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An organization using HDFS realizes that hardware failure is a(n): A) norm. B) irregularity. C) anomaly. D) inconsistency.


Big data includes: A) large volumes of data with many different data types that are processed at very high speeds. B) large volumes of data entry with a single data type processed at very high speeds. C) large volumes of entity relationship diagrams (ERD) with many different data types that are processed at very high speeds. D) large volumes of entity relationship diagrams (ERD) with a single data type processed at very high speeds.


It is true that in an HDFS cluster the DataNodes are the: A) large number of slaves. B) single master servers. C) language libraries. D) business intelligences.


MongoDB databases are composed of: A) collections. B) tables. C) rowsets. D) columns.


The primary use of Pig is to: A) transform raw data into a format that is useful for analysis. B) query large databases. C) create large databases. D) create data warehouses.


________ includes the value of speed in a NoSQL database. A) Velocity B) Vigilant C) Verified D) Variety


________ is an important scripting language to help reduce the complexity of MapReduce. A) Pig B) Horse C) Dog D) Cat


Explain what a candidate key is and how it might be used.

A candidate key is an attribute or a combination of attributes that uniquely identifies a row in a relation. A candidate key must be nonredundant and must also uniquely identify each row. When we look at functional dependencies and candidate keys, we can always say that a determinant is always a candidate key.

Discuss why it is important to remove multivalued attributes from a relation.

A multivalued attribute is one that can take on more than one value. According to the definition of a relation, there can be no multivalued attributes. The reason for this will be seen later when the schema is normalized. A multivalued attribute can be resolved by creating a separate instance for each value and repeating the data from the non-multivalued attributes.

Discuss the various relational keys.

A primary key uniquely identifies each row of a relation (or table). It can be either a single column or a composite of two or more columns, which is called a composite key. A foreign key allows us to represent the relationship between two tables. A foreign key in one table is generally a reference to a primary key in another table.

Discuss when it is best to create a surrogate key for an associative entity.

A surrogate key should be created when any of the following conditions hold: there is a composite primary key, the natural primary key is inefficient (such as a long name) or the natural primary key is recycled. When you have an associative entity, it is often best to use a surrogate key when you have more than two relations that the associative entity is related to, since the primary key would be a composite of the primary keys of all entities related to the associative entity.

How do you convert weak entities to relations?

A weak entity becomes a relation. However, since a weak entity instance does not exist by itself, we must create a relation with the primary key from the strong relation as the primary key, as well as the identifying attribute.

What is an anomaly, and what are the three types of anomalies?

An anomaly is an error or inconsistency that may result when a user attempts to update a table that contains redundant data. There are three types of anomalies. An insert anomaly occurs when a user attempts to enter new information for part of a table. For example, if we stored customer address with an order. A deletion anomaly occurs when the user wants to delete part of a record but also has to delete related data. A modification anomaly occurs when we have to change the same data in multiple places.

An organization that decides to adopt the most popular NoSQL database management system would select: A) Access. B) MongoDB. C) Neo4j. D) Redis.


Apache Cassandra is a leading producer of ________ NoSQL database management systems. A) key-value store B) wide-column C) relational D) graph


Big data: A) requires a normalized dataset to 3rd Normal Form. B) does not require a strictly defined data model. C) requires a strictly defined schema. D) requires a normalized dataset to BCNF.


Data in MongoDB is represented in: A) JSON. B) BSON. C) CSON. D) SON.


Hive uses ________ to query data. A) SQL B) HiveQL C) BeesNest D) Honeyquery


It is true that in an HDFS cluster the NameNode is the: A) large number of slaves. B) single master server. C) language library. D) business intelligence.


NoSQL systems allow ________ by incorporating commodity servers that can be easily added to the architectural solution. A) scaling down B) scaling out C) scaling up D) scaling over


NoSQL systems enable automated ________ to allow distribution of the data among multiple nodes to allow servers to operate independently on the data located on it. A) sharing B) sharding C) SQL D) mongo


The Hadoop framework consists of the ________ algorithm to solve large scale problems. A) MapSystem B) MapReduce C) MapCluster D) MapComponent


The three 'v's' commonly associated with big data include: A) viewable, volume, and variety. B) volume, variety, and velocity. C) verified, variety, and velocity. D) vigilant, viewable, and verified.


