Ch. 19 APUSH

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How did Buchanan and Douglas respond to the Lecompton Constitution?

Buchanan supported the Constitution however Senator Senator Douglas, who won a true popular sovereignty, deliberately tossed away his strong support in the south for the presidency and fought for fair play and Democratic principles.

How did Buchanan respond to the secession of seven states? Why does the text suggest this happened?

During his time as a lame duck president the seven states seceded from the Union. He felt that there was nothing he could do to keep them apart of the Union, even though he felt that they should be. He was also surrounded by pro-slavery officials and thought that there was nothing in the Constitution that would allow him to declare war on the south.

Why did the Republican Party lose?

Friedmont lost much ground because of doubts due to his honesty, capacity, and sound judgement, the threats of the Southern fire eaters cause a very sectional election. It also didn't help that he was a Catholic.

What literary works did Harriet Beecher Stowe and Hinton R. Helper write? What was the main idea of each work, and how did each inflame passions in the United States?

Harriet Beecher Stowe was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. It was about the Fugitive Slave Law and she was determined to awaken the North to the wickedness of slavery speaking on the inhumanity. It helps when many people over to see anti-slavery side, and ultimately helped the north win the war and ecouraged Britain and France not to intervene. Hinton R. HelperWas the author of The Impending Crisis of the South, his goal was to convince the public that the non-slaveholding whites were the ones who suffered most from slavery. His writing encouraged non-slaveholding whites to fight against slavery.

What was John Brown's role in Kansas?

He and his team killed five people suspected of being pro-slavery supporters in order to balance out the 5 anitslavery supporters that were killed.

Explain the incident between Charles Sumner and Preston Brooks that occurred in the United States Senate. What did Sumner do to make Brooks mad?

How did Brooks respond?Brooks beat Sumner with a cane until he was unconscious on the floor because Sumner spoke out against slavery and how he was happy that Kansas was not a slave state. Brooks resigned however he was appreciated by the south.

The debate at Freeport was the most famous of the 1858 Illinois Senate debates. What was the important question Lincoln asked at this debate?

How did Douglas respond, in what came to be known as the Freeport Doctrine? Lincoln asked if the people of the territory should vote down slavery, (the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott Decision had to create that they would not) who would prevail, the court or the people. Douglas's response was that no matter how the Supreme Court ruled, slavery would stay down if the people voted it down.

What was the last-ditch effort at compromise proposed by John Crittenden of Kentucky? What is Lincoln's response to the proposed compromise?

It proposed that slavery be decided in any territory south of the 36-30 line through popular sovereignty. Lincoln flatly rejected the scheme.

What happened at Harper's Ferry in 1859, and what was the Northern and Southern reaction?

John Brown organized a group of men to invade the South secretly. At Harper's Ferry he seized the federal arsenal and accidentally killed seven innocent people and injured 10, and his efforts didn't pay off as the south didn't know what had happened and he was captured.Many Southerners asked how they could possibly remain in the union when they were being attacked by abolitionists. Many people in the North where furious by Brown's execution because they had hanged a reformer with a noble cause.

What was the outcome of the Lecompton Constitution?

The Constitution was never passed and the Democratic party split.

Who were the three candidates in the Election of 1856 and what parties did they represent? Who wins?

The Democrats selected James Buchanan, John C Fremont was chosen as the Republican candidate, and the Know Nothing party nominated Millard Fillmore. In the end, Fremont won the election, he won in the Electoral and popular vote.

Who was in the wrong in the Sumner and Brooks situation?

The Sumner shouldn't have said what he did, Brooks was in the wrong. Brooks=Bully

What do the election results from 1860 tell us about the state of the Union at that point? Who wins the election of 1860?

The country was deeply divided, hence why they had four different candidates, and with Lincoln as the winner, it showed that the country preferred someone who stayed quiet on the topics of slavery and who seemed neutral, though he did indeed hate slavery, he interested more peacefully than his counterparts.

What were the first seven states to secede from the United States and form the Confederate States of America in the winter of 1860-1861?

The first state to succeed was South Carolina, following it was Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.

Who are the four candidates for president in 1860, and what is the platform for each of the candidates and their parties? (Four parties are: Republicans, northern Democrats, southern Democrats, and Constitutional Union)

The four candidates of the 1860 election were Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, John Bell who was a part of the Constitutional Union party, Stephen A. Douglas, a Northern Democrat, and John C. Breckinridge, a southern Democrat.

What caused the Panic of 1857?

The importing gold from California inflated currency, there was an overstimulation of grain due to the Crimean War, and the railroad had caused a shift in the economic flow.

How did abolitionists and Southerners contribute to increased tension in Kansas in 1854-1855?

The north sent out a number of abolitionists to Kansas so that when it was time to vote on popular sovereignty, Kansas would be a free state. The South was angered by this because they thought that Kansas would ultimately become a slave state, however no slave owners were willing to transport their slaves North. The pro-slavery and anti-slavery citizens established separate cities and false governments, however both tried to harm the other.

How did the proslavery advocates in the Kansas government use the Lecompton Constitution as a trick?

The people are not allowed to vote for or against the Constitution as a whole but for the Constitution either with slavery or without slavery. if they voted against slavery then no one would protect the slaves in Kansas, so the outcome would always favor slavery.

What effects did the Panic of 1857 have?

There was a shortage in food. The grain farmers were hit the hardest in the North, while the South was unharmed. Tt motivated the north to fight for farms in the west. (Up to this point, only pioneers were allowed west to develop the land. The South didn't want this because if the lands were used in the north for farming then it would fill up the spaces quicker and they would be more free states. The tariffs were reduced months before to appeases the south which made people speculate that it caused the crash, especially by Northerners, which caused more tension between the two.

What did the Supreme Court have to say about the Missouri Compromise in the Dred Scott decision?

They repealed the Missouri Compromise and made slavery legal everywhere.

Why did the states secede?

They were alarmed by The Tipping political balance, which seem to always be against them, the new Republican Party, which seem to threaten their rights of slaveholding, and abolitionists in the North. They were confident that they would be successful in their succession and would be able to support themselves with cotton.

March 6, 1857, the Supreme Court issues the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision. What is the background of the case? What did the Supreme Court decide, and what was the reasoning?

When Dred Scott try to sue for Freedom as he had been living on free soil for 5 years, the Supreme Court ruled that he had no right to sue as he was a black slave. However, a majority decided to continue further with the case under Chief Justice Roger B. Taney. The court decided that because a slave was private property he or she would be taken to any territory and legally held there in slavery.

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