Ch. 8 End of Ch. Questions Exam 2

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Gerald is given a sticker every time he spells a list of words correctly. This is an example of __________. -positive reinforcement -negative reinforcement -negative punishment -positive punishment

positive reinforcement

Which of the following is the best definition of behavior modification? -practical application of classical conditioning to improve behavior -practical application of negative punishment to improve behavior -practical application of negative reinforcement to improve behavior -practical application of operant conditioning to improve behavior

practical application of operant conditioning to improve behavior

Bandura's theory that a person's behavior causes the environment as well as the environment causing behavior is called __________. -classical conditioning -locus of control -social learning -reciprocal determinism

reciprocal determinism

Students who go far away from home for college may have different personalities from those who stay closer to home, and the experience of being far away from home may shape their personalities. This is an example of __________. -self-actualization -psychodynamic theory -classical conditioning -reciprocal determinism

reciprocal determinism

The degree to which a particular reward is enticing to a particular person is referred to as its __________. -generalized expectancy -fixed-ratio reinforcement -reinforcement value -external locus of control

reinforcement value

Todd is prone to negative self-talk, always putting himself down. Which of the following would be the most helpful line he could say to himself to correct this tendency should something not go his way? -"You're a failure, and your only way not to be is to work even harder." -"People love me no matter what I do." -"This was your first attempt; you will do better next time with more practice." -"I am awesome."

"This was your first attempt; you will do better next time with more practice."

Which of the following statements is true? -Classical conditioning is known to be more powerful for altering behavior than operant conditioning. -Classical conditioning is an effective way to strengthen muscle tone. -Classical conditioning is the associating of two things not normally associated with each other. -Classical conditioning was once widely acknowledged, but has now been largely debunked.

Classical conditioning is the associating of two things not normally associated with each other.

One of the best therapies for depression is called behavioral __________. -determinism -activation -actualization -reinforcement


People with an external locus of control are more likely to be __________. -in powerful positions in business -happy and content -anxious and depressed -married

anxious and depressed

A dog that eats canned food typically comes running to its owner when it hears the can being opened. The sound of the can opener in this instance is the __________. -conditioned stimulus -unconditioned stimulus -unconditioned response -conditioned response

conditioned stimulus

Reversing conditioning to eliminate the conditioned response is referred to as __________. -systematic desensitization -deconditioning -flooding -generalization


Spencer has been naughty all day long, and his parents finally give him a time-out. What operant conditioning principle are they employing? -positive reinforcement -negative punishment -negative reinforcement -positive punishment

negative punishment

Edward Thorndike's research confined cats to puzzle boxes. When the cats pressed a lever or pulled a string, a door would open and the cats would escape and be rewarded with food—a combination of __________ and __________. -negative punishment; positive reinforcement -negative punishment; positive punishment -negative reinforcement; positive reinforcement -positive punishment; positive reinforcement

negative reinforcement; positive reinforcement

Spanking is an example of a __________. -positive reinforcement -negative punishment -positive punishment -negative reinforcement

positive punishment

Extinction, in the context of classical conditioning, means the __________. -process for deconditioning a response -elimination of a conditioned response -spontaneous recovery of a conditioned response -end of a lab experiment

elimination of a conditioned response

The decisions people think about and make every day based on past experiences are called __________. -expectancies -crises -conditions -dilemmas


In Felicia's first-grade class, the children receive buttons every time they behave well. At the end of the week, the children can trade in the buttons for small prizes. This is an example of __________. -socialization -classical conditioning -a token economy -negative reinforcement

a token economy

In an experiment, preschool children watched an adult woman repeatedly punch a Bobo doll (a large plastic toy that bounces back when hit), punctuating her smacks and kicks with instructive comments. They then saw what consequences she received. This experiment was emulating whose theory? -Erikson -Jung -Bandura -Freud


Who came up with a theory of personality that argues that a personality arises from the environment's effect on behavior, behavior's effect on the environment, and the way people process their experiences? -Bandura -Freud -Maslow -Thorndike


Which of the following statements regarding socialization is true? -Both cultures and individual families have different standards for socialization. -All families socialize their children in the same way. -All cultures are similar in what they consider to be acceptable behavior. -Some cultures engage in socialization while others do not.

Both cultures and individual families have different standards for socialization.

