ch 3 and 4 quiz

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Due to her job, Jessica sleeps 5 to 6 hours per night on weekends. Which of the following is the BEST strategy for her to resolve her sleep debt? Correct! She can sleep 8 to 9 hours per night Monday through Friday.

Which of the following statements about the role of gender in sleep is true? Correct Answer As compared to women, men are less likely to seek help for sleep disorders.

The gland that secretes ACTH is pituitary.

Chronic stress has a strong connection to all of the following medical conditions EXCEPT hearing loss

Which of the following categories describes the small stressors, frustrations, and petty annoyances that collectively can add up to a higher level of stress? hassles

Eating healthy foods helps in managing stress, although the precise reasons are not fully understood.

Two parts of your brain that are critical to regulating circadian rhythm are the hypothalamus and the pineal body.

The sleep disorder in which a person experiences unpleasant sensations in the legs and an uncontrollable urge to move to relieve the sensations is restless leg

Melanie grew up in extreme poverty, but won a full scholarship to a top liberal arts college. There, her sociology professor, who also comes from a poor family, has been helping Melanie to take a proactive approach to her current stressors and to focus on the future. These strategies are best classified as shifting and persisting.

The sum of exposure to stressors, including complex traumas, is known as cumulative adversity

Howard is 88 years old and in excellent health. All his life, he has thrived on just 5 hours of sleep a night. The most likely explanation for Howard's good health despite his lifelong short sleep habit is that he has a genetic variant affecting his circadian rhythm.

Some researchers believe that chronic sleep deficiencies canincrease the risk for type 2 diabetes

he most commonly prescribed therapy for obstructive sleep apnea continuous positive airway pressure

Zack was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). His doctor may include diet and exercise as part of his treatment regimen because losing weight may reduce his OSA symptoms.

As part of the stress response, the hormone that makes stored nutrients available for energy is Cortosiol

after his girlfriend breaks up with him, Ian tells himself that all women are cruel and self-centered and that, since he'll never find a loving relationship, he should just stop looking. Ian is indulging in a form of self-talk known as dichotomous thinking.

Which of the following groups of Americans is most likely to unintentionally fall asleep during the day? those between the ages of 18 and 25

during a sleep study, a person spends the night in a sleep lab, and his or her body functions are monitored by Correct! sensors and electrodes.

Vijay often tosses and turns, unable to sleep for an hour or more after he goes to bed. Which of the following will help change this pattern and allow him to fall asleep faster? Correct! getting up after 20 minutes and doing something relaxing until he feels sleepy

The difference between hours of sleep needed and actual hours slept is Correct! sleep debt.

To manage stress, the first step is to Correct! identify and assess the stressors in your life.

Which of the following is NOT an indicator that a person's sympathetic nervous system has been activated? Correct! increased salivation

The restful, restorative period of sleep non-REM sleep

In preparation for his exam, Juan plans to stay up all night studying. According to research, this strategy will likely result inreduced cognitive ability.

Which of the following is TRUE about the effect of exercise on your quality of sleep? Exercising strenuously in the morning or afternoon boosts sleep quality.

Which of the following factors influences a person's sleep needs? gender

A pop quiz in class is an example of stressor

Which of the following forms of stress management originated as a form of self-defense? tai chi

The sleep disorder in which breathing is interrupted many times during sleep is sleep apnea

Light traveling through the retina of the eye is a key factor in the regulation of melatonin

Which of the following statements about the amino acid tryptophan is true? Correct Answer Peanut butter, bananas, milk, yogurt, and eggs are among the foods high in tryptophan.

Non-REM sleep is called slow-wave sleep becausethe brain generates theta and delta waves

Obstructive sleep apnea increases a person's risk for all of the following EXCEPT asthma

Of the following countries, in which do citizens, on average, get the most sleep? Mexico

Of the following choices, the source of stress experienced by the greatest percentage of American adults is money

Relationships can cause stress in all the following ways EXCEPT Correct! aspiring to be the best one can be.

Emily is experiencing an allostatic load due to a dysfunctional relationship, credit card debt, and a challenging course load. Which of the following defines the term allostatic load?the long-term wear and tear on the body caused by the stress response

The transactional model of stress and coping proposes that our stress response is determined by our perception of the stressor, our coping ability, and our environment.

The disruption of which factor results in jet lag? circadian rhythm

When you feel groggy and disoriented after a long nap, you are experiencing Correct! sleep inertia.

Brian is considered a Type A personality by his friends because of his history of "road rage" and extreme competitiveness. All the following put him at increased risk for cardiovascular disease EXCEPT Correct! his upbeat, glass-half-full approach to life.

Which of the following BEST describes a Type C personality? stoic

A sense of being overwhelmed by perceived obligations to stay connected online is technostress

Which of the following characteristics of a Type A personality have been determined to most increase the risk for heart disease? having a tendency toward anger, distrust, and cynicism

Eleanor comes from a low-income family and struggles to pay for her tuition, room, board, and school supplies. The other students in her major all seem to have no trouble purchasing everything they need, as well as new clothes, meals off campus, concert tickets, and the latest technology. Lately, Eleanor has been struggling with feelings of inferiority, low self-esteem, and doubt that may be due in part to relative deprivation

Which of the following is a key time management strategy that can reduce stress? Set clear implementation intentions toward a specific end.

After weeks of arguments, Riley and Schaeffer break up. They both spend most of the following weekend sleeping, eating, and watching TV. Which stage of the general adaptation syndrome are they now in? Exhaustion

Which of the following is a useful strategy to prevent explosive anger? realisice xpectations

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