CH 8 - Somatic Disorders

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Behavioral medicine

_____ is a field that combines psychological and physical interventions to treat or prevent medical problems.


A weakened respiratory system may be a contributing factor in some cases of:

less likely to be somatization pattern than predominant pain pattern.

An individual develops somatic symptom disorder after a near-fatal car crash. The diagnosis is:

medical help.

An individual who has been diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely first seek:

exhibit no outward signs of disease.

A person with hypertension would MOST likely:


A man received kindness and sympathy from his wife when he was mute. What kind of gains is he receiving from his behavior?


A researcher conducts studies to better understand how exposure to stress affects the immune system. This researcher is practicing in the field of:

4 percent

About what percentage of Americans experience a somatization pattern of somatic symptom disorder in a given year?

"Has any friend of yours had similar symptoms recently?"

Compared with a therapist with a psychodynamic view, what would a therapist with a cognitive-behavioral view be most likely to ask someone whom he or she suspected might have a somatic symptom disorder?

The strong family support common in Hispanic American culture increases health resilience among members of this culture.

Despite having clear economic disadvantages, the health of Hispanic Americans is, on average, at least as good as, and often better than, that of both non-Hispanic white Americans and African Americans. What is one theory that explains this paradox?

emotion expression.

In one study, patients with asthma and arthritis who wrote down their thoughts and feelings about stressful events for a handful of days showed lasting improvements in their conditions. This is an example of the effectiveness of:

Briquet's syndrome.

In the latter half of the nineteenth century, a person who today is diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely have been diagnosed with:

conversion disorder.

Josiah is a cellist preparing for his audition at Julliard, a world-renowned music school. The night before his audition, Josiah suffers an abrupt paralysis in his right arm. He has no known medical conditions that are associated with this symptom. This description MOST closely aligns with:

relaxation focuses on the body, whereas meditation focuses on turning one's concentration inward.

Relaxation training differs from mediation in that:

300 LCUs

Research has found that if a person's life change units (LCUs) total more than _____ over the course of a year, that individual is particularly likely to develop serious health problems.

a view that somatization is an appropriate way to handle emotions.

Somatic complaints are very common in non-Western medical settings. This pattern MOST likely reflects:

Sonia will be more competitive, and Liz will be more relaxed.

Sonia has a Type A personality style, while Liz has a Type B personality style. They are both running for class president. How would you expect their campaigns to differ?

feigns an illness to achieve some external gain, such as financial compensation.

The BEST example of malingering is a person who:


The most widely applied method of biofeedback uses a device called an _____, which provides feedback about the level of muscular tension in the body.

self-instruction training.

The process of teaching people to identify and eventually rid themselves of unpleasant thoughts that emerge during pain episodes is called:

somatic symptom disorder.

Topher often goes to urgent care for a wide variety of physical symptoms. However, no matter what his symptoms are, the healthcare providers never observe physical evidence that explains why the symptoms occur. Topher likely has a:

They enabled people to avoid unpleasant activities.

What did Freud believe about "hysterical" symptoms?

African Americans are more likely to live in poverty and face discrimination, which contributes to stress.

What is a contributing factor that partly explains why African Americans have more health problems than non-Hispanic white Americans?

It does not take into consideration the particular life-stress reactions of specific populations.

What is a shortcoming of Holmes and Rahe's Social Readjustment Rating Scale?

More women than men are diagnosed with both the somatization pattern and predominant pain pattern forms of somatic symptom disorder.

What is the general relationship between gender and somatic symptom disorder?


What produces antibodies?


When a person is under stress, the HPA pathway releases:

both are often best understood when sociocultural, psychological, and biological factors are all taken into consideration.

When it comes to understanding mental disorders and medical problems, most researchers believe that:

The causes of hysterical disorders are poorly understood, with no theory predominant in aiding understanding.

Which statement BEST reflects our understanding of hysterical disorders?

Individuals with factitious disorder are not trying to achieve some external gain by faking illness.

Which statement is TRUE about factitious disorders?

The patient is otherwise unable to communicate difficult emotions.

Which statement would a cognitive-behavioral theorist be MOST likely to make about hysterical disorders?

Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe

Who developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale?

Relaxation training and biofeedback training

_____ are equally helpful in the treatment of high blood pressure, headaches, and asthma.


_____ are protein molecules that recognize and bind to antigens, mark them for destruction, and prevent them from causing infection.

Biofeedback training

_____ has been of some help in the treatment of heartbeat irregularities, asthma, high blood pressure, stuttering, and pain.

Relaxation training

_____ has been of some help in treating headaches, insomnia, asthma, diabetes, pain, certain vascular diseases, and the undesirable effects of certain cancer treatments.

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