ch6: How to Structure Essays

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b)Many shopping malls have closed across the Midwest.

All of the following are complex sentences EXCEPT: a)You will pass the test if you study hard. b)Many shopping malls have closed across the Midwest. c)Jasper fell down the stairs because he was walking and texting. d)They always order pizza whenever they eat at that restaurant.

b)A fragment separated from the clause can lose its clarity or meaning.

How does a sentence fragment create confusion for the reader? a)The subject of the fragment can no longer be easily identified. b)A fragment separated from the clause can lose its clarity or meaning. c)The fragment will incorrectly split the noun from the verb. d)Multiple fragments lead to choppy sentence structure.

b)Topic sentences help preview the content of a paragraph, while a thesis statement determines the purpose of the entire essay.

How does a topic sentence differ from a thesis statement? a)Topic sentences are present only as part of a technical summary prior to the main body of the essay, while a thesis statement should be the final statement of the introduction. b)Topic sentences help preview the content of a paragraph, while a thesis statement determines the purpose of the entire essay. c)Topic sentences are all statements which oppose the main thesis, while the goal of the thesis statement is to refute the topic statements. d)Topic sentences should only be used to help support the conclusion, while the thesis statement should only be mentioned in the introduction.

d)The paragraph contains specific details to support the topic sentence.

How does a writer know if the paragraph is well-developed? a)The paragraph contains a topic sentence, a main point and a transitional sentence. b)The paragraph contains sentences that reflect the essay's conclusion. c)The paragraph contains some generalities that make the paragraph interesting to the reader. d)The paragraph contains specific details to support the topic sentence.

d)Both can be used to capture the reader's interests.

How is using emotional appeal in an essay similar to providing relevant supporting details? a)Both shouldn't be used in any form of academic writing. b)Both are only used in blogs or journals. c)Both are only used in academic papers. d)Both can be used to capture the reader's interests.

d)introducing a new character

It is BEST to use a simple sentence structure in your essay when _____. a)adding details to previous information b)indicating a variety of ideas c)giving an explanation d)introducing a new character

a)You can determine the best ways to arrange your points.

Why would you want to take the time to outline your paper before you write it? a)You can determine the best ways to arrange your points. b)You can develop your thesis in detail. c)You can begin to construct your conclusion. d)You can avoid a lengthy brainstorming process.

d)has sentences that stick to the main point of the paragraph.

A unified paragraph _____. a)has a lot of details. b)contains ideas from all sections of an outline. c)contains sentences in a logical order. d)has sentences that stick to the main point of the paragraph.


A(n) _____ paragraph presents sentences in a logical order. a)well-developed b)coherent c)body d)organized


After a long day, a teacher is grading a large number of essays which were written by his students. He is reviewing how his students structured their essays. Tom structured his essay so each paragraph had 3 sentences. Jane used 4 to 5 sentences, Katie used 6 to 7 sentences, while Phil used 9 to 10 sentences for each paragraph. Based on this fact alone, which of the following likely received the highest grade? a)phil b)jane c)tom d)katie

a)connects one body paragraph to the next

An effective transitional sentence _____. a)connects one body paragraph to the next b)should be developed at the outlining stage c)does not need to be a complete sentence d)should contain at least three details

c)It has two independent clauses and a coordinating conjunction.

Calvin went to Chicago by airplane, and Audra traveled to the city by train. This is an example of a compound sentence because: a)It has three or more independent clauses. b)It has one independent and two or more dependent clauses. c)It has two independent clauses and a coordinating conjunction. d)It only has one dependent clause.

b)Failing to convince a skeptical reader.

If you choose not to effectively refute potential opposing views, what is a possible outcome of your writing? a)An unclear main idea. b)Failing to convince a skeptical reader. c)An incomplete outline for your argument. d)A disorganized structure.

b)Because she had too many main points, making the essay slightly confusing.