In order to help employees stop smoking, what might an employer do to effectively use behavior modification to reward positive behavior with its employees? -Limit employees to three smoke breaks a day. -Ban smoking from the office grounds. -Give employees who demonstrate that they have quit smoking incrementally larger gift cards each week ($15 the first week, $20 the second week, and so on). -Require employees who smoke to attend a workshop on why smoking is bad for you.

Give employees who demonstrate that they have quit smoking incrementally larger gift cards each week ($15 the first week, $20 the second week, and so on).

Melissa believes she can accomplish anything she wants to do in life. Ty believes life is a matter of chance and that people have little control for better or worse. Which of the following statements is likely to be true based on this information? -Melissa is likely to get married sooner than Ty. -Ty is likely to be happier than Melissa. -Melissa is likely to be more successful than Ty. -Ty will probably live longer than Melissa.

Melissa is less likely to be more successful than ty

Sophie is applying to colleges this year. She works hard, but ultimately believes she has little control over whether she gets in or not. Sophie likely has __________. -an external locus of control -an internal locus of control -implicit motivation -explicit motivation

an external locus of control

Frieda finds calculus difficult, but studies long hours and goes for tutoring because she believes these things will help her do better in the class. Frieda likely has __________. -an internal locus of control -an external locus of control -implicit motivation -explicit motivation

an internal locus of control

Jake has had problems with alcohol abuse. He is in a program in which he takes a drug that will make him nauseous whenever he drinks alcohol. Jake is taking part in __________. -reciprocal determinism -behavior modification -extinction -classical conditioning

behavior modification

B. F. Skinner's classic experiments with animals relied on __________. -positive reinforcement -positive punishment -negative reinforcement -negative punishment

positive reinforcement

Chuck goes to work five days a week and is paid after every two weeks. This is an example of a __________ reinforcement schedule. -variable- interval -fixed-interval -variable-ratio -fixed-ratio


Shannon is terrified of spiders. To overcome her fear, she enters a room that contains spiders and touches one. This therapy is known as __________. -flooding -habituation -shaping -discrimination


Craig was stung by a jellyfish when he was little. Now Craig has a fear of all fish, as well as the ocean. Craig's fear has __________. -habituated -deconditioned -extinguished -generalized


Darla recently moved into a new apartment and discovered that she could hear the people above her walking around all day long. At first this drove her crazy, but now she rarely notices it. This is called __________. -habituation -discrimination -flooding -shaping


Ben doesn't believe in luck. He thinks that everything that happens to him in life is a result of choices he made and actions he took. Ben exemplifies a(n) __________. -social learning -shaping -internal locus of control -external locus of control

internal locus of control

Naomi continued to text with her friends at the dinner table even after being told numerous times not to do so. Her parents then took her phone away for a week. This is an example of __________. -negative reinforcement -positive reinforcement -positive punishment -negative punishment

negative punishment

Boys often learn to not cry and to exhibit other typically masculine behaviors as children through __________. -operant conditioning -reciprocal determinism -self-actualization -classical conditioning

operant conditioning

__________ is the general term for shaping behavior through rewards and punishments.' -Classical conditioning -Social conditioning -Physical conditioning -Operant conditioning

operant conditioning

Terence and Alisha often look to their parents for how to behave in certain situations. This is known as __________. -social learning -operant conditioning -classical conditioning -shaping

social learning

How children slowly learn to become mature members of society and learn their culture's rules is referred to as __________. -reciprocal determinism -self-actualization -negative reinforcement -socialization


__________ is relearning a conditioned response. -Flooding -Spontaneous recovery -Systematic desensitization -Generalization

spontaneous recovery

In the famous Bobo doll experiments, which children were more likely to copy the adult woman's actions? -only the children who saw the woman not receive any consequences for her actions -the children who saw the woman be rewarded or receive no consequences -the children who saw the woman be punished or rewarded -the children who saw the woman be punished or receive no consequences

the children who saw the woman be rewarded or receive no consequences

A dog that eats canned food typically comes running to its owner when it hears the can being opened. The food in this instance is the __________. -conditioned response -unconditioned response -conditioned stimulus -unconditioned stimulus

unconditioned stimulus

Trish's parents give her money for taking out the trash every once in a while. Trish can never predict exactly when she will get paid. What reinforcement schedule is this? -variable-ratio -continuous -fixed-ratio -fixed-interval


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