ch 20 Slavery

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Who was Denmark Vesey?

A free African American who lead a slave revolt.

What did Harriet Tubman's work with the underground railroad involve?

As in escape slave he guided slaves from the South to freedom.

What did the slaves most fear?

Being sold away there families.

How did the cotton gin affect slaves?

It increased the demand for slaves.

How did the " invisible church " benefit slaves?

It provided a means for slaves to comfort each other.

Who resisted slavery by organizing a violent rebellion?

Nate Turner.

What was an effect of segregation policies in the North?

People where separated by race in public places.

What was the legal status of slaves in the United States?


Which is true of free African Americans living in both the North and South?

They face discrimination and racism.

Why did Southerners who did not own slaves support slavery?

They know that the Southern economy depended on slave labor.

How did Southern states respond to slave rebellion?

They passed even stricter slave codes.

What was the purpose of the National Council of colored people?

To protest the treatment of African Americans.

Which of these describes an overseer?

a person who was a slave supervisor

Which of these was the most common way slaves resisted slavery.?

by finding ways to quietly rebel

Where did free African Americans in the South most often find work?

in low-paying jobs

Which of these best describes the Underground Railroad?

people who secretly helped slaves escape to the North

Slaves expressed Africn cultural traditions in all of the following ways except

through fieldwork

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