Ch 8: Cutting Off and Drawing Out
Two broad situations when the leader will want to use cutting-off skills
1. When a member has the floor but is either rambling, storytelling, or avoiding going deeper 2. When a member is saying something inappropriate.
The leader has three possible decisions regarding cutting off in a situation where a member has the attention of the group
1. cut and stay with the person 2. cut and stay with the topic 3. cut and leave the person and topic
Reasons for Silent Members
Fear/Anxiety Thinking or processing Quiet by Nature Not mentally present Not prepared Confused Lack of trust or commitment to group Intimidation by a dominant member or leader
Reasons for drawing members out
Is to get greater involvement from the group members Is to help member who have a difficult time sharing in group
Important points about cutting off
Proper use of timing Proper use of voice Making sure to clarify that cutting-off may happen and why A Leader's nonverbal signals
True or False: Don't draw out unless it seems necessary
Skills to use for drawing out members
Using dyads Use of rounds Use of written exercises Use of eyes Use of movement
Situations that call for cutting off skills
When a member's comments conflict with the group's purpose. When a member is saying something hurtful When a member is saying something inaccurate When the leader wants to shift the focus When it is near the end of the session When members are arguing When members are rescuing other members
Other terms to describe cutting off
blocking and intervening
to lead an effective group, a leader must be willing and able to ___ ___ members when necessary
cut off
Do not _______ anyone's behavior other than your own.
Drawing Out
is the term we use to refer to the skill eliciting group members' comments
When drawing out delicately the idea is to give members _____ to speak, without alienating them
Don't let members argue unless it is _____ in some way for them or the group
Cutting off when it nears the end of session
the leader sometimes has to cut off members to allow time for summarizing and ending the group promptly. When a member brings u p an emotional issue with little time remixing, a skilled leader will quickly cut off the member before he gets too far into the issue.