________ generally processes the largest quantities of data. A) Operational databases B) Transaction processing C) Big data D) Data marts


According to your text, NoSQL stands for: A) Numbered SQL. B) No SQL. C) Not Only SQL. D) Numeric Only SQL.


An organization that requires a graph database that is highly scalable would select the ________ database management system. A) Access B) Excel Spreadsheet C) Neo4j D) Redis


At a basic level, analytics refers to: A) collecting data. B) conducting a needs analysis. C) analysis and interpretation of data. D) normalizing data


Big data requires effectively processing: A) a single data type (numeric). B) two data types (text and numeric). C) many data types. D) a single data type (text).


NoSQL includes data storage and retrieval: A) based on the relational model. B) based on normalized tables. C) not based on the relational model. D) not based on data


The NoSQL model that incorporates 'column families' is called a: A) key-value store. B) document store. C) wide-column store. D) column-SQL database.


When a data repository (including internal and external data) does NOT follow a predefined schema, this is called a: A) data dump. B) data ocean. C) data lake. D) data stream.


When reporting and analysis organization of the data is determined when the data is used is called a(n): A) entity relationship diagram. B) schema binding. C) schema on read. D) cognitive schema.


With HDFS it is less expensive to move the execution of computation to data than to move the: A) data to hardware. B) data to systems analysis. C) data to computation. D) data to processes.


________ includes concern about data quality issues. A) Velocity B) Vigilant C) Veracity D) Variety


Although volume, variety, and velocity are considered the initial three v dimensions, two additional Vs of big data were added and include: A) veracity and verified. B) volume and verified. C) verified and valuable. D) veracity and value


An organization that requires a sole focus on performance with the ability for keys to include strings, hashes, lists, and sorted sets would select ________ database management system. A) Access B) Excel Spreadsheet C) Neo4j D) Redis


Hive is a(n) ________ data warehouse software. A) Oracle B) Microsoft C) Macintosh D) Apache


NoSQL focuses on: A) avoidance of replication of data. B) minimizing storage space. C) normalized data. D) flexibility.


The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the foundation of a ________ infrastructure of Hadoop. A) relational database management system B) DBBMS C) Java D) data management


The NoSQL model that is specifically designed to maintain information regarding the relationships (often real-world instances of entities) between data items is called a: A) key-value store. B) document store. C) wide-column store. D) graph-oriented database


________ includes NoSQL accommodation of various data types. A) Velocity B) Vigilant C) Verified D) Variety


________ is the most popular key-value store NoSQL database management system. A) Access B) Apache Cassandra C) Neo4j D) Redis


Discuss the two major occasions when you benefit from using normalization.

During logical database design, normalization is used as a check and balance to make sure that your E-R diagram is correct as well as your relational schema before doing physical design. Another occasion when you benefit is reverse-engineering an older system, since many of the tables and user views are redundant.

Discuss how you would map a regular entity to a relation.

Each regular entity is transformed into a relation. There are a couple of things that need to be done with some special types of attributes. Composite attributes are broken down into their individual components. Multivalued attributes are broken down into separate relations. For example, if there was a multivalued skill attribute, this would become a skill relation. Also, we ignore derived attributes.

Discuss the properties of relations.

Each relation (or table) has a unique name. An entry at the intersection of each row and column is atomic and each row is unique. Each attribute (or column) within a table has a unique name. The sequence of rows and columns is insignificant.

