ch 9

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National parties have significant control over state parties.

False ------------------- Correct. Since political parties are considered grassroots organizations in which power flows from the bottom-up, national parties do not have significant control over state parties.

One party dominance in Texas ensures responsive policies will be passed.

False --------------------------- Correct. One-party dominance means the dominant party does not have to pass meaningful and responsive policies that will benefit constituents.


an individual issue position of the party platform

political party

any group, however loosely organized, seeking to elect governmental officeholders under a given label

state party chair

individual selected at the state party convention to head the state executive committee

conventions (caucuses)

meetings at which party members participate in a range of party business

Which factor is the best predictor of how a person will vote?

party identification ------------------------- Correct. The best predictor of how a person will vote is their party identification.

In its early years, which political party dominated in Texas?

the Democratic Party ---------------------------- Correct. During Texas's early years, the Democratic Party was the dominant party.

The ultimate goal of political parties is to increase voter turnout.

False ------------- Correct. The ultimate goal of political parties is not to increase voter turnout, but instead is to gain control of the government by getting their candidate into office.

What is likely to happen when there are no strong parties in state electoral politics?

Voters become uninterested in participating in politics. ------------------------------- Correct. According to the text, which cites V. O. Key, when there are no strong parties, voters become uninterested in participating in politics and do not organize their interests.

chronic minority

a group that rarely wins elections or achieves majority status and thus sees few reasons to become actively engaged in politics

precinct chair

a precinct chair is selected by party members in each voting precinct by majority vote; a county chair is selected by countywide vote; these party officials are responsible for managing the local affairs of their party for the next two years

runoff primary

a primary that occurs if no nominee receives the required majority of the votes in the primary; the top two finishers face off in a second primary to determine the nominee for the general election

Since strong partisans tend to dominate voting in Texas primaries, which group is put at a disadvantage?

moderate voters ------------------------- Correct. Since the strong partisans for a party tend to vote more in Texas primaries, moderate voters are put at a disadvantage because they are not as likely to have their preferences voiced.

In addition to their normal primaries, Texas must also hold which type of primary?

preference primary ----------------------------- Correct. In addition to their normal primary, Texas law stipulates that a preference primary be held as well during presidential election years.

party machines

state or local party organizations that sustain their control over government by providing jobs, government contracts, and other favors to citizens in return for votes

Which characteristic is critical to achieving reforms and battling the status quo of a state's political system?

strong organization ------------------------- Correct. One characteristic that is critical to achieving reforms and battling the status quo of a state's political system is organization. In order to reform a system, it is important for the party to be cohesive and organized in its message.

party platform

the document that officially spells out the issue stands of a party; written and approved at the party conventions


the process by which party rules designate how many of the state's delegates to the national party convention will be pledged to vote for a specific candidate or will attend as undecided

responsible party model

the view that each party should hold firmly to a clear and consistent set of policies with a coherent ideology distinct from that of other parties in order to present voters with clear choices

What is the broad function of both the precinct chair and the county chair in Texas?

to manage the local affairs of their party ----------------------------------- Correct. The main function of the precinct chair and the county chair positions in Texas is to manage the local affairs of their party.


when an elected official rewards supporters with public jobs, appointments, and government contracts

What happens if no nominee receives a majority of votes in a primary in the state of Texas?

A runoff primary is held. ------------------------------- Correct. In primary situations where no nominee receives the required majority of votes, Texas law stipulates that a runoff primary must occur, wherein the top two finishers of the initial primary face off in a second primary.

The Republican Party became the dominant party in Texas beginning in 1928 when the state voted for Republican President Herbert Hoover.

False -------------- Correct. While Texas did vote for a Republican president in 1928, the state quickly lined up for Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was not until much later that the Republican Party became the dominant party in Texas.

The security provided by a lack of party competition is an incentive to the dominant party to pass responsive policies.

False ---------------- Correct. Lack of party competition actually results in the dominant party not providing responsive policies.

The most hotly contested battles in Texas politics tend to take place during the party primaries.

True -------------- Correct. Since the state of Texas is currently dominated by the Republican Party, the candidate who is able to secure a position as the Republican Party nominee is likely to win the election. This makes the party primary the most hotly contested battle in Texas.

The elimination of straight-ticket voting in Texas is likely to negatively impact Democratic voters.

True ----------------- Correct. According to opponents of the elimination of straight-ticket voting, more Democrats made use of the straight-ticket option. Therefore, they see the removal of the straight-ticket voting option as a way to hurt Democrat voters.

Political parties are considered grassroots organizations.

True --------------------------- Correct. Since political parties draw their legitimacy from the participation of citizens, parties are considered grassroots organizations. Grassroots organizations are groups in which power and decision-making abilities reside with average citizens.

straight-ticket voting

the practice of selecting all the candidates for office who are running under a party label by checking off a single box marked with the party label

Suppose a district in Texas has had only one Republican candidate on the ballot for their House of Representatives seat for several years. In the most recent election, however, a Democratic Party candidate has appeared on the ballot, offering voters a viable alternative to the Republican Party incumbent. What should Texans expect will most likely happen in this district?

Voter turnout rates will increase. ----------------------------------------- Correct. Voter turnout rates tend to increase when there is greater competition on a ballot. Given the details of this example, the district can therefore expect to see higher voter turnout rates since voters who might identify as Democrats now have someone to vote for.

Why are weak parties less likely to survive in Texas?

