Ch. 8 Interpersonal Communication

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Aggressive Communication Style

Attacking another person's self-concept and/or expressing personal hostility in order to inflict psychological pain


Managing conflict by giving up part of what you want to provide at least some satisfaction for both parties


Managing conflict by satisfying others needs or accepting others ideas while neglecting our own


Managing conflict by working through the problem together to discover a mutually acceptable solution


Physically or psychologically removing yourself from the conflict


Satisfying our own needs or with little or no concern for the others needs or for the harm it may do to the relationship

Passive Communication Style

Submitting to another's desires and expectations while concealing one's own


Use of technology to convey verbally aggressive messages

Assertive Communication Style

When one expresses personal preferences to others while respecting the desires and expectations of their partner and relationship

Passive-Aggressive Communication Style

When one submits to others' demands and conceals their own preferences while indirectly expressing hostility toward their partner

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