A database management system needs to provide only three basic facilities for backup and recovery of a database: backup facilities, journalizing facilities, and a recovery manager. T/F


A deadlock results when two transactions try to read the same record. T/F


A default value is the value that a field will always assume, regardless of what the user enters for an instance of that field. T/F


A domain is a way to create a structure that acts like a table. T/F


A file organization is a named portion of primary memory. T/F


A repository of information about data is called a catalog. T/F


Allocating 10 percent over suggested installation space is sufficient for a DBMS. T/F


Backward recovery starts with an earlier copy of the database. T/F


Big data allows for two different data types (text and numeric). T/F


Controls incorporated into a data management system that restrict access to data are called authentication rules. T/F


Denormalization is the process of transforming relations with variable-length fields into those with fixed-length fields. T/F


Economies of storage indicate data storage costs increase every year. T/F


Field-level locks are used quite often. T/F


Free range partitioning is a type of horizontal partitioning in which each partition is defined by a range of values for one or more columns in the normalized table. T/F


Horizontal partitioning refers to the process of combining several smaller relations into a larger table. T/F


In order to perform a restore/rerun, the database must be mirrored. T/F


Loss of data integrity does not impact the quality of data in a database. T/F


MongoDB is a proprietary NoSQL database management system created by Oracle. T/F


Neo4j is a wide-column NoSQL database management system developed by Oracle. T/F


NoSQL focuses on avoidance of replication and minimizing storage space. T/F


One method to handle missing values is to substitute an exact value. T/F


Open-source software always comes with complete documentation. T/F


Structured Query Language (SQL) is a set of methodologies, processes, architectures, and technologies that transform raw data into meaningful information. T/F


The Information Resource Lexicon System (IRLS) is a computer software tool used to manage and control access to the information repository. T/F


The dive in anywhere characteristic of a data lake overrides constraints related to confidentiality. T/F


The granularity of locking is not a critical decision in database design. T/F


The philosophical underpinnings of big data are based on schema on write. T/F


The target market for Hadoop is small to medium companies using local area networks. T/F


The transaction log contains before- and after-images of records that have been modified. T/F


There are two principal types of authorization tables: one for subjects and one for facts. T/F


Transaction processing and management reporting tend to fit big data databases better than relational databases. T/F


Versioning takes the pessimistic approach to locking. T/F


Word processing documents are commonly stored in a 'document store' NoSQL database model. T/F


A DBMS may perform checkpoints automatically or in response to commands in user application programs. T/F


A DBMS must provide journalizing facilities to provide an audit trail of transactions and database changes. T/F


A business owner that needs carefully normalized tables would likely need a relational database instead of a NoSQL database. T/F


A shared lock allows other transactions to read but not update records in use. T/F


A trigger can be used for security purposes to prohibit inappropriate actions, such as changing a salary value outside of a business day. T/F


A typical cause of database destruction is a disk crash. T/F


A view can be built to present only the data to which a user requires access. T/F


Along with table scans, other elements of a query can be processed in parallel. T/F


An audit trail of transactions and database changes is kept by a journalizing facility. T/F


Apache Cassandra is a wide-column NoSQL database management system. T/F


Authorization rules are controls incorporated in the data management system that restrict access to data and also restrict the actions that people may take when they access the data. T/F


Big data databases tend to sacrifice consistency for availability. T/F


CASE tool-generated information should be fed into repositories. T/F


Collect everything is a characteristic of a data lake. T/F


Concurrent transactions need to be processed in isolation so that they do not interfere with each other. T/F


Correct installation of the DBMS product is essential to any environment. T/F


Denormalization almost always leads to more storage space for raw data. T/F


Examination and modification of the SQL code in an application may lead to performance improvements. T/F


HP HAVEn integrates HP technologies with open source big data technologies. T/F


In a Heap file organization, files are not stored in any particular order. T/F


In a sequential file, the records are stored in sequence according to a primary key value. T/F


JSON is commonly used in conjunction with the 'document store' NoSQL database model. T/F


Live migration from one environment to another in cloud computing is a challenge. T/F


NoSQL databases DO NOT support ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability). T/F


NoSQL stands for 'Not only SQL.' T/F


One decision in the physical design process is selecting structures. T/F


One objective of selecting a data type is to minimize storage space. T/F


Security is one advantage of partitioning. T/F


Sensitivity testing involves ignoring missing data unless knowing a value might significantly change results. T/F


Server logs are considered a big data variety data type. T/F


The 'schema on read' approach often incorporates JSON or XML. T/F


The data administrator takes responsibility for the overall management of data resources. T/F


The first line of defense for authentication is the use of passwords, which is a one-factor authentication scheme. T/F


The goal of database security is the protection of data from accidental or intentional threats to its integrity and access. T/F


