Ch. Interpersonal Conflict, Ch.11: Interpersonal Conflict

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Conflict may be magnified when individuals have ____ differences, such as individualism versus collectivism or high context versus low context.


When people approach a conflict with different ___________ values and norms, the likelihood is high that they will misinterpret each other's behaviors.


Divyesh and Genji live together in an apartment. {Act of interference}

",,,tells him there will be a curfew."

Sally and Apurva argue about the shabby state of their new house. {gunny sacking}

",,,you forgot to pay the power bill and broke the microwave."

Catalina's first history professor gives her a lot of homework; she plans do all of it because the professor is the top authority in her field. {Referent power}

"...because she thinks he is cute and charming."

Amor and her brother Rafael give each other disapproving looks after finding out that they both want to use the family cat at the same time. {Metaconflict}

"...says that Rafael is turning the argument into a referendum"

Which of the following is best described as a criticism?

"You always have to get the last word in."

According to Loving's study, women who engaged in marital conflict experienced no increase in stress level when they had ______ their partner.

* The same power as * More power than

Comparison often produces better results than which other strategies?

*Avoiding *Accommodating *Competing

In American culture, which behaviors are men socialized to adopt?

*Being aggressive in order to achieve victory *Directly engaging in conflict

Your options for dealing with conflict are based on what underlying dimensions?

*Concern for self *Concern for other

Which of the following are negative impacts of conflict?

*Elevated stress *Aggressive behaviors *Increased health problems

In addition to personal criticisms, finances, and household chores, other common sources of marital conflict include

*Employment *Children *Vacations

Conflict has been shown to cause which of the following physical effects?

*Higher levels of killer cells in the bloodstream *Slowed healing of wounds *Increased stress hormones

Which of the following do women experience as a result of patriarchal social systems?

*Limited access to education *Lower-quality health care

In order to have interpersonal conflict you must have the following key elements:

*Perceived scarce resources *Interference *Interdependent Parties *Incompatible goals *Expressed struggle

What are the top three sources of marital conflict?

*Personal criticism *Finances *Household chores

Which of the following are good strategies for dealing with conflict online?

*Place yourself in the other person's position. *Avoid misunderstandings.

Which of the following statements about the characteristics of power are accurate?

*Power influences communication *Power is context-specific. *Power and conflict influence each other.

What are some issues that cause conflict or stress in gay and lesbian couples?

*Prejudice among family members and others *"Outing" of sexual orientation

What are the major dimensions of conflict?

*Relational *Content *Procedural

Interpersonal Conflict

An expressed struggle between interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from one another. -Conflict is often communicated verbally, but it can also be conveyed with nonverbal behaviors that express anger, concern, or disappointment.

Power and Conflict:

Are inextricably linked.

By preventing conflict from erupting, the _____ conflict management strategy allows harmony, at the expense of the resolution of the resolution of the conflict.


By preventing conflict from erupting, the _______ conflict management strategy allows harmony, at the expense of the resolution of the conflict.


Whether a relationship is symmetrical or complementary influences communication within that relationship. What characteristics of power does this exemplify?

Power influences communication

Your boss does not have the right to tell you what to do when you are at home. What characteristic of power does this exemplify?

Power is context-specific.

The ability to control people and events is an essential component of _______.

Power. Definition of power: The ability to manipulate, influence, or control other people or events.

In Loving's study, the principle of _________ _________ holds that the person who is less committed in a relationship is dominant.

Principle of Least Intererst

Power that is derived from one's attraction to or admiration for another is known as _______ power.


When Tiger Woods endorses a product, he is applying _____ power.


A pattern of behavior in which one party makes demands and the other withdraws from the conversation is known as ______

The demand-withdraw pattern.

What factor determines whether conflict is good or bad?

The strategy for handling it.

According to a study of 150 married couples, what is the main physical impact of being hostile to or overly controlling of one's spouse?

hardening of the arteries

People can improve their handling of ________ conflict by learning the norms and behaviors of people from different cultures.


By definition. conflict is an indication of a(n) _________ relationship.


For conflict to occur, the two parties must be __________, meaning their interactions affect the other's well-being.


Often, interpersonal conflict is a struggle for ________


Which of the following is a cultural practice or belief that would affect how people exercise power in personal relationships?

Power distance

Which problematic behavior tends to happen when people feel emotionally and psychologically flooded?


