CH 26 HW: Reproductive System

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How many tetrads form during synapsis of meiosis for humans?


Place these stages of the ovarian cycle in the correct order. 1. Corpus albicans 2. Vesicular (tertiary) follicle 3. Primary follicle 4. Ruptured follicle 5. Primordial follicle 6. Secondary follicle 7. Corpus luteum

5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 7, 1

The most common cause of cervical cancer is __________.

HPV infection

Endometriosis is characterized by ectopic growth of the endometrium. Where is the endometrium normally found?

Innermost tissue layer of the uterus

What is the action of luteinizing hormone (LH)?

LH stimulates interstitial cells of the testes to produce testosterone.

Which of the following is true about the male climacteric?

Levels of LH and FSH are elevated.

Ovulation kits detect the timing of ovulation by measuring the levels of a hormone that stimulates ovulation and peaks at the time of ovulation. This hormone is:

Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Why does the CDC recommend girls as young as 11 be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV)?

Receiving the vaccination before they are sexually active will minimize their risk of contracting the virus in the future.

A young 25-year-old bride wants children someday but wants to enjoy time with her new husband before they start a family. She also has a history of blood clots due to a bleeding disorder. What would be the most appropriate form of birth control for her?

She could use any type of barrier method contraceptive but should not consider any hormonal contraceptive due to her bleeding disorder.

A young female has begun taking herbal supplements that mimic the effects of progesterone. What affect will this have on her monthly cycle?

She will most likely not menstruate because the high levels of progesterone will maintain her endometrial lining, mimicking pregnancy.

Which of the following is an example of a countercurrent exchange system?

The pampiniform venous plexus and the testicular artery

What is the main female gonad?


What is the cause of trichomoniasis?


The hormone produced by the corpus luteum that is the primary ovarian hormone after ovulation is __________.


Synapsis and crossing over takes place during __________.

prophase I of meiosis

At what point in life does spermatogenesis begin in a male?


Contraction of the cremaster muscle:

pulls the testes closer to the body.

Which of the following can be fertilized?

secondary oocyte

Which of the following male accessory sex glands produces a yellowish secretion containing fructose, prostaglandins, coagulating proteins and enzymes?

seminal vesicle

Which of the following glands produces the majority of the fluid in semen?

seminal vesicles

Where does sperm production occur within the testis?

seminiferous tubules

Two identical copies of the same chromosome are called __________.

sister chromatids

The stem cells that give rise to new sperm are called __________.


What is the maturation process in which spermatids elongate and shed excess cytoplasm?


Which portion of the uterus is shed during menstruation?

stratum functionalis of the endometrium

A man that is experiencing emotional or physical stress may not be able to maintain an erection because

stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, which suppresses the parasympathetic response needed for an erection

Which of the following is the main hormone that regulates spermatogenesis?


A female patient complains of a greenish-white discharge from her vagina that has a strong odor. She also experiences itching and burning of her genitals. Determine the sexually transmitted infection (STI) she has.


Where should a fertilized ovum implant?


Which of the following is not a structure of the external female genitalia?


From which follicle will a secondary oocyte be released through ovulation?

vesicular (tertiary) follicle

Which of the following is a barrier method of birth control?


What effect do you think douching, or washing, has on the vagina?

Douching washes away beneficial bacteria and alters the pH balance of the vagina.

What structures are NOT present in the mammary gland of a non-lactating female?


Where does fertilization usually occur?

ampulla of the uterine tube

The process by which immature follicles degenerate and are resorbed during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle is called __________.


By what time of life are all oogonia formed in females?

before birth

Secondary oocytes form __________.

between puberty and menopause

Which of the following are tube-shaped organelles that assist in organizing the spindle fibers during mitosis?


A couple want to have sexual intercourse, and they do not wish to use a behavior method as a form of birth control since they know it comes with high risk. What could be an alternative method?


What process shuffles the alleles and causes homologous chromosomes to no longer be identical during meiosis?

crossing over

Assuming a 28-day ovarian cycle, on what day should ovulation occur?

day 14

Use of anabolic steroids leads to elevated concentrations of testosterone and testosterone derivatives. Prolonged use of anabolic steroids may lead to __________.

decrease in LH and FSH

Mitosis produces cells that are ___________; meiosis produces cells that are ___________.

diploid; haploid

Enlargement of the prostate can constrict the:

ejaculatory duct.

The term __________ describes the movement of sperm and accessory gland secretions into the urethra.


The innermost epithelial layer of the uterus is the __________.


In females, which hormone is directly responsible for the development of female secondary sex characteristics and helps regulate the menstrual cycle?


When menstruation has ceased for at least one year, what has occurred?

female climacteric, or menopause

The fusion of sperm and egg is known as:


The structures that catch the oocyte upon ovulation are the __________.


Which of the following is NOT a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by bacteria?

genital herpes

The primary sex organs are also called __________.


What type of birth control may prevent pregnancy by manipulating the hormones and interfering with ovulation?

hormonal method

A female wants to take a hormonal contraceptive that contains progesterone only. What could be an option?

intramuscular injections of the Depo-Provera shot

Women who wish to become pregnant should have sexual intercourse after a surge in:

luteinizing hormone (LH).

Which of the following accompanies puberty?


What portion of the uterus is composed of smooth muscle and contracts rhythmically during orgasm and childbirth?


What hormonal effects will a tubal ligation have on a woman?

A woman would experience no hormonal affects from a tubal ligation because the uterine tubes do not produce hormones

Some migraine medications can inhibit nitric oxide production. What affect will this have on a man's sexual response?

Without nitric oxide, the man will not be able to have an erection.

Estrogens are responsible for:

adipose tissue deposits in the breasts, hips, and thighs.

Which of the following is regulated by a positive feedback mechanism in females?


Which portion of the penis is called the foreskin?


Secondary follicles contain a ___________ oocyte.


Spermiogenesis begins with a ________ and ends with a ________.

spermatid, sperm

A patient presents with a pink skin rash in different parts of the body, fever, and joint pain. A probable diagnosis would be __________.


Which hormone is directly responsible for the development of secondary sex characteristics in males?


Which phase of the uterine cycle is characterized by regrowth of the functional layer of the endometrium?

Proliferative phase

How many spermatids result from one spermatogonium?


Which of the following is true about oogenesis?

It releases an immature gamete each month.

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