The original three 'v's' attributed to big data include volume, variety, and velocity. T/F


The repository information model defines types, which should be easy to extend. T/F


Two-phase locking results in a growing phase where locks are acquired and a shrinking phase where locks are released. T/F


Value (related to the five 'v's' of big data) addresses the pursuit of a meaningful goal. T/F


VarChar2 would be appropriate for a user that wanted a text datatype for LastName that would only consume the required space. T/F


With a one-key encryption standard, both the sender and the receiver need to know the key that is used to scramble the transmitted or stored data. T/F


Discuss how to map a unary one-to-many relationship.

The entity type in the unary relationship is mapped to a relation in the same way as we did for a relation. We next add a foreign key attribute, which maps back to the primary key. This is called a recursive foreign key. So, if we had a relation such as a person supervises one or more persons, the person_id would be a primary key and then there would be a supervisor id which points back to the person_id.

Discuss the types of integrity constraints.

The three major types of integrity constraints are domain constraints, entity integrity and referential integrity. A domain is a set of attributes assigned to an attribute and consists of the domain name, data type, size and allowable values. The entity integrity rule is designed to ensure that every relation has a primary key and that the data values for the primary key are valid (in particular, not null). The referential integrity constraint is a rule that maintains consistency among the rows of two relations. If there is a foreign key in one relation, there must be a matching primary key in the other relation or the foreign key must be null.

List and explain 1st, 2nd, 3rd, BCNF, 4th, and 5th normal forms.

There are six different normal forms, all of which build upon each other. When a relation is in first normal form, all repeating groups have been removed. Second normal form means that any partial functional dependencies have been removed. A partial functional dependency occurs when a primary key is a composite key and a nonkey attribute is dependent upon part of the key. A relation is in third normal form when all transitive dependencies have been resolved. A transitive dependency occurs when one nonkey attribute is dependent upon another nonkey attribute. Boyce-Codd normal form removes any further dependencies that may result from anomalies. A relation is in fourth normal form when any dependencies from multivalued attributes have been removed. Fifth normal form removes any further anomalies.

Discuss the two possible scenarios when mapping an associative entity.

There are two possible cases for associative entities. In one case, you can have an identifier assigned. You would then use this as the primary key. The other case is where the identifier is not assigned. In this case, you would use the primary keys from the other two (or more) relations that are related to the associative entity.

Discuss how to map a unary many-to-many relationship.

Two relations are created. One represents the entity type in the relationship, and the other is an associative relation to represent the M:N relationship. The primary key of the associative relation consists of two attributes which take their value from the primary key of the other relation.

Discuss why it is a good idea to create an instance of your relational schema with sample data.

Using sample data allows you to test any assumptions that you may have regarding the design. In addition, it provides a convenient way to check the accuracy of your design and helps to improve communication with users. A final benefit is that you will be able to develop prototype applications and sample queries with the data.

Explain how subtype/supertype relationships are converted to relations.

When we have a supertype/subtype relationship, we need to assign one entity for the supertype and one for each subtype. The supertype has all attributes common to all subtypes as well as a primary key. Each subtype relation has the primary key of the supertype as well as any attributes that are specific to that subtype. Finally, we assign one or more attributes to the supertype to function as subtype discriminators.

A DBMS periodically suspends all processing and synchronizes its files and journals through the use of a: checkpoint facility. database change log. backup facility. recovery manager.


A ________ is a query submitted by a DBA to test the current performance of a database or to predict the response time for queries. Hearbeat query optimize query satisfaction query


A credit-card sized plastic card with an embedded microprocessor chip with the ability to store, process and output electronic data in a secure manner is called a(n): smart card. smart chip. e-credit card. secure card.


A method that speeds query processing by running a query at the same time against several partitions of a table using multiprocessors is called: parallel query processing. perpendicular query processing. multiple partition queries. query optimization.


A(n) ________ is a component that stores metadata. information repository index data terms


All of the following are valid datatypes in Oracle 12c EXCEPT: BOOLEAN. VARCHAR2. BLOB. NUMBER.


