Ch 6 Christianity Inquizitive

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___ achieved celebrity status as a(n) ___ evangelist. She pioneered radio evangelism and ultimately founded her own denomination.

Aimee Semple McPherson, Pentecostal

Which statement BEST characterizes American Christian attitudes toward slavery prior to the Civil War?

American Christians were strongly divided on the question of slavery and many denominations split over this issue.

Henry VIII founded his own church, which led to Christians known as ___, who are known as ___ in the United States.

Angelicans, Episcopalians

Which figure is MOST responsible for Christian attitudes about sexuality as sinful?

Augustine of Hippo

Arrange these events from Christian history in the chronological order.

Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles introduces Pentecostalism. The Fundamentals proclaim biblical infallibility. Second Vatican Council defines the Church as "the people of God". Founding of Moral Majority signals arrival of the New Religious Right in the United States. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire becomes the first openly gay priest to become an Episcopal bishop.

Place each denomination in the order in which it was founded, starting with the oldest.

Baptist, Methodism, Mormonism, Pentecostalism, Fundamentalism

The Garden Tomb was unearthed in 1867 and purchased in 1894 by ___ as a place to remember and retell their Jesus story.

British Protestants

Which religion believes in a form of "soft monotheism?"


___ is an example of a holiday that is both religious and secular.


Which statement BEST characterizes the attitude of medieval Catholic officials toward mystics like Theresa of Avila and Julian of Norwich (pictured here)?

Church authorities were wary that mystics might be mistaking their own ideas for encounters with God, but ultimately conceded that the experiences of mystics complemented the dry logic of medieval theologians.

Which statement below MOST accurately describes the Emperor Constantine's contribution to Christianity?

Constantine was keen to impose order on the church by ordering different forms of Christianity to agree to a common creed.

William is a college student who disagrees with both his atheist and his evangelical friends. He does not believe the Bible story that God created everything in six days. But he also does not believe that the universe could have come from nowhere. William feels there must have been some sort of creator behind it. William could BEST be described as a ___.


Watch the video below. Based on what you have learned in the chapter, what type of Christian service is depicted here?

Eastern Orthodox

Pius IX convened the First Vatican Council of 1869-1870, which pronounced papal infallibility to be "a divinely revealed dogma." Papal infallibility is the belief that everything a pope says is true.


The Ninety-Five Theses written by Martin Luther condemned the Catholic Church, especially papal authority, and called for the establishment of a separate church with power shifted from religious professionals to the laypeople.


The ___ formalized the split between the Catholic Church in the West and the Orthodox Church in the East, while the ___ formalized the split between the Catholic Church and Protestantism.

Great Schism, Reformation

Match each theologian to the movement they are associated with.

Latin American liberation theology. OSCAR ROMERO Womenist theology ALICE WALKER Black liberation theology JAMES CONE Feminist theology MARY DALY

Some churches practice ___, a period of forty days of prayer and asceticism that precedes the holiday of ___.

Lent, Easter

Which statement MOST accurately describes Latin American liberation theology?

Liberation theologians combine the teachings of Jesus with Karl Marx's idea about society and social action.

Which of the following statements about the Reformation is accurate?

Martin Luther introduced a radical idea of "Christian Liberty" by calling into question the hierarchy of clergy and lay Christians.

Rachel is a Christian who loves doing Bible study at her church. Her church has no fancy decorations or art and prides itself on not having rituals or traditions that are not based in the Bible. Rachel is MOST LIKELY a(n) ___.


Sarah belongs to the most persecuted religious group in American history. Her church was founded by someone who was "exceedingly distressed" by the array of competing denominations in America. Sarah is MOST LIKELY a(n) ___.


Which statement BEST describes the Eastern Orthodox understanding of original sin?

Original sin is an unnatural separation from God that can be overcome through mystical union with he divine.

Arrange these events from Christian history in the correct order from the furthest in the past to the most recent.

Paul writes his first letter. The Romans destroy the Temple in Jerusalem. The Gospel of Matthew is written. The Roman Emperor Constantine converts to Christianity. The Council of Nicaea drafts the Nicene Creed.

In addition to Jesus, Christianity had two other "founders." These were ___ and then later ___.

Paul, Constantine

Alan believes he has been baptized with the Holy Spirit. At his church, people speak in tongues and practice healing the sick just as the apostles did in the Bible. Alan is MOST LIKELY a(n) ___.


According to the text, what was the MOST successful Christian movement of the twentieth century?


Prudence is a Christian whose beliefs include unconditional election and the idea that human beings exist in a condition of "total depravity." Prudence regards Catholic traditions as an abomination and spends a lot more time reading the Old Testament than the New Testament. Prudence is MOST LIKELY a ___.