Referent power can operate in both ____ or equal, and ____ or unequal, relationships.

Symmetrical, Complementary

Men and women have _______ approaches to conflict.

Systematically different

The demand-withdraw pattern leads to relationship dissatisfaction primarily because

It results in unresolved conflict

Someone who sees conflict as a game has ________ level of stress compared to someone who sees it as a war.

a lower.

The way parties frame conflict is _________.

A strong influence on the course of the conflict.

Different forms of power often operate together. Consider the power parents have over children and then match the form of power to the appropriate description.

*Reward power: Parent gives child money to go to the movies after all his chores are complete. *Coercive power: Parent grounds child for coming after curfew. *Referent power: Child obeys parents' rules because she respects and admires them. *Legitimate power: When child asks why he has to do something, parent responds, "Because I'm the parent and I said so." *Expert power: Parent teaches child how to ride a bike.

Which of the following are contemptuous actions?

*Sarcastically saying, "Nice job, Einstein." *Calling your partner a jerk *Rolling your eyes at something your partner says.

Which of the following are examples of metaphors for conflict?

*War *Explosion *Trial *Struggle *Act of nature *Animal Behavior *Mess *Miscommunication *Game *Heroic adventure *Balancing act *Bargaining table *Tide *Dance *Garden

What are good strategies for dealing with conflict online?

-Avoid misunderstandings. -Place yourself in the other person's position.

What are an employer's primary powers over an employee?

-Coercive -Reward

In American Culture, which behaviors are men socialized to adopt?

-Directly engaging in conflict. -Being aggressive in order to achieve victory.

Which aspects of power does conflict particularly affect?

-Exercise -Balance

What powers does a judge exercise?

-Legitimate -Coercive

Which forms of power can popular U.S. presidents exercise?

-Legitimate -Coercive -Referent -Reward

What are some issues that cause conflict or stress in gay and lesbian couples?

-Prejudice among family members and others Outing of sexual orientation

According to Loving's study, women who engaged in marital conflict experienced NO increase in stress level when they had ________ their partner.

-The same power as or -More power than

What are some characteristics of communication in low-context cultures?

-openness about issues -explicitness

The major causes of relational conflict for gay and lesbian couples are ____ those for heterosexual couples.

Almost Identical to

John Gottman's 4 specific behaviors that are warning signs for separation or divorce.

1st warning sign: Criticism 2nd warning sign: Contempt 3rd warning sign: Defensiveness 4th warning sign: Stonewalling

There are ____ basic characteristics that all interpersonal conflicts share.


Research estimates that verbal or physical aggression is present in up to ____% of all romantic relationships.

50% or half

In most of the world, women earn less than _______% of what men earn in comparable jobs.


The ______ conflict management strategy is often expected in collectivistic cultures.


Conflict Between Interdependent Parties

All conflicts involve disagreements, a disagreement becomes a conflict only if the parties depend on each other in some way and are mutually exclusive—that is, if the actions of each party affect the well-being of the other. You may have noticed that conflict is particularly common in relationships with high degrees of interdependence, such as those you have with your parents, children, instructors, bosses, and close friends. If two parties are completely independent of each other, then even though they may disagree, their disagreement isn't considered to be an interpersonal conflict.

Conflict is a(n) ________



Being of two minds about an issue is an example of intrapersonal conflict.

People are more prone to defensiveness when they know a criticism has merit

But they don't want to accept responsibility for changing their behavior.

Judges have power based on their ability to punish. What form of peer is this?

Coercive power

Although it requires a great deal of effort by both parties, _____ is often the most productive strategy.


Maximizing gains for each party characterizes which conflict management strategy?


Although it requires a great deal of effort by both parties, ____________ is often the most productive strategy.


The ____ conflict management strategy has the potential to be destructive.


Which management strategy results from high concern for one's own needs and low concern for those of the other party?


Compromising often produces better results than which other strategies?

Competing Avoiding Accomodating

An employer and employee, or a parent and child, have a _____ relationship, meaning one party has more power than the other.


An employer and employee, to a parent and child, have a ________ relationship, meaning one party has more power than the other.


Harold goes to lunch with Chenoa, his shift boss at the first department. Harold and Chenoa have a ________ relationship.


People in ______ relationships tend to use different types of messages with each other.