Controls incorporated into a data management system that restrict access to data are called ________. authorization rules permissions status


Distributing the rows of data into separate files is called: horizontal partitioning. file allocation. vertical partitioning. normalization.


The NoSQL model that includes a simple pair of a key and an associated collection of values is called a: A) key-value store. B) document store. C) wide-column store. D) graph database.


The ________ occurs when one user reads data that have been partially updated by another user. inconsisten read problem


The ________ technique involves reprocessing the day's transactions against the backup copy of the database. restore/rerun


Which of the following functions develop integrity controls? database design database control database implementation


Which of the following functions model business rules? database analysis database design database control


Which of the following is an objective of selecting a data type? Improve data integrity Maximize storage space Limit security Represent a small number of possible values


While Oracle has responsibility for managing data inside a tablespace, the tablespace, as a whole, is managed by the: operating system. user. XML. CEO.


An alternative name for an attribute is called a(n): A) synonym. B) alias. C) alternate attribute. D) related characteristic.


A cloud computing approach in which the service consists of software solutions intended to address the needs of a noncompeting activity is called: Platform-as-a-service. Software-as-a-service. Soft-computing-service. Infrastructure-as-a-service.


A detailed coding scheme recognized by system software for representing organizational data is called a(n): DBMS code. data type. SQL. DB layout.


A form of denormalization where the same data are purposely stored in multiple places in the database is called: advanced placement. data replication. data duplication. horizontal partitioning.


A method for handling missing data is to: delete the associated row. track missing data with special reports. perform insensitivity testing. substitute with random numbers for the missing data.


All of the following are common denormalization opportunities EXCEPT: reference data. a one-to-many relationship. two entities with a one-to-one relationship. a many-to-many relationship with nonkey attributes.


An advantage of partitioning is: remote optimization. efficiency. increase redundancy. extra space and update time.


One field or combination of fields for which more than one record may have the same combination of values is called a(n): composite key. secondary key. index. linked key.


The logical beginning and end of a transaction is called a ________. transaction completeness transaction boundary transaction defect


The smallest unit of application data recognized by system software is a: data type. field. column. row.


When incorrect data have been introduced, the database is best recovered by: starting with a new ERD. restarting from the most recent checkpoint and processing subsequent transactions. reloading RDMS software. formatting server.


Which type of file is most efficient with storage space? Clustered Sequential Indexed Hashed


________ locks allow other transactions to read but not update a record or other resource. private shared public


The normal form which removes any remaining functional dependencies because there was more than one primary key for the same nonkeys is called: A) fifth normal form. B) fourth normal form. C) Boyce-Codd normal form. D) sixth normal form.

boyce-codd normal form

A disadvantage of partitioning is: remote optimization. simplicity. extra space and update time. shorter technology spans.


A discrete unit of work that must be processed completely or not at all within a computer system is called a Journalizing facility. change control device. transaction. before image.


A factor to consider when choosing a file organization is: DDL. DML. efficient storage. inefficient data retrieval.


A key decision in the physical design process is: deciding on the monitor. deciding the e-r diagrams. selecting structures. ignoring the size of the database.


A requirement to begin designing physical files and databases is: implementation complete. all datatypes determined normalized relations. physical tables created.


A trigger can be used as a security measure in which of the following ways? To conduct a DFD analysis To check for viruses To cause special handling procedures to be executed To design a database


All of the following are advantages to cloud-based computing EXCEPT: no need for initial investment in hardware, physical facilities and systems software. elasticity. ACID support for database as a service. organizations can explore new data management technologies more easily.


An integrity control supported by a DBMS is: GUI guards. security. range control. substitute estimates.


Controls designed to restrict access and activities are called: schemas. business rules. authorization rules. encryption controls.


The coding or scrambling of data so that humans cannot read them is called ________. hiding. encoding. encryption. demarcation.


