ch. 2 and 3 dental term

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Why is it important to know the location of the foramina of the cranium?

Many injections for anesthesia are placed in these areas.

the hyoid bone

does not articulate with any other bone

The incus is the

ear anvil

The stapes is the

ear stirrup

The three divisions of the jugular vein are the ______________________________, ______________________________, and ________________________________________.

facial division, maxillary division, and pterygoid venus plexus

Amelogenesis imperfecta is a genetic disorder that results in poorly formed dentin.


Anodontia is the term meaning extra teeth.


Dens in dente is a genetic disorder that results in formation of defective enamel.


Dens in dente is an abnormally large tooth.


Dentin makes up the bulk of the tooth and is harder than enamel.


Fusion is where tooth buds unite, resulting in microdontia.


Marginal gingiva is firm, dense, and bound to underlying periosteum.


Peg-shaped teeth usually occur in the mandibular lateral incisors.


The mucogingival border is the area where the marginal and papillary gingiva unite.


There is no predictable pattern for tooth eruption.


The papilla of the tongue that do not sense taste are the __________ papilla.


The largest foramen in the bone of the hard palate is the

incisive foramen

The anterior of the mouth contains which teeth?

incisors and canines

The six branches of the mandibular division are the ______________________________, ______________________________, ______________________________, ______________________________, ______________________________, and ______________________________.

inferior alveolar, mental, incisive, mylohyoid, buccal, and lingual

The malleus is the

largest of the ossicles

What type of mucosa covers the inner surface of the lips?

lining mucosa

What type of mucosa covers the hard palate?

masticatory mucosa

The study of tooth form and shape is called


The posterior of the mouth contains which teeth?

premolars and molars

What type of mucosa covers the dorsum of the tongue?

specialized mucosa

A mesial surface is also a proximal surface.


Cementum covers the root of the tooth and provides anchorage for the periodontal ligament.


Deciduous teeth also are known as baby teeth or primary teeth.


Dentinogenesis imperfecta is a genetic disorder resulting in poorly formed dentin.


Enamel is the hard outer covering of the crown of the tooth.


Germination is where a single tooth germ separates to form two crowns on a single root.


Gingiva is also known as gum tissue.


Pulp is found in the center of the tooth and registers sensations from the tooth.


The permanent teeth also are known as secondary or succedaneous teeth.


The purpose of the periodontium is to anchor, support, and protect the teeth.


The clinical crown is

visible in the oral cavity

A patient would have mixed dentition between what ages?

6 and 16

The mouth is divided into how many arches?


How many teeth are in the primary dentition?


How many teeth are in the permanent dentition?


The mouth is divided into how many quadrants?


The seven branches of the maxillary division are the ______________________________, ______________________________, ______________________________, ______________________________, ______________________________, ______________________________, and ______________________________.

anterior palatine, middle palatine, posterior palatine, nasopalatine, infraorbital, zygomatic, and sphenopalatine.

Match the process with its correct location. __posterior growth on the ramus __anterior growth on the ramus __growth from the lower border of the temporal bone __projection of the maxilla __growth process of the zygomatic bone __growth on the temporal bone __border of the maxilla and mandible __growth of the sphenoid bone __hook-like end of the sphenoid bone

1.alveolar 2.condyloid 3.coronoid 4.frontal 5.infraorbital 6.mastoid 7.ptergoid 8.ptergoid hamulus 9.styloid

Match the tooth anatomy with the correct definition. __long-length surface of the tooth __side wall of tooth that meets/touches the side wall of another tooth __junction of two surfaces __imaginary vertical line bisecting the head at the middle of the face __junction of three surfaces

1.embrasure 2.antagonist 3.apex 4.midline 5.axial surfaces 6.line angle 7.point angle 8.proximal surface area

Match the stage of tooth development with its correct definition. __small buds appear until all deciduous teeth are apparent __development of the dental lamina __changes into another shape __branches into different tissues __mineral salts and organic matter are set in place

1.eruption 2.attrition 3.apposition 4.morphodifferentiation 5.histodifferentiation 6.calcification 7.initiation 8.proliferation

Match the branches of the external carotid artery to its blood supply. __provides blood to the maxillary teeth __provides blood to the maxillary anterior teeth __provides blood to the tongue, tonsils, and throat __provides blood to the mandibular teeth __provides blood to the face, tonsils, and palate

1.infraorbital 2.inferior alveolar 3.facial 4.lingual 5.maxillary

Match the tooth surface with its correct definition. __side surface of the tooth farthest from the midline __side surface of the tooth closest to the midline __anterior tooth surface toward the lips __posterior tooth surface toward the cheeks __tooth surface toward the tongue

1.labial 2.buccal 3.distal 4.lingual 5.incisal 6.facial 7.mesial 8.apical 9.occlusal

Match the term to its correct definition. __a foreign, pathogenic substance __nodes found in the armpit __lymphatic tissue found in the nasopharynx area __vessels that transport plasma, water, and waste __a mass of lymph cells __neutrophilic cells that ingest bacteria __proteins produced by cells exposed to viruses __a protein material that destroys antigens __large phagocytes that ingest inflammatory bodies __white blood cells that ingest and destroy antigens __lymphatic tissue mass found in the throat __lymph cells that assists in body defenses __plasma-made proteins that act as antibodies __nodes found in the abdomen __nodes found in the neck

1.lymph 2.lymph nodes 3.axillary nodes 4.cervical nodes 5.inguinal nodes 6.tonsils 7.adenoids 8.antigens 9.antibodies 10.lymphocytes 11.immunoglobulin 12.interferon 13.phagocytes 14.macrophages 15.microphages

Match the foramen with its correct location. __on the lingual of the ramus __in the zygomatic bone __on the left and right anterior of the mandible __on the lingual of the maxilla __on the anterior and posterior of the hard palate __in the frontal bone __in the occipital bone __in the maxilla __on the mental spine

1.magnum 2.mandibular 3.mental 4.lingual 5.incisive 6.supraorbital 7.infraorbital 8.palatine 9.zygomaticofacial

Match the cranial nerve to the function it regulates __tongue movement in speech and swallowing __taste sensation and swallowing __vision __upper eyelid and eyeball movement __lateral eye sense and movement __smell __taste sense and facial expression __taste sensation of epiglottis and pharynx __eye movement and sensation __body sensation, muscles of the shoulders __dental and face nerve __equilibrium, hearing, and sensation

1.olfactory 2.optic 3.oculomotor 4.trochlear 5.trigeminal 6.abducens 7.facial 8.vestibulocochlear 9.glossopharyngeal 10.vagus 11.accessory 12.hypoglossal

The maxillary sinus is

also called the atrium of Highmore

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