Conflict is Natural

Conflict is a normal, natural part of relating to others. Almost every significant relationship—especially those with close friends, relatives, and romantic partners—is bound to experience conflict once in a while.

Conflict Metaphors

Conflict is a war. Conflict is an explosion. Conflict is a trial. Conflict is a struggle. Conflict is an act of nature. Conflict is an animal behavior. Conflict is a mess. Conflict is miscommunication. Conflict is a game. Conflict is a heroic adventure. Conflict is a balancing act. Conflict is a bargaining table. Conflict is a tide. Conflict is a dance. Conflict is a garden. Researchers have found that the way we interpret or "frame" a conflict can greatly affect the way we experience it and the communication choices we make to manage it.


Conflict, is a behavior. Sometimes we express our disagreements verbally, but we can also express them through a nonverbal behavior such as a mean look or a harsh tone of voice.

The expression of insults and attacks on another's self-worth are known as ______ behaviors.


Because it is only relevant in particular situations, power is specific to:


One warning sign that signals distress in a relationship is _______, the expression of complaints about each other.


According to Gottman, the first warning sign of problems in a relationship is _____ each other.


Individuals' _____ provides the values that determine their responses to conflict.


Individuals' ___________ provides the values that determine their responses to conflict.


Online conflict frequently leads to _________, which is the exchange of hostile and insulting message.


When partners see themselves as victims, they are exhibiting the warning sign of:


In the _________ - __________ pattern, one partner makes a request and the other refuses to respond.


In the _______-______ pattern, one partner makes a request and the other refuses to respond.

Demand-Withdraw pattern

An open straightforward approach to engaging in conflict is known as ___________ conflict.


When Ines brings home poor grades, she has a series of arguments with her mother about her grades and her study habits. This is an example of _________.

Direct conflict.

Communicating via computers creates a _______ effect, causing people to feel free to say things they would never say to someone's face.

Disinhibition Effect

Which of the following describes the tendency to say or do things in one environment (such as online) that one would not say or do in most other environments?

Disinhibition effect

The best way to clearly express your intended tone online is to use


Your stockbroker just called to say that you should buy some stock in a new company. You do so because of the stockbroker's _________ power.


According to a study of 150 married couples, what is the main physical impact of being hostile to or overly controlling of one's spouse?

Hardening of the arteries

India, which has a caste system, is an example of a culture that has _______ power distance.


According to John Gottman, in terms of conflict, which of the following most predicts a couples chance of staying together?

How they argue

Conflict occurs when two parties see their own goals as __________ the other's.

Incompatible with

When Jade openly flirts with other men because she is upset with her boyfriend, this is an illustration of _____ conflict.


Hugo is angry at his mother for inviting his neighbors over for dinner and making him stay despite the fact he had the plans. Hugo does not say one word to anyone the entire night. How do you best describe the conflict between Hugo and his mother?

Indirect conflict

Disagreeing with others and standing up for oneself are acceptable behaviors for individuals living in _____ cultures.


The linkage between power and conflict is


People can improve their handling of _____ conflict by learning the norms and behaviors of people from different cultures.

Intercultural Conflict

Studies of conflict focus on romantic relationships because romantic relationships have a high degree of


For two parties to be in conflict, they must be

Interfering with the other's goal.

For two parties to be in conflict, they must be:

Interfering with the other's goal.

Conflict most directly affects people's lives at the ___ level.


Men's and women's ______ behavior reflects the unequal distribution of power between the sexes.


Aleem worries that his piano lessons are taking too much time away from his social activities. Aleem is experiencing _________.

Interpersonal conflict

When experiencing conflict, is it better to deal with it directly or indirectly?

It depends on several factors

Conflict is About Goals the Parties See as Incompatible

Labeling goals as "incompatible" doesn't simply mean that they are different. Rather, two goals are incompatible when it's impossible to satisfy both of them. You want to change lanes on the freeway, but the driver next to you won't let you in. You want to spend your tax refund on a new flat-screen television, but your spouse wants to spend it on a family vacation.

In Loving's study, the principle of __________ ___________ holds that the person who is less committed in a relationship is dominant.

Least Interest

The CEO of the company tells everyone that they must shorten their lunch breaks from one hour to thirty minutes. This directive is based on the CEO's __________ power.

