Ch. 3

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Which is NOT one of the basic elements of criminal liability?

Conduct Crimes.

Crimes that are complete when the criminal act and criminal intent concur are known as:

Strict liability offenses.

Crimes that do NOT require mens rea or criminal intent are known as:


The prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed a criminal act with the required mental state.


There cannot be a crime without some action or inaction on the part of the defendant.


This type of mens rea or criminal intent in which the defendant unconsciously creates a risk of harm and does not act like a reasonable person under the circumstances:


Causation, the requirement that the defendant is responsible for the harm, applies only to ________ crimes.

Creation of Peril.

If George pushes Gary, who cannot swim, into a lake; Gary struggles and cries out for help; and George fails to assist, George can be guilty of a crime. Which omission would satisfy the actus reus requirement specific to George's situation?


Reckless driving is an example of a ________ crime.

Malum prohibitum.

Which is NOT one of the three basic elements to criminal liability?


This is the intent to commit a wrongful act without a legitimate cause or excuse.


This type of intent is the intent to commit the actus reus or criminal act of the crime only.

Voluntary Assumption of Care.

A woman took an intoxicated man into her home and allowed him to use the bathroom, knowing his intent was to inject heroin (she even gave him a spoon to help prepare his injection). He emerged from the bathroom, collapsed, and was later dragged outside, where he died. The woman was found guilty of manslaughter. Which omission would satisfy the actus reus requirement specific to this woman's situation?


Mary fails to report suspected child abuse. Failure to report can lead to criminal liability by omission. Which omission would satisfy the actus reus requirement specific to Mary's situation?

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