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________ are rules about everyday, casual living; ________ are rules with great moral significance Mores; folkways Folkways; mores Proscriptive norms; prescriptive norms Prescriptive norms; proscriptive norms

Folkways; mores

True or False: A person's effort to foster certain impressions in the minds of others is called the "presentation of self."


True or False: Nonverbal communication is communication using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions instead of speech.


True or False: The Thomas theorem states that situations that are defined as real become real in their consequences.


The first medium of mass communication was the ________


Based on what you have read in this chapter, you would correctly conclude that ________ society shapes how we think, feel, and act. human beings lack spontaneity and creativity. human beings are locked in the prison of society. human beings are unwilling to change society.

society shapes how we think, feel, and act

Research indicates that the average U.S. adult typically watches ________ hours of television each day.


Which of the following people is at the highest risk to experience cyber-bullying?

A young girl

Which concept refers to a social position that is assumed voluntarily and that reflects a significant measure of personal ability and effort? Active role Master status Ascribed status Achieved status

Achieved status

Biological changes that accompany growing old include ________ less keen senses. loss of height and weight. wrinkles in the skin and graying of the hair. All of these responses are correct.

All of these responses are correct.

Which of the following concepts refers to a social position that is received at birth or involuntarily assumed later in life? Passive role Master status Ascribed status Achieved status

Ascribed status

The term "sociology" was coined in 1838 by ________ Karl Marx Herbert Spencer Adam Smith Auguste Comte

Auguste Comte

What is the term sociologists give to a category of people with a common characteristic, usually their age? Age subculture Generation Age group Cohort


What is the term for the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that together make up the way of life for a group of people Social structure Social system Culture Society


Low-income countries have cultures that value ________ self-expression. equal standing for women and men. economic survival. individualism.

Economic Survival

The pioneering sociologist who studied patterns of suicide in Europe was ________ Robert K. Merton Auguste Comte Emile Durkheim Karl Marx

Emile Durkheim

Sociology first appeared as a formal discipline in ________ the United States Japan France China


Which concept refers to a status that has special importance for social identity, often shaping a person's entire life? Social status Master status Ascribed status Achieved status

Master status

Cars, computers, and iPhones are all examples of which of the following High culture Material culture Norms Nonmaterial culture

Material culture

The United States is the most ________ of all countries multicultural culturally uniform slowly changing traditional


Which item in the following list is best thought of as an achieved status? Occupation Physical or mental disability Gender Race


Which of the following concepts refers to a person's fairly consistent pattern of acting, thinking, and feeling? Socialization Behavior Human nature Personality


Sociologists use which concept to refer to behavior that people expect from someone who holds a particular status? Role Master status Status set Role set


What is the concept that refers to the conflict among roles corresponding to two or more statuses? Role conflict Role strain Role set Role exit

Role conflict

What is the term for the process by which people disengage from important social roles? Role rejection Role reversal Role loss Role exit

Role exit

Which concept refers to the tension among roles connected to a single status? Role conflict Role strain Role ambiguity Role exit

Role strain

Which concept is used to designate the process by which people creatively shape reality as they interact? Status interaction Social construction of reality Interactive reality Role reality

Social construction of reality

Which of the following concepts refers to interactive media that allows people to communicate with one another and to form communities based on interests and goals?

Social media

Which of the following concepts refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture? Socialization Personality Human nature Behaviorism


Which discipline defines itself as "the systematic study of human society"? Sociology Psychology Economics History


Which of the following concepts defines a social position that a person holds? Role Status Role set Presentation of self


What might a sociologist say about people's selection of marriage partners People marry because they fall in love When it comes to romance, it is all a matter of personal taste. Typically, a person marries someone of similar social position. When it comes to love, opposites attract

Typically, a person marries someone of similar social position

Telling jokes is an example of ________ a cultural universal. material culture. cultural relativism. cultural lag.

a cultural universal

A role set refers to ________ all the roles found in a society. a number of roles attached to a single status. all the roles that are similar in function. a number of roles within any particular organization.

a number of roles attached to a single status.

When people model themselves after the members of peer groups they would like to join, they are engaging in a process that sociologists call ________ group conformity. future directedness. anticipatory socialization. group rejection.

anticipatory socialization

Sociologists define a symbol as ________ anything that carries meaning to people who share a culture. any material cultural trait. any gesture that conveys insult to others. social patterns that cause culture shock.

anything that carries meaning to people who share a culture

Cultural universals are elements of culture that ________ have always been part of U.S. culture. have diffused from the United States to other countries. have come to the United States from elsewhere. are part of every known culture.

are part of every known culture

The social sciences, including sociology, make the claim that ________ humans have instincts that guide our lives. biological forces underlie human culture. as humans, to nurture is our nature. Darwin's model of biological evolution explains the patterns of human culture.

as humans, to nurture is our nature.

Jean Piaget's focus was on ________ how children develop their motor skills. how children are stimulated by their environment. the role of heredity in shaping human behavior. cognition, or how people think and understand.

cognition, or how people think and understand.

The practice of understanding another culture on its own terms and using its own standards is called ________ ethnocentrism cultural relativism. cultural diffusion. cultural integration.

cultural relativism

The concept of ________ refers to a shared way of life, and the term ________ refers to a political entity culture; society country; nation nation; culture culture; nation

culture; nation

The spread of cultural traits from one society to another is called ________ immigration. cultural transmission. popular culture. diffusion.


The most "followed" people on Twitter are ________


A person who criticizes the Amish farmer as being "backward" for tilling his fields with horses and a plow instead of using a tractor is displaying ________ cultural relativism. cultural diffusion. ethnocentrism cultural integration.