Legitimate power

People tend to have conflict over resources that they perceive to be ____________.


According to Loving's study, ________ is the measure of investment in a relationship.


A democracy like the United States is an example of a culture with _________ power distance.


People living in cultures with _____ power distance are more likely to rebel against the powerful.


Which statement about conflict in relationships in accurate?

Managing conflict in a relationship can be productive.

When people argue their approaches to conflict, they are engaging in:


Power is Inherently:


Power is inherently


Sheila gets into an argument with a official using her anonymous Twitter account.

No: Coercive power & Metaconflict

Pam tells Akim that he is crowding her, and that he has been in the living room too much.

No:Avoiding & Compromising

Conflict is ______ in human relationships.


Match each of the statement with the appropriate type of verbal message.

One-up message: "Go do your homework!" One-down message: "Where should we go after school?" One-across message: "The check engine light is on."

A common tactic adopted, especially by women, for avoiding overt conflict is ________ aggression.


A society that gives men control of most resources practices:


Conflict is least likely in which of the following types of relationships?

Performers and fans

Often, interpersonal conflict is a struggle for ___________.


The ability to control people and events is an essential component of _________.


Dave has been arguing with his wife Akemi about the amount of time she spends at her team basketball practices.


Deciding to think of a conflict as a dance rather than a battle is an example of ______, or changing the way you think about an interpersonal situation.


Marc's distrust of Amber after she steals his credit card illustrates the ________ dimension of conflict.


Marc's distrust of Amber after she steals his credit card illustrates the _____ dimension of conflict.


Because your boss pays you and is in charge of your promotions, she has _________ power over you.


Match the specific form of power with its appropriate definition.

Reward power: Power based on the ability to reward for compliance. Coercive power: Power based on the ability to punish for noncompliance. Referent power: Power based on liking, admiring, and being attracted to the powerful party. Legitimate power: Power based on rightfully granted status or position. Expert power: Power based on special knowledge, training, experience, and/or expertise.

Forms of Relational Power Identified by French and Raven

Reward-Power based on the ability to reward for compliance Coercive- Power based on the ability to punish for noncompliance Referent- Power based on liking, admiring, and being attracted to the powerful party. Legitimate-Power based on rightfully granted status or position Expert-Power based on special knowledge, training, experience, and/or expertise.

What is the goal of the accommodating style of conflict management?

Sacrifice so that the other party wins and you lose.

A major Source of conflict is perception that resources are:


Across time periods and cultures, what factor has most influenced the experience of power?

Sex and Gender

Traditional gender _________ conflates sex and gender by teaching men to adopt masculine behaviors and women to adopt feminine behaviors.


Victims of aggression in relationships ____ experience relational satisfaction.


Men often withdraw from conflict and adopt the practice of _____, or disengaging and leaving the conflict unresolved.


Conflict Arises Over Perceived Scarce Resources

There's little sense in fighting over something one has in abundance. Rather, people tend to have conflict over resources they perceive to be limited. Money- When individuals feel they don't have enough money for everything they need and want, they can easily have conflict over how to spend the money they do have. Time- people frequently engage in conflicts over how they should spend their time. Perhaps your romantic partner wants you to split your vacation time between hiking and being with his or her family. If you perceive that you don't have adequate time for both activities, then you can experience conflict over how you will spend your time.

What is your goal if use the competing style of conflict management?

To win while the other person loses

T or F: You can strengthen your interpersonal relationships by positively and constructively handling conflict.


Conflict Includes Interference

Two parties might have opposing goals with respect to some issue, but they won't have genuine conflict until they act in ways that prevent each other from achieving their goals. You might disapprove of your roommate's smoking habit, for instance, but you won't have true conflict until you behave in ways that interfere with his habit. Complaining about his smoking, for instance, might diminish the enjoyment he derives from it. Hiding his cigarettes or throwing them out would make it more difficult for him to smoke. In either case, you are interfering with your roommate's ability to achieve his goal.


When a struggle or disagreement is expressed, it qualifies as a conflict.

Which of the following describes stonewalling?

Withdrawing from an interaction or conversation

A disagreement turns into a conflict when

You've made the other person aware of your feelings

In Larry Erbert's study of marital conflict, the most common source of conflict was;

personal criticism

Men often withdraw from conflict and adopt the practice of _________, or disengaging and leaving the conflict unresolved.


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