CH 2 - Old Worlds, New Worlds

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Which of the following best identifies Prince Henry the Navigator's purpose in encouraging overseas exploration?

to establish direct contact with West Africa and thus circumvent the extensive trans-Saharan trade route

What as the first continent to experience Europe's expansionist activities?


By the late 15th century, the focal point of European sugar production shifted to the Azores & other lands in the eastern _____ Ocean that were noted for their rich, volcanic soil.


Juan Ponce de Leon landed in what is now the state of _____ on the North American continent.


One of the lasting consequences of the Protestant Reformation was that

It led to religious divisions also known as schisms.

Which statement about the bubonic plague of the 14th century is true?

It led to violence against marginal groups.

The Christian conflict in Europe known as the Protestant _____ embroiled European kingdoms in disputes that distracted them from schemes of colonization & conquest.


One of the results of political centralization in Europe was

a better ability to manage colonies.

The expedition of Hernan de Soto was notable for its

brutal treatment of natives

The Spanish empire in the New World was governed primarily by


New ships called _____ allowed the Portuguese to sail down Africa's western coast with greater speed.


Martin Luther's doctrine of "the priesthood of all believers" was radical because it

challenged the authority of the church.

On his second voyage, Columbus was less concerned with trade and more interested in

colonizing the islands

What contributed to the Ottoman Empire's rise to influence & power?

controlling key trade routes

By the mid-16th century, the Spanish empire had

defeated the great civilizations of the Americas

After creating the Church of England, King Henry VIII made the shrewd decision to

he named himself the head of the church

A significant factor in the Aztec defeat was the

internal opposition to Aztec rule.

Which of the following does NOT represent a cultural advantage the Spanish had over the Aztecs?

knowledge of diseases

The cruelties of the Spanish fueled the belief that the American Indians would welcome the English as


Which of the following was NOT a major reason for early Spanish explorers' interest in the lands & peoples of the New World?

opportunities to develop trade relationships with the natives

Which of the following items was an important African commodity


Much of Spain's imperial wealth came from _____ mines in Mexico & Peru.


what killed most American Indians in the early years of European colonization?


The Roanoke expected to benefit from the arrival of the English but were disappointed when

the settlers' encouraged alienation and cruelty.

The English justified their conquest of neighboring lands by arguing that

their civilization and Protestant religion were superior

Which of the following did Europeans introduce to the New World?

-bananas -hogs -horses

Why didn't Portugal colonize West Africa before the 19th century?

-Malaria killed a large number of Portuguese settlers. -West Africa powers were well organized & protected their land. -There were too many people living there to easily conquer.

Which of the following statements about Europe in the 14th & 15th centuries are true?

-Most of Europe's people made their living from the land. -Europe had high levels of infant mortality due to undernourishment & disease.

Which of the following were positive results of the bubonic plague?

-lower prices -increased wages -more available land

Which of the following statements concerning slavery in medieval Europe are true?

-Slaves often came from Slavic lands; hence, the word slave. -Owning slaves was a status symbol. -Slaves were typically female.

Which of the following statements about early modern European are correct?

-The authority of local lords over their lands was nearly absolute. -Nobles & aristocrats enjoyed incomes hundreds of times larger than those of commoners. -For most people life was brutal, dangerous, & short.

Why did the Roanoke leader Wingina favor establishing a relationship with the English?

He sought regular access to their trade goods.

In 1519 the Spanish conquistador ______ _____ made the first European contact with the Aztecs, who ruled a vast empire in what is now Mexico.

Hernan Cortes

The conquest of which country served as a model for England's colonization of America?


What was the primary reason that 12th century European investors moved their sugar plantations to a new location?

Islamic fighters had taken Jerusalem.

Unlike the benevolent & merciful God of the reformer _____ _____, the God of the theologian John Calvin was omnipotent & controlling.

Martin Luther

Which of the following best explains why royal geographers in Portugal rejected Columbus's plan for a westward voyage?

They knew that the Earth was round but believed that it was much larger than Columbus estimated.

By the mid- 16th century, the Spanish empire had

defeated the great civilizations of the Americas.

Portugal could not colonize the African continent because Africa's kingdoms were highly organized and its

diseases ravaged settlers

Francisco Vazquez de Coronado's strangling of his Indian guide was representative of the

growing cruelty toward the natives that characterized the frustrated conquistadors.

Unlike the first Roanoke expedition, the second one

included more settlers and better incentives to undertake the journey.

During the 13th century one of the ways that the Catholic Church expanded its influence & wealth was through the sale of _____, which promised to shorten the time spent in purgatory after death.


According to John Calvin, the achievement of success in one's worldly calling indicated

the bestowal of God's favor.

Which of the following factors made China a powerful presence in the early modern world?

the demand for Chinese goods

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