Weak parties lack the cohesion to organize across the vast geographic area of the state. ------------------- Correct. Weak parties are less likely to survive in Texas because they lack the political networks and cohesion to organize across the vast geographic area of the state.

county or senatorial district convention

a convention in which delegates to the statewide convention are selected; held on the third Saturday after the primary election

grassroots organization

a group in which power and decision making reside with average citizens

Suppose there is an election coming up and one of the candidates has promised their supporters powerful positions within their administration. As a result, key supporters of the candidate have employed a man to urge local individuals to vote for the candidate in exchange for well-paying jobs, promotions, and payment of debts. This scenario is an example of ______.

a party machine ------------------ Correct. Given the details of this scenario, this would be an example of a party machine, which is a state or local party organization that maintains control over government by providing jobs, government contracts, and other favors to citizens in return for their vote.

Each issue position on a party's platform is known as ______.

a plank -------------- Correct. Each issue position on a party's platform is known as a plank.

A group that seeks to elect government officials under a specific label is known as ______.

a political party ------------------- Correct. A group that aims to elect government officials under a specific label is known as a political party.

county chair

a precinct chair is selected by party members in each voting precinct by majority vote; a county chair is selected by countywide vote; these party officials are responsible for managing the local affairs of their party for the next two years

Which function of political parties is considered the ultimate function?

gaining control of the government ------------------------------- Correct. The ultimate function of a political party is to gain control of the government.

temporary party organizations

gatherings of ordinary party members, such as primaries, caucuses, and conventions

Since political parties draw their power from the participation of citizens, they are considered ______.

grassroots organizations -------------------------------- Correct. Organizations in which the decision-making power originates with average citizens are known as grassroots organizations. Therefore, political parties that gain their power and legitimacy from the participation of voters are considered grassroots organizations.

Which scenario best exemplifies a political party carrying out its function of supporting its candidate?

holding a training session for campaign workers to learn social media campaign tactics -------------------------------- Correct. Of the options listed, the one that best aligns with the political party's function of supporting a candidate is holding a training session for campaign workers to learn social media campaign tactics. Other ways parties support their candidates include fundraising and advertising.

Greater competition in an election will lead to ______.

increased voter turnout ------------------------------ Correct. Greater competition in an election will lead to increased voter turnout, as people are more likely to vote if they have a viable alternative to vote for.

Who would be considered a "loser" in the Texas political system?

independent voters ----------------------------- Correct. In the Texas political system, independent voters tend to be the "losers" since they do not have their voice heard in primary elections and the options they are presented with in the general election may not include a viable choice for them.

What is one reason for the low participation in party primaries in Texas?

lack of strong parties to compete with dominant parties -------------------------- Correct. One reason for the low participation in Texas primaries is the lack of strong parties to compete with dominant parties.

Voter mobilization by political parties often leads to ______.

more informed voters ---------------------------- Correct. Voter mobilization efforts by political parties, as well as other groups, often leads to more informed voters, policy debate, and a clear understanding of election victories.

Suppose the Texas Legislature wants to shorten the campaigning season in Texas to avoid voter apathy and exhaustion and hopefully boost voter turnout in the coming elections. Which move is the Texas Legislature most likely to take to achieve that goal?

move the primary to June ------------------------------ Correct. The best move for the Texas Legislature to make to achieve the goal of reducing voter apathy and exhaustion and boost voter turnout would be to move the primary to June, which is closer to Election Day.

Suppose a new party emerges in an upcoming election and it has developed a detailed platform outlining its positions on several key issues important to voters. Unlike the Republican Party, the new party holds relatively liberal positions on economic issues, but unlike the Democratic Party, the new party holds relatively conservative positions on social issues. In order to emphasize what makes them distinct from both the Republican and Democratic parties, this party should follow the ______ model.

responsible party ------------------------------- Correct. Given the details of this example, the new party is following the responsible party model, which states that each party should stick to a clear and consistent set of policies with a coherent ideology that is distinct from that of other parties.

Which action is a function of a political party?

supporting a candidate by providing resources for their campaign ---------------------------- Correct. One of the many functions of political parties is to support a candidate by providing resources to their campaign.

In the mid-1800s, the Democratic Party in Texas was highly competitive with which other party?

the Know-Nothing Party ----------------------------- Correct. In the mid-1800s, the Democratic Party was forced to fully organize in Texas when the anti-immigration American Party, also known as the Know-Nothing Party, began to aggressively cultivate a voter base in the state.

Which factor caused the Democratic Party to become more competitive in Texas during the mid- to late 1800s?

the emergence of various other political parties in the state --------------------- Correct. One factor that motivated the Democratic Party to become more competitive in Texas in the mid- to late 1800s was the fact that various other political parties began to emerge, each with relatively progressive platforms.

executive committee

the main state governing body for the party that carries on the activities of the party between party conventions

permanent party organizations

the party officials selected by the temporary organizations to conduct party business between the primaries, caucuses, and conventions

electoral competition model

the view that parties make a pragmatic move to the center of the political spectrum as they attempt to win votes, sacrificing the more purely ideological positions

What is one way to judge how much electoral competition there is in a state or district?

to determine how often voters have a choice between two major party candidates ------------------ Correct. One way to judge how much electoral competition there is in a state or district is to determine how often voters actually have a viable choice between major party candidates.

What is the function of a party's executive committee?

to direct the overall state party organization --------------------------------------------- Correct. A party's executive committee in a state is responsible for directing the overall state party organization.

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