Roberto is a Christian whose church practices the seven sacraments and respects the authority of the pope. Jose's church is MOST LIKELY ___.

Roman Catholic

Which of the following statements BEST characterizes the "New Religious Right" that began to form in the 1970s?

The New Religious Right played an important role in electing a series of Republican presidents.

Which medieval theologian claimed that there are five different ways to prove the existence of God using logic?

Thomas Aquinas

Which of the following is a characteristic common to Christianity in the Global South?

an emphasis on supernaturalism and miracles an emphasis on the experiential dimension of religion over its ethical dimension skill at entrepreneurialism and innovation

Christians have used various metaphors to explain the mechanics of ___. Some see Jesus's death as a ransom to purchase captives, a payment for a debt, or a friend serving a prison term in your stead. Others argue that Jesus died to set a moral example of self-giving love.


Sarah is a Christian college student. She is frustrated that her course on Christian history spends so much time discussing different doctrines, rituals, schisms, and theological debates. For Sarah, Christianity is really about having a personal relationship with Jesus. Instead of arguing about theology, Christians should be doing activism and missionary work. Sarah is MOST LIKELY a(n) ____.


Kevin is a Christian who is homeschooling his children. It is important to Kevin that his children understand that the Bible contains no errors and that stories about the creation of the world and the resurrection of Jesus really happened. He is concerned that public school science classes that teach the theory of evolution would undermine these ideas. Kevin is MOST LIKELY a(n) ____.


Which of the following are included in the five points of Calvinism that were articulated in Synod of Dort?

irresistible grace limited atonement unconditional election total depravity perseverance of the saints

Which of the following are included among the seven sacraments?

matrimony confirmation anointing of the sick (or last rites) penance (or reconciliation) Eucharist

According to Christian tradition, Jesus expected his Jewish followers both to ___ the law and to ___ it.

observe, internalize

"Sola scriptura" is a slogan from the Protestant Reformation, indicating that the sole authority for Christians should be what?

the Bible

At Sophia's church there are no pews and the congregation stands through the entire service. Sophia loves singing the Divine Liturgy, the incense, and the beautiful icons on the walls. Sophia is MOST LIKELY ___.

Eastern Orthodox

Currently, Christianity is declining in ___ and stagnating in ____.However, it is growing rapidly in in continents of the Global South, such as ____.

Europe, North America, Africa

Arrange these events from Christian history in the correct order from furthest in the past to most recent.

Great Schism splits Christendom into Roman Catholicism in the West and Orthodoxy in the East. Crusaders conquer Jerusalem. Martin Luther publishes his Ninety-Five Theses on indulgences. Council of Trent gives voice to the Counter-Reformation.

Watch the video below and then complete the following statement. Many Christians practice the ritual of baptism, though how it is practiced varies among Christians. Some groups baptize by full immersion; others sprinkle water on the head. It is common for Christians to baptize infants, though some denominations reject this practice as unscriptural. The group of Brazilian Christians featured in this video are practicing immersion baptism in the River ___, where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.


Thomas Jefferson denounced ___ as the "first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus."


Which of the following are a factor in the global success of Pentecostalism?

Pentecostalism is egalitarian, offering the gifts of the Holy Spirit without regard to education, race, class, or gender. People are drawn to Pentecostalism because it emphasizes supernatural experiences. Pentecostalism refuses to restrict its reach to one day a week or to the privacy of the home. Pentecostals continue to adapt to new languages and new cultures. Pentecostals are putting a lot of effort into growing their church.

Which of the following statements reflect MOST Christians' understanding of sin?

Sin is passed down from Adam and Eve. God made salvation from sin possible by sending Jesus Christ into the world. Those in a state of sin are barred from heaven.

Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918) ministered to poor people in Manhattan's Hell's Kitchen neighborhood as part of the ___ movement.

Social Gospel

Match each text with the language it was originally written in.

The Ninety-Five Theses GERMAN New Testament GREEK Vulgate LATIN Old Testament HEBREW

Which of the following was a product of the Counter-Reformation?

The Roman Inquisition published the Index of Forbidden Books, which branded works by Luther and Calvin, and many Bible translations, as heretical. The Catholic Church rejected sola scriptura and reaffirmed the power of the papacy and the importance of tradition in both producing and interpreting scripture. New religious orders were founded, including the Society of Jesus (Jesuits).

Which of the following are the four distinguishing marks of evangelical Christianity, according to historian David Bebbington?

the conversion experience (conversionism) the divine inspiration of the Bible (biblicism) the missionary and evangelistic effort (activism) the doctrine of Jesus's atoning death on the cross (crucicentrism)

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