Ch. 19/20/21 Quiz

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Theodore Roosevelt did not run for another term as president in 1908 because

In 1904 he had promised not to run again.

What statement regarding the national Grange movement is FALSE?

It was greatly strengthened by the end of the economic depression in the late 1870s.

Many progressives, such as Lincoln Steffens, believed that the first target of reform should be

Municipal governments.

During the progressive era, important vehicles for social reform included

New York's Tammany Hall.

President Woodrow WIlson's "Fourteen Points" included

an end to secret treaties.

During World War I, the War Industries Board (WIB)

coordinated government purchases of military supplies.

The Federal Reserve Act

created a new type of paper currency.

In the aftermath of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist fire in New York City,

strict regulations were imposed on factory owners.

The Supreme Court, in two rulings related to the 1916 Keating-Owen Act,

struck down reform legislation.

During the progressive era, significant voting rights for women were first won in

the Far West.

Criticisms within the United States regarding American colonialism included all of the following arguments EXCEPT that

the financial costs of administering colonies would require burdensome taxes.

President Woodrow Wilson's request to Congress for a declaration of war

took place two weeks after German submarines had torpedoed three Americans ships.

An examination of American voters in the late nineteenth century reveals

voter turnout for both presidential and nonresidential elections was very high.

The election of 1920 saw

voters turn away from idealism and toward "normalcy."

In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson believed the Paris Peace Conference treaty

was a success because of the acceptance of the League of Nations.

The Selective Service Act in the United States

was supported by President Woodrow Wilson.

In 1918, President Woodrow WIlson antagonized many Republicans

All of these answers are correct.

In 1920, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

All these answers are correct.

Theodore Roosevelt's famous charge in the battle of San Juan Hill, in the Spanish-American War,

All these answers are correct.

As the United States entered World War I,

Britain and France had few reserves of combat-age men.

As the Republican Party approached the 1896 election, they were

confident of victory.

During the Progressive Era, some supporters of woman suffrage argued that female voters

Deserved the vote because of their unique traits as women.

In the last few months leading up to war with Spain, President McKinley sought to involve the United States in the conflict with Cuba.


President Wilson's "Fourteen Points" did not at first include a call for the League of Nations.


The United States led Europe in establishing an empire in the late nineteenth century.


The first director of the National Forest Service was

Gifford Pinchot.

In 1914, the "Triple Entente" consisted of

Great Britain, France, and Russia.

William Jennings Bryan was nominated for president in the 1896 election by the


After the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-1905,

President Roosevelt sent a fleet of ships around the world, including to Japan, as a show of force.

Between 1914 and 1916, the United States gradually transformed itself from a neutral country into an arsenal of the Allies.


Former "mugwumps" became important supporters of progressive political reform activity.


Ida Tarbell and Lincoln Steffens could both be called muckrakers.


In 1916, President Wilson appointed Louis Brandeis, a Jew, to the Supreme Court.


Political reformers correctly regarded the saloon as in league with the urban political machine.


President Cleveland generally questioned the wisdom of protective tariffs.


The German submarine attack on the British liner the Lusitania resulted in the death of more than 100 Americans.


The Sedition Act made criticism of the war effort a crime.


The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was used largely against labor unions.


The Spanish-American War revealed glaring deficiencies in the American military.


The economic collapse triggered by the Panic of 1893 was the worst to that point in American history


The most "modern" applications of new technology during World War I were in sea warfare.


Theodore Roosevelt cooperated with J.P. Morgan during the Panic of 1907 to attempt to stabilize the economy.


In the 1912 presidential election results,

Woodrow Wilson won only a plurality of the popular vote.

In the United States during World War I, the Committee on Public Information (CPI)

became increasingly sensationalist in its information campaign.

After the elections of 1914, President Woodrow WIlson

began another round of progressive legislation.

In the fall of 1915, President Woodrow Wilson

began to support a rapid increase of the nation's armed forces.

In the campaign of 1896, William McKinley

campaigned largely from his house.

During World War I, technologically-advanced submarines used engines powered by


During World War I, the United States government primarily financed the war through

public bond sales and new taxes.

During the last eighteen months of Woodrow Wilson's presidency

he was essentially an invalid.

The so-called "Zimmermann telegram"

included a proposal for the return of the American Southwest to Mexico

During World War I, the Council of National Defense eventually organized the national economy by creating

local defense councils.

Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel, The Jungle, encouraged the federal government to regulate the

meatpacking industry.

During the progressive era, clubs for African American women

often took anti-lynching and anti-segregation positions.

The recall and the direct primary were progressive-era political reforms designed to weaken

political parties.

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