Jane is writing a standard 5-paragraph-essay that consists of 750 words. She starts off by writing her thesis statement in the introduction, stating that: 'The most dangerous element in modern-day history is discrimination.' She then lists 7-9 main points which strongly show her main opinion. Within those 7-9 points, she displays and refutes the evidence by authors who don't agree with her. Why did Jane receive relatively LOW marks on her essay? a)Because she had only 7-9 main points. b)Because she had too many main points, making the essay slightly confusing. c)Because she placed the thesis in the introduction, rather than in the conclusion. d)Because she offered contradicting information, she should only list arguments which support her main points.

d)Providing enough data and evidence to effectively refute that point of view.

Proving that an idea is false or untrue in your writing involves doing what? a)Sketching out the idea in outline form to help readers understand the argument. b)Demonstrating the validity of the idea even though it is not true. c)Highlighting that idea in your thesis to demonstrate the illogical argument. d)Providing enough data and evidence to effectively refute that point of view.

a)Transition statements

Read the following short paragraphs and identify what may be missing: 'Flowers are very well-liked in most parts of the world. There are many types of flowers.' 'Roses are one of the most recognized types of flowers. Roses come in a variety of colors. Roses are often bred to make even more unique colors.' 'Daisies are well-liked flowers. Daisies grow in various types of soil, so daisies are found in a lot of different regions.' a)Transition statements b)Main points c)Synonyms d)Commas

a)Because it lacks a clear thesis in the introduction.

The following are the last 3 statements of the introduction to an English 101 literary essay. Why should they be reorganized? The main thesis of this paper concerns the play Romeo and Juliet and will be explained in the following thesis. This will best be explained by the many symbols that are used throughout Shakespeare's play. Shakespeare's works remain significant to this day and age. a)Because it lacks a clear thesis in the introduction. b)Because the last sentence should be an introductory sentence. c)Because it lacks well-developed main points. d)Because the last sentence should be a transitioning statement.

b)Statistics involving the argument topic.

What would be considered appropriate evidence in support of an argument? a)A list of books written on the topic. b)Statistics involving the argument topic. c)Interviews of interested parties on the argument. d)A poll that indicates how people feel about the topic.

d)To make each paragraph easier to understand

When writing a paragraph, why is it important to use topic sentences? a)To write an abstract prior to the main body b)To outline the key purpose of your entire essay c)To summarize the introduction d)To make each paragraph easier to understand

d)At the beginning of an opening paragraph to summarize the main point of the written piece for the reader

Where are topic sentences generally found in writing? Why? a)In the first transition statement to strengthen the introductory argument b)At the end of each paragraph to provide a summary of the information c)In the abstract to alert readers of the upcoming subject matter d)At the beginning of an opening paragraph to summarize the main point of the written piece for the reader

c)Where they might arise naturally in the course of your argument.

Where should you choose to refute potential opposing views in a document? a)Only at the end of the body of your essay. b)Only at the start of the body of your essay. c)Where they might arise naturally in the course of your argument. d)Where you can create a separate section only dealing with that point of view.

c)The History of Redwood Trees in Northern California

Which answer choice below BEST demonstrates a descriptive title? a)Oh, Those Towering Giants b)Redwood Trees c)The History of Redwood Trees in Northern California d)The Giant Trees Known as Redwoods

c)User-generated websites like Wikipedia.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a reliable source for an academic essay? a)Official publications. b)Peer-reviewed journals. c)User-generated websites like Wikipedia. d)Databases

c)An abstract

Which of the following is NOT typically part of an essay? a)A thesis b)The title c)An abstract d)A concluding paragraph e)An introductory paragraph

c)Although Lenora prefers romantic films, she rented Star Wars, and she enjoyed it very much.

Which of the following is an example of a compound-complex sentence? a)Nathan and Gigi went to Las Vegas last week in order to get a quick divorce. b)Percy's car broke down because the previous owner was not honest about the vehicle's true condition. c)Although Lenora prefers romantic films, she rented Star Wars, and she enjoyed it very much. d)Nelly slipped and fell on the ice, but Raja managed to regain his footing.

d)Main ideas, thesis statements, and topic sentences help structure a written piece, aiding the reader's understanding.

