CH.15 AP Europ

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Elizabeth I

1558-1603 took control after Mary Tudor - rejected Philip II, brought back Protestantism to England - greatest challenges- Calvinist Puritans & Philip II

Pacification of Ghent

1576 -look in notebook A union between Catholic provinces and Protestant provinces against Spain. It declared internal regional sovereignty in matters of religion.

Albrech von Wallenstein

1583- 1634 Czech Protestant by birth - raised an army for Ferdinand II

Henry of Navarre (Henry IV)

1589- 1610 embraced Catholicism- "Paris is worth a mass" defeated the ultra-Catholic opposition, drove out the Spanish 1598- issued Edict of Nantes - followed advice of moderate Catholics & Protestants- politiques- urged him to give priority to the development of a durable state - needed to reestablish monarchial authority & fractious nobles in check- allowed rich merchants & lawyers to buy offices , exchange for payment-pass their positions to their heirs or sell them to someone else- "nobility of the robe"- money raised by the sale of offices reduced state debt and helped him strengthen monarchy

Gustavus Adolphus

1611-1632 Swedish Lutheran king who won victories for the German Protestants in the Thirty Years' War

Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre

August 24 1572- btw Catholics and Protestants - Catholics murdered 2 thousand Huguenots in Paris


French Calvinists,

Edict of Nantes

Henry IV issued this- granted Huguenots a large measure of religious tolerance, Protestants free to worship in specified towns and allowed their own troop, fortresses and courts - ended French Wars of religion

Philip II

King of Spain- (1556-1598) - most powerful ruler in Europe - wanted to restore Catholic unity in Euro lead Christian defense against Muslims - took over Africa, India, and Americas- forced Catholic unity 1571- joined Venice- defeated Turks in Greek coast at Lepanto -Rejected by Elizabeth I

Spanish Armada

Philip II flee of ships towards the English Channel in May 1588, failed pg.480


Political advisors during the 16th century French Wars of Religion who argued that compromise in matters of religion would strengthen the monarchy - believed religious disputes could be resolved only in peace provided by a strong government

Catherine de Medicis

The wife of Henry II (1547-1559) of France, who exercised political influence after the death of her husband and during the rule of her weak sons (1547-1589) Born Catholic

Edit of Restitution

outlawed Calvinism in Empire, reclaimed Catholic Church properties from Lutherans -issued by Ferdinand look in notebook

Treaty of Westphalia

p. 484 Peace of Westphalia- served as a model for resolving future conflicts among warring Euro states

Thirty Years' War

p.482 1618-1648 -most deadly war of religion - began w conflicts btw Catholics and Protestants within HRE, involved Euro States, towards end- many central Euro lands lay in ruins, balance of power shifted away from Habsburg powers- Spain & Austria, towards France, England, Dutch Republic - warfare- created turmoil & suffering, fostered growth for armies & bureaucracies; centralized & powerful states that made increasing demands on ordinary ppl

Ferdinand II

p.482 Holy Roman Emperor and king of Bohemia and Hungary who waged war against Protestant forces


pg. 480 strict Calvinists who opposed all vestiges of Catholic ritual in the Church of England - Elizabeth I rejected their demands for changes in church ritual and governance

Mary I/ "Bloody Mary"

tried to bring back Catholicism, executed Protestants wanted to fuse ties btw Rome & England

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