Ch 2 - Foundations of Quality Management

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Ishikawa's contributions

-developed Japanese quality strategy -influenced participative approaches involving all workers -advocated the use of simple visual tools and statistical techniques


-*intrinsic motivation is stronger than extrinsic* -fear demotivates -*managers should develop pride and joy in work* (which appeals to intrinsic)

Understanding variation (3 things)

-*many sources of uncontrollable variation* exist in any process -excessive variation --> product failures, unhappy customers, and unnecessary costs -*statistical methods can be used to identify and quantify variation to help understand it, and lead to improvements*

Appreciation for a system

-Key idea: for all stakeholders (community, employees, stockholders, etc) to benefit over the long-term All parts of a system must work together, and *mgmt must optimize the system as a whole* (optimizing each component = bad)

What is a stable system, and why is understanding one important?

-a system governed only by common causes -bc understanding a stable system and diffs btw special/common causes of variation is essential for managing a system

Problem with Deming's Funnel experiment (what does it demonstrate)

-attempting to "improve" the process by recalibrating funnel position actually reduced accuracy -demonstrates the impact of treating a problem as a special cause when it is really a common cause

What are some sources of variation in production processes? (inputs =2, process =4, outputs = 2)

Inputs: materials; tools Process: operators, methods, machines, environment Outputs: measurement instruments; human inspection performance

What is a process?

a sequence of activities that is intended to acheive some kind of result


can be either (how/why??)

Objectives of ISO standards (4)

• *achieve, maintain, and continuously improve* product quality • *improve quality of operations* to continually meet customers' and stakeholders' needs • *provide confidence* to internal mgmt and other employees *that QS requirements are being fulfilled* • *provides confidence to customers and other stakeholders* that quality requirements are being acheived

Crosby quote:

"quality is free"

Theory of Knowledge (2 main points; explain what they mean)

*1) Knowledge is built on theory*: -experience only describes a theory; does not establish it -theory shows cause and effect relationships that can be used for prediction *2) Management is Prediction* -managers must manage the process, consider what effects the process, and understand the process

quality manual

*a permanent reference for implementing and maintaining* the system

Juran: quality is related to which 2 things?

-product performance that results in customer satisfaction -freedom from product deficiencies, which avoids cusotmer satisfaction

What can we learn from Deming's Read Bead experiment?

-quality is made at the top -rigid procedures not enough (to reduce variation) -people not always main source of variation -- *variations exist in system* -numerical goals often meaningless

Crosby's Absolutes of Quality Management

-quality means conformance to requirements -no such thing as a quality problem -no such thing as the economics of quality -cost of quality is the only useful measurement -zero defects is the only performance standard

Juran's Quality Trilogy (what are the 3 universal processes?)

-quality planning -quality control -quality improvement

Feigenbaum: 3 steps to quality (QMO)

1) *quality leadership* (strong focus on planning) 2) *modern quality technology* (involves entire work force) 3) *Organizational Commitment* (supported by continuous training and motivation)

Deming's System of Profound Knowledge: what are the 4 components

1) Appreciation for a system 2) understanding variability 3) Theory of Knowledge 4) Psychology

What is the difference btw common cause and special cause variation

Common causes of variation = uncontrollable and are present as part of the process; result of design of product and production system Special causes: arise from external sources not inherent in processes

Quality policy

a formal document that *demonstrates a commitment to achieving high quality and meeting customer expectations* • The first step of a QMS is instituting a quality policy

What is a quality management system?

a mechanism for *managing and continually improving core processes* to achieve *max customer satisfaction at lowest overall* cost to the org

measurement instruments

common (evolving calibration - can be expected to occur, BUT it can be special if instrument is dropped)


common (feed rate can only be improved through better training?)


common (it is expected for tools to wear down over time)

How can both causes be reduced

common: can only be reduced through product redesign or better training special: easily recognized and controlled through statistical method

The Deming philosophy focuses on what?

continual improvements in quality by *reducing uncertainty and variability* (in design, mfg, and service processes) *driven by leadership of top management*


either (contamination could be inherent or not inherent)

Internal audits

focus on identifying whether documented procedures are being followed and are effective, and reporting the issues to management for corrective action

Main idea of the Deming Chain Reaction Why is this?

higher quality --> long term competitive strength Improvements in quality → decrease costs → improve productivity → inc market share (and so on...) → stay in business → provide jobs

what do the ISO 9000 family of standards do?

provide a framework for designing and managing a QMS

What was Juran's definition of quality?

quality = fitness for use


special (can control the material)

Human inspection performance

special (source = varying standards; is special if inspection was not always the same feature)

ISO 9000 *defines quality system standards* based on:

• The premise that certain *generic characteristics of mgmt practices can be standardized*, and: • *A well designed, well implemented and carefully managed QS provides confidence that outputs meet customer expectations and requirements*

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