Ch4 L4 The French and Dutch

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Where was New Netherland?

Along the Hudson River in parts of New York and New Jersey

Why were there problems between New Netherland and the Indians? Their problems were mainly over the island of Manhattan in New York.

Both sides had different ideas about land ownership.

But, Louisiana still needed more workers. What did plantation owners start doing?

Bringing in slaves from Africa to work.

Where was New France?

Canada and the northeastern US

French merchants hired a man to find a place to build a settlement. Who did they hire?


What happened to La Salle in Texas?

Hard times led to disagreements and La Salle was killed by his men.

King Louis sent another expedition to Louisiana. Who did he send?

Le Moyne and Baptiste

AFter 2 months La Salle and his team finally reached the mouth of the Mississippi River at the Gulf of Mexico. He claimed it for France? What did he name it?

Louisiana after France's King Louis

These land issues with the Dutch and Indians were mainly over what area?

Manhattan Island in what is now New York

AFter much fighting, the colonists sent out an army that destroyed Native American villages all over New Netherland. What happened?

Many Indians and colonists were killed. Both sides agreed to stop fighting by signing a peace treaty. But, by then the Algonquin of New Netherland were almost completely wiped out.

Who explored the Mississippi River?

Marquette (missionary) and Joliet (fur trader)

In 1626 the Dutch started a town in southern Manhattan. What was it named?

New Amsterdam after the city of Amsterdam back in the Netherlands.

While Spain and England were building colonies, the French were also claiming land. What did they call their land?

New France

The Dutch also began starting colonies too. What did they call it?

New Netherland

What became the capital of Louisiana?

New Orleans

Then Sweden started a colony. What was is called?

New Sweden

The Dutch had trouble with the Indians. Who was governor of New Netherland at this time?

Peter Minuit in 1626

During La Salle's trip they almost ran out of food. What did they have left to eat?

Potatoes and alligators

Where was New Sweden?

Present day Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware

What place did Samuel de Champlain find? It was the first French settlement in America.

Quebec along the St Lawrence River -

New France grew slowly. Most French were just not interested in moving to North America. They only had 2 settlements in New France. What were they?

Quebec and Montreal (Quebec only had 60 people)

Why was it important for trade to be located along a river that flowed to the ocean?

Ships could easily sail down the Hudson River and wait in the harbor to be loaded with furs to take back to Europe. Then they could go back across the Atlantic Ocean.

Years later, La Salle tried to return to the mouth of the Mississippi River at the Gulf of Mexico but he ended up where?


The Iroquois were allies with who?

The Dutch and English

Both the Huron Indians and Iroquois Indians wanted to control land and trade in Canada. The Huron were allies with who?

The Huron allied with the French.

The Dutch and many other Europeans bought land from the Indians at a price set by the Indians. Why was this a problem?

The Indians thought they were being paid to use the land and the colonists thought they were buying it to stay there permanently. This was a difference in beliefs and probably a problem with different languages too.

Le Moyne and Baptiste found the mouth of the Mississippi and built a settlement there. Colonists came. But what happened?

The experienced many of the hardships La Salle had.

What happens when the demand for a good/product is high and the supply or amount of it is low?

The price goes way up. People who can provide the good make a lot of money.

What did the Indians believe about land ownership?

They believed the land was for everyone to use and no one could own the land.

New Amsterdam had about 200 people. What did they build to help their settlement?

They built warehouses to store food and furs. They also built a fort with high wall made of stone. The fort was for protection.

Why did Marquette and Joliet turn back?

They heard Indians talk of Europeans further south and were afraid it was the Spanish soldiers.

How did the French missionaries get along with the Indians?

They lived with the Indians. They learned their languages. They treated the Indians better than the Spanish did.

How did the fur traders get along with the Indians?

They lived with the Native Americans and learned their languages. But fur traders did not build many long-lasting settlements.

What did Europeans believe about land ownership?

They thought people could buy land and own it and stay there permanently.

In the 1630s French Catholic missionaries began arriving in New France. Why?

They wanted to convert the Native Americans to become Catholic.

What was the Dutch peoples' main goal for their colony?

To make a profit from the fur trade

Was the demand for fur high or low back in Europe?

Very high- Europeans wanted fur hats and coats

What was the supply for fur back in Europe?

Very low- there were not a lot of furry animals like beavers

When did Marquette and Joliet know that it was NOT the Northwest Passage?

When the Mississippi kept flowing south

What is an ally?

a friend or partner

France made a lot of money on the fur trade. The French King Louis did not want to lose this land. To protect it, he made it a royal colony. He sent out explorers to find what?

a river west of Quebec called the Mississippi River

What did the fighting in New France nearly do?

destroy the fur trade and the Huron Indians

What did Mississippi mean?

father of waters

In New France, they began a trading partnership with the Huron tribe. What did they trade?

fur- this would help France become more powerful and wealthy

France's King Louis made Louisiana a proprietary colony. What did that mean?

it was a colony owned by one person

New Orleans was a low lying area. What did they build to protect from floods?


Louisiana failed to attract enough settlers. This made it hard for France to keep control of the land. There were 80,000 French. How many English settlers were there?

one and a half million (1,500,000)

France passed laws to protect who?


What did the King of France hope the Mississippi River was?

the Northwest Passage

What is demand?

the amount of desire people have for a good like fur

Fighting among all groups continued now in New France. What was this fighting over?

the fur trade- both colonists and Indians depended on the fur trade to get the things they needed

Later, a French explorer set out to find the mouth of the Mississippi River where it opened up into the Atlantic Ocean. Who was the explorer?

La Salle

Dutch colonists had a strong fur-trading relationship with the Algonquin. The Dutch worried that the Swedish would enter the fur trade. All sides- colonists and Indians were worried about their economies and land. What happened?

In the 1630s they began attacking each other's farms and villages.

New Amsterdam was a good place for trading. Why?

It was along a river -It was where the Hudson River flowed into the Atlantic Ocean

Who owned Louisiana?

John Law- he brought in many colonists

What is supply?

The amount of a good/product that is available

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