Which of the following is true? a)Thesis statements and topic sentences set the tone and style that should be continued throughout the writing. b)Conclusion sections should generally repeat the information of the topic sentences for clarity. c)A weak main idea can be strengthened with detailed supporting facts, relevant case studies, and scientific findings. d)Main ideas, thesis statements, and topic sentences help structure a written piece, aiding the reader's understanding.

a)additionally, however, conversely

Which of the following list of words are transitional words? a)additionally, however, conversely b)emphatically, surprisingly, nearly c)if, then, because d)whenever, sometimes, often

d)Compound-complex sentence

Which of the following sentence structures is BEST for presenting concepts that your reader needs to consider all at once? a)Simple sentence b)Compound sentence c)Complex sentence d)Compound-complex sentence

c)In a timed essay exam, you should think about paragraph breaks and should vary your sentence structure.

Which of the following sentences is NOT written with simple subject-verb construction? a)Most paragraphs contain fewer than ten sentences. b)A timed essay exam requires you to pay attention to paragraph breaks. c)In a timed essay exam, you should think about paragraph breaks and should vary your sentence structure. d)A good writer must fully develop his or her paragraphs.

a)Personal statements.

Which of the following should NOT be included in a formal essay? a)Personal statements. b)A thesis statement. c)A proper ratio of quality research and the writer's analysis. d)Up-to-date and reliable sources.

b)New information.

Which of the following should NOT be included in the conclusion paragraph of a 5-paragraph essay? a)The importance of the writer's thesis statement in light of the research presented. b)New information. c)Around 5-7 sentences for an essay of this length. d)A sense of closure.

d)It is the key concept being expressed or examined.

Which of the following statements best defines the main idea of an essay? a)It is the first sentence in the first paragraph. b)It is the setting in which a story takes place. c)It is a one sentence summary of the opinion being presented. d)It is the key concept being expressed or examined.

d)Use subordinate clauses often to avoid fragments.

Which of the following statements is NOT a way to improve sentence structure? a)Ensure the sentence is clear b)Use active voice and active verbs c)Follow traditional grammar rules d)Use subordinate clauses often to avoid fragments.

d)A tired driver can be just as dangerous as a drunk driver.

Which of the following statements is an example of a thesis statement? a)More than 250,000 drivers in the United States fall asleep at the wheel every day. b)Drowsy driving is responsible for 100,000 accidents every year. c)A lack of sleep has been shown to slow reaction times and impair judgement. d)A tired driver can be just as dangerous as a drunk driver.

c)The report was finished in early June.

Which of the following statements is an example of writing with a passive voice? a)The building tilted to one side. b)John was swimming when the alarm sounded. c)The report was finished in early June. d)Donna enjoyed going to the movies.

c)By green grass

Which of the phrases below includes the use of a modifier? a)With a smile b)Once upon a time c)By green grass d)Over the bridge

c)It clearly explains the main idea and helps readers to better understand what the piece of writing is all about.

Why is a thesis statement so important in writing? a)It helps readers find where the most important information is in the piece of writing. b)It introduces the most critical facts and details of the information to be discussed. c)It clearly explains the main idea and helps readers to better understand what the piece of writing is all about. d)It structures each paragraph logically to help readers understand the key points presented.

a)Because a reader may lose interest in your paper

Why is it a bad idea to use only short subject-verb sentences? a)Because a reader may lose interest in your paper b)Because your paragraph will be the appropriate length c)Because they make your essay slightly too engaging for most academic papers d)Because they are only used for research articles

b)The thesis identifies the writer's position and particular take on the subject of the essay.

Why is the thesis statement such an important element of any essay? a)The thesis is generally the first sentence of the introductory paragraph, and sets the framework for the entire essay. b)The thesis identifies the writer's position and particular take on the subject of the essay. c)The thesis allows readers to understand how the author reached their opinion. d)The thesis is mentioned in each paragraph to provide a logical body for the essay.

c)The introductory paragraph can be written after the body paragraphs because the writer has a better idea about what they are introducing.

Why might a writer want to complete the introductory paragraph after the body paragraphs? a)The introductory paragraph is the most challenging to write and can cause writers' block. b)The introductory and summary paragraph can be written together to ensure their message is complimentary but distinct. c)The introductory paragraph can be written after the body paragraphs because the writer has a better idea about what they are introducing. d)The introductory paragraph is last in the paper so it should be written last.

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