Ch. 4: Life in Medieval Towns

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What types of goods were produced during this time? List 3 or more.

Food, clothing, household items

Towns were often built next to which geographic feature? Why?

Towns were next to waterways because towns needed a water source for drinking and growing crops.

Define a trial by combat.

Trial by combat would lead the person that's accused to fight and prove his or her innocence. Disabled, clergy, and women could choose a champion to fight for them. People were thrown into a well, if the person was drowning they would be innocent

Describe the health and sanitary conditions. Cite examples from the text.

Unhealthy living conditions in medieval towns led to the spread of many diseases. Towns were very dirty, there were no running water in homes, instead of bathrooms they used outdoor privies or pots, waste was dumped into streams and canals or on the street. People lived together in small spaces. They bathed only once a week. Rats and fleas were common and they carried diseases. Most illnesses can be prevented today had no cure in medieval times. Leprosy was a disease that could be spread between people. Lepers were were ordered to live by themselves in isolated houses far away from towns- some towns passed laws to keep lepers out. Common diseases that couldn't be cured were, measles, cholera, and scarlet fever. The most feared disease was bubonic plague which is known as the black death.

Flanders was known for making...

fine woolen cloth.

Venice was known for making...


List what people did for fun.

They played with dolls and toys like wooden swords and hobby horses. They rolled hoops and played games like chess, checkers and backgammon. They might also play card games, bet on roles of dice, or go dancing.

The above process was an example of...

people who specialized in making different types of goods.

List benefits of guilds:

1. Guilds provided help and protection for certain kinds of work 2. They maintained high standards 3. Guilds controlled the hours of work and set fair prices they dealt with complaints 4. Guild members paid dues to their guild 5. Their dues paid for construction, and guild fairs and festivals 6. Guilds used money to take care of members and their family when they were sick 7. It wasn't easy to become a member of the guild.

Read the chapter summary (4.9). Write a one sentence summary for what you read.

In the late middle ages many things started grow from towns to trade, but despite the successful growth there were many problems as well such as disease and crime.

Describe what a common home was like.

Medieval towns were typically small and crowded. Most homes were built of wood. They were narrow and could be up to 4 stories high. As they aged they tended to lean- sometimes two facing houses would learn so much they would touch each other from opposite sides of the street. In poor neighborhoods, several families would share a house. A family might only have had one room to eat, cook, and sleep. People would work where they lived- parents a weaver, they would have a loom at the house. Wealthy merchants had a nice home. The first level might be given to a business. The family's living quarters might be on the second level with a space for the family to eat and talk. The third level might house servants and apprentices. Even for richer families life wasn't easy and comfortable. Rooms were cold, smoky and dim. Fireplaces were the main source of light and heat. Widows were small and covered with oiled parchment instead of glass so little light came through.

Describe the main differences between a mystery play and a miracle play.

Mystery plays have to do with stories from the bible, while Miracle plays are about saints.

What eventually replaced both of the above?

The decisions of royal judges contributed to a growing body of the common law. Along with an independent judiciary or court system english common law would become an important safeguard of individual rights. Throughout Europe court inquires based on written and oral evidence eventually replaced trial by ordeal and combat.

Power from the feudal lords shifted to which group of people? Why did this occur? Cite examples from the text.

The group of charters, charters were hired because towns grew more powerful and stood up to a lord. When towns became independent they no longer need their lord, they then would hire a charter to help rule them, they would be able to control the way they lived.

Define a trial by ordeal.

The person accused guilty would be thrown into a well, and if the person were to drown they were innocent. To be guilty the person would be rejected by water, which leads them to be considered guilty

Who held power in the towns?

The wealthy citizens felt that they no longer needed the kings or queens protection and They felt they no longer needed the lord's protection or his interference. Instead of a King or Queen they had Mayors under the domain of a feudal lord. Many towns purchased a Royal Charter in order to make their town independent with a mayor.

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