A distinctive contribution of schooling to the process of socialization is ________ exposing the child to an impersonal, bureaucratic setting. exposing the child to people of similar social backgrounds. teaching children to be highly flexible and to express their individuality. helping children break free of gender roles.

exposing the child to an impersonal, bureaucratic setting.

Family is important to the socialization process because ________ family members are often what Mead called "generalized others." families pass along social identity to children in terms of class, ethnicity, and religion. families begin the process of anticipatory socialization. families set the stage for resocialization.

families pass along social identity to children in terms of class, ethnicity, and religion.

An act of kindness, such as opening the door for an elderly man, illustrates conforming to ________ mores. taboos. folkways. proscriptive norms.


A feminist theoretical analysis of language in the U.S. suggests that cultural patterns support ________ gender inequality. gender equality. a capitalist economy. the family system.

gender inequality

Research indicates that social media contains a considerable amount of content that ________

glorifies various types of risk-taking.

The flow of _______ from country to country adds to the creation of a global culture goods animals violent acts humanitarian acts


Osagie Obasogie did research with people who have been blind since birth and discovered that, with regard to race, these people ________ were more racially prejudiced than sighted people. held much the same ideas about race as sighted people. could not imagine what "race" meant. strongly believed that race did not matter at all.

held much the same ideas about race as sighted people

In general, people using social media present ________ images of themselves.


In the historical perspective, the importance of the mass media to the socialization process has ________ increased over time. been about the same over the last century. decreased over time. never been very important

increased over time.

Understanding the differences between countries encourages ________ an increase in global poverty increasing gender inequality increasing our understanding of both of our own lives and the lives of others increasing global wealth

increasing our understanding of both of our own lives and the lives of others

An inmate who loses the capacity for independent living is described as ________ unsocialized. integrated. institutionalized. dissociated.


The fundamental difference between older mass media and newer social media is that social media ________

is interactive.

Survey research suggests that couples who make the greatest use of social media are ________

likely to have the highest levels of relational conflict

Culture acts as a constraint, limiting human freedom because ________ much culture is habit, which members of a society repeat again and again. humans cannot create new culture for themselves. culture always discourages change. culture forces us to make choices.

much culture is habit, which members of a society repeat again and again.

As a part of human culture, religion is an example of ________ material culture. nonmaterial culture. culture shock. human nature.

nonmaterial culture

When Cooley used the concept of the "looking-glass self," he claimed that ________ people are self-centered. people see themselves as they think others see them. people see things only from their own point of view. our actions are a reflection of our values.

people see themselves as they think others see them.

Sociologists use the term "social marginality" to refer to ________ people who have little understanding of sociology people who have special social skills people who are defined by others as an "outsider." people who are especially sensitive about their family background.

people who are defined by others as an "outsider."

C. Wright Mills claimed that the "sociological imagination" transformed ________ common sense into laws of society people into supporters of the status quo personal problems into public issues scientific research into common sense

personal problems into public issues

According to Erving Goffman, the goal of a total institution is to ________ help integrate a troubled patient into the outside world. give a person greater choices about how to live. radically alter a person's personality or behavior. encourage lifelong learning in a supervised context.

radically alter a person's personality or behavior

By stating that the sociological perspective shows us "the strange in the familiar," the text argues that sociologists ________ focus on the bizarre elements of society. reject the familiar idea that people simply decide how to act in favor of the initially strange idea that society shapes our lives. believe that people often behave in strange ways. believe that even people who are most familiar to us have some very strange habits.

reject the familiar idea that people simply decide how to act in favor of the initially strange idea that society shapes our lives

Looking at childhood in global perspective, we find that ________ childhood is a time of play and learning everywhere. rich societies extend childhood much longer than do poor societies. rich societies extend childhood much longer than do poor societies. biological immaturity is the main factor that defines childhood.

rich societies extend childhood much longer than do poor societies.

The process by which people act and react in relation to others is called ________ social connectedness. social construction. social dynamics social interaction

social interaction

The theoretical approach that highlights the link between culture and social inequality is the ________ structural-functional approach. social-conflict approach. symbolic-interaction approach. sociobiology approach.

social-conflict approach

At any given time you occupy a number of statuses. These statuses make up your ________ master status role set achieved statuses status set

status set

A theory that explains how schooling helps prepare young people for the work they will do as adults represents the ________ structural-functional approach. social-conflict approach. symbolic-interaction approach. sociobiology approach.

structural-functional approach

According to Mead, social experience involves ________ understanding the world in terms of our senses. the exchange of symbols. a mix of biological instinct and learning. acting but not thinking.

the exchange of symbols.

The concept of "gerontocracy" refers to a society in which ________ there is a pronounced "youth culture." the richest people have most of the power and prestige. religious leaders have the most power. the oldest people have the most wealth, power, and prestige.

the oldest people have the most wealth, power, and prestige.

George Herbert Mead considered the self to be ________ the part of an individual's personality that is composed of self-awareness and self-image. the presence of culture within the individual. basic drives that are self-centered. present in infants at the time of their birth.

the part of an individual's personality that is composed of self-awareness and self-image.

Among the historical changes that stimulated the development of sociology as a discipline was ________ the founding of the Roman Catholic church. the rise of the industrial economy and growth of cities. the power of tradition. a belief that our futures are defined by "fate."

the rise of the industrial economy and growth of cities.

The concept "digital divide" refers to the fact that ________

there are large differences in internet use among various categories of people within a country or for the world as a whole.

Standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called ________ folkways. norms. mores. values.


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