contain

a) sympathetic ganglia. b) axons of sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons. c) axons of autonomic sensory neurons. d) ALL ARE CORRECT

Activation of nicotinic receptors by acetylcholine (ACh) triggers which response in a postsynaptic cell?

always excitatory

The group of tracts called the lateral corticospinal tracts, anterior corticospinal tracts, and corticobulbar tracts:

are the direct motor pathways.

Which of the following statements about the autonomic nervous system is FALSE?

c) The motor (output) division of the autonomic nervous system has three divisions: parasympathetic, sympathetic, and somatic.

Select the best description of the sympathetic preganglionic neurons:

axons tend to be short

24) Select the best description for the function of the tectospinal tract:

b) impulses that move the head and eyes in response to visual or auditory stimuli

Upper motor neurons of the indirect pathways begin in the:

brain stem.

The major autonomic plexuses of the thorax are the _____ plexus and the ______ plexus.

cardiac; pulmonary

Select the best description of the axons that leave the brain as part of the vagus (X) nerves

carry parasympathetic impulses to terminal ganglia in most organs of the ventral cavity

Which of the following is NOT a parasympathetic terminal ganglion?


The largest autonomic plexus is the _____ plexus in the abdomen.

celiac (solar)

Select the best description of the sympathetic postganglionic neurons

cell bodies are in sympathetic trunk ganglia (vertebral chain ganglia) or prevertebral ganglia

Select the best description of the parasympathetic postganglionic neurons:

cell bodies are in terminal ganglia

Select the best description of the parasympathetic preganglionic neurons:

cell bodies are in the brain stem nuclei of the oculomotor (III), facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), and vagus (X) nerves

24) Select the best description of the thoracic and lumbar lateral gray horns:

contain sympathetic preganglionic cell bodies

The _____ portion of the sympathetic trunk innervates (stimulates) the heart, sweat glands of the head, the smooth muscle of the eye, and blood vessels in the head.


Select the best description of the nuclei in the brain stem:

contain parasympathetic preganglionic cell bodies

Select the best description of a white ramus:

contains sympathetic preganglionic axons

Which of the following has encapsulated nerve endings?

corpuscle of touch (Meissner corpuscle)

Arrange the following components of an autonomic reflex arc in the proper order:

d) 2, 7, 3, 1, 6, 4, 5 1. preganglionic motor neuron 2. receptor 3. integrating center (interneurons) 4. postganglionic motor neuron 5. visceral effector 6. autonomic ganglion 7. sensory neuron

10) Third-order neurons:

d) carry nerve impulses to the primary somatosensory area in the postcentral gyrus.

For perception to occur, sensory nerve impulses must reach which of the following levels of the CNS?

d) cerebral cortex

41) The majority of commands from the motor cortex to skeletal muscles travel via the anterior corticospinal tracts in the spinal cord.


Somatic motor neurons synapse with which of the following?

directly with skeletal muscle cells

An organ that is served by both divisions of the autonomic nervous system is said to have _____ innervation.


25) Select the best description for the function of the lateral corticospinal tract:

e) impulses for precise voluntary movements of the hands and feet

Which division of the autonomic nervous system is the specialized network of nerves and ganglia forming a complex, integrated neuronal network within the wall of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and gallbladder ?


56) Which of the following is classified as a special sense?


29) Modality of receptors refers to the fact that a receptor will only respond if a stimulus is of sufficient strength.


30) Type II cutaneous mechanoreceptors, found deep in the dermis, function as receptors for touch as well as for pressure.


31) Visceral pain occurs when nociceptors in internal organs, skeletal muscles, tendons, or joints are stimulated.


36) Dual innervation means that an organ is innervated (stimulated) by both the somatic and the autonomic nervous systems.


37) The gracile fasciculus and cuneate fasciculus are found in the anterior column of the spinal cord.


37) The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system has craniosacral outflow; the parasympathetic division has thoracolumbar outflow.


Spinal nerve C4 receives postganglionic sympathetic axons (fibers) from

gray rami communicantes

Acetylcholine in the autonomic nervous system

has effects for a very brief time, compared to the effects of other autonomic neurotransmitters.

The _____ is the major control and integration center of the autonomic nervous system.


Select the best description for the function of the posterior column-medial lemniscus:

impulses for conscious proprioception and most tactile sensations

22) Select the best description for the function of the lateral spinothalamic tract:

impulses for pain and temperature sensations

Select the best description for the function of the anterior and posterior spinocerebellar tracts:

impulses for subconscious proprioception

Autonomic neurons that secrete the neurotransmitter acetylcholine:

include all preganglionic neurons.

Which of the following responses is a result of sympathetic stimulation?

increased rate and depth of breathing

Select the best description of the ciliary ganglia:

innervate the smooth muscle of the eyeball via parasympathetic axons

69) Gamma motor neurons are responsible for the innervation of _____ fibers of the muscle spindle.


8) Which of the following develop as specialized muscle fibers?

muscle spindles

57) Deep somatic pain arises from stimulation of _____ in skeletal muscles and joints.


Bronchoconstriction brought on by various allergens is a _____ response.


The _____ division of the autonomic nervous system is mostly responsible for regulating restorative, energy-conserving body activities.


The anterior and medial portions of the hypothalamus control the _____ division of the autonomic nervous system.


54) _____ is the conscious awareness and interpretation of a sensation.


64) The _____ pathway conducts impulses for conscious proprioception and most tactile sensations.

posterior column-medial lemniscus

In almost all cases, synapses between preganglionic and postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division occur either in _____ ganglia or in _____ ganglia.

prevertebral, sympathetic trunk (vertebral chain or paravertebral)

Which of the following is a sensation that is NOT carried by the spinothalamic pathways?


Which of the following pairs of terms is incorrectly matched?

proprioceptors; in walls of blood vessels

23) Select the best description of the celiac ganglion:

receives sympathetic preganglionic axons via thoracic splanchnic nerves

63) Axons of _____-order neurons cross over to the other side in the brain or spinal cord before ascending to the thalamus.


Select the best description of the otic ganglia:

send impulses via parasympathetic postganglionic axons to the parotid salivary glands

Select the best description of the pterygopalatine ganglia:

send postganglionic parasympathetic axons to the lacrimal glands

55) _____ is defined as the conscious or subconscious awareness of changes in the external or internal conditions of the body.


Corticobulbar tracts carry information that coordinates the voluntary movement of all of the following except:

skilled movements of the hands.

Which of the following is NOT part of the sympathetic division?

submandibular ganglion

The facial (VII) cranial nerves carry parasympathetic preganglionic axons (fibers) to two pairs of terminal ganglia: the _____ and the _____ ganglia.

submandibular, pterygopalatine

Autonomic innervation (stimulation) from the _____ division results in vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the dermis of the skin.


The lateral gray horns of the thoracic region contain cell bodies of _____ (sympathetic or parasympathetic) preganglionic neurons.


Somatic afferent fibers relaying information regarding the position of the ankle joint _____.

synapse in the gracile nucleus of the medulla

61) _____ are proprioceptors located at the junction of a tendon and a muscle.

tendon organs

71) Which of the following proprioceptors have a thin capsule of connective tissue enclosing a few bundles of collagen fibers?

tendon organs

Alpha and beta receptors are found in the sympathetic division. They exist on postganglionic neurons and on visceral effectors.

the first statement is true; the second is false.

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