The process of managing simultaneous operations against a database so that data integrity is maintained is called ________. Seperate control duplicate control concurrency control


The storage format for each attribute from the logical data model is chosen to maximize ________ and minimize storage space. data integration programmer productivity data integrity query design


________ is used to undo unwanted database changes. Rollforward Encryption Rollback Restart


A primary key that consists of more than one attribute is called a: A) foreign key. B) composite key. C) multivalued key. D) cardinal key.

composite key

In the SQL language, the ________ statement is used to make table definitions. A) create session B) create table C) create index D) select

create table

When a regular entity type contains a multivalued attribute, one must: A) create a single relation with multiple lines for each instance of the multivalued attribute. B) create two new relations, one containing the multivalued attribute. C) create two new relations, both containing the multivalued attribute. D) delete the relation and start over.

create two new relations, one containing the multivalued attribute

A ________ is a DBMS module that restores the database to a correct condition when a failure occurs. transaction logger backup facility restart facility recovery manager


A cloud computing approach in which the service consists mainly of hardware and systems software resources is called: Software-as-a-service. Platform-as-a-service. IDE. Infrastructure-as-a-service.


A cloud computing approach in which the service consists of infrastructure resources and additional tools that enable application and solution data management solution developers to reach a high level of productivity is called: Tools-as-a-service. Software-as-a-service. Infrastructure-as-a-service. Platform-as-a-service.


A method to allow adjacent secondary memory space to contain rows from several tables is called: compiling. cluttering. concatenating. clustering.


A transaction that terminates abnormally is called a(n) ________ transaction. terminated completed deleted aborted


All of the following are objectives when selecting a data type EXCEPT: improve data integrity. represent all possible values. support all data manipulations. use a lot of storage space.


In which type of file is multiple key retrieval not possible? Clustered Sequential Indexed Hashed


________ is a component of the relational data model included to specify business rules to maintain the integrity of data when they are manipulated. A) Business rule constraint B) Data integrity C) Business integrity D) Data structure

data integrity

________ problems are encountered when removing data with transitive dependencies. A) Insertion B) Modification C) Deletion D) Merging


A nonkey attribute is also called a(n): A) column. B) unimportant datum. C) descriptor. D) address.


The attribute on the left-hand side of the arrow in a functional dependency is the: A) candidate key. B) determinant. C) foreign key. D) primary key.


A primary key whose value is unique across all relations is called a(n): A) global primary key. B) inter-table primary key. C) enterprise key. D) foreign global key.

enterprise key

The ________ states that no primary key attribute may be null. A) referential integrity constraint B) entity integrity rule C) partial specialization rule D) range domain rule

entity integrity rule

62) When transforming a weak entity, one should create one relation with both the attributes of the strong entity and the attributes of the weak entity.


A co-dependency is a constraint between two attributes or two sets of attributes.


A composite key consists of only one attribute.


A foreign key is a primary key of a relation that also is a primary key in another relation.


A relation is in first normal form if it has no more than one multivalued attribute.


A synonym is an attribute that may have more than one meaning.


A transversal dependency is a functional dependency between two or more nonkey attributes.


An anomaly is a type of flaw in the database server.


An enterprise key is a foreign key whose value is unique across all relations.


An identifier assigned to an associative entity is also called a cross-relation key.


Anomalies do not generally arise out of transitive dependencies.


CASE tools can model more complex data relationships, such as ternary relationships.


Data integrity consists of powerful operations to manipulate data stored in relations.


In the relational data model, associations between tables are defined through the use of primary keys.


The entity integrity rule states that a primary key attribute can be null.


The primary key of the many side migrates to the one side when transforming a one-to-many relationship.


The relational data model does, at this time, directly support subtype/supertype relationships.


The truncate table statement in SQL creates a new table.


There can be multivalued attributes in a relation.


Unlike columns, the rows of a relation may not be interchanged and must be stored in one sequence.


When transforming a unary many-to-many relationship to relations, a recursive foreign key is used.


When all multivalued attributes have been removed from a relation, it is said to be in: A) first normal form. B) second normal form. C) Boyce-Codd normal form. D) third normal form.

first normal form

An attribute in a relation of a database that serves as the primary key of another relation in the same database is called a: A) link attribute. B) link key. C) foreign key. D) foreign attribute.

foreign key

The normal form which deals with multivalued dependencies is called: A) fifth normal form. B) fourth normal form. C) Boyce-Codd normal form. D) sixth normal form.

fourth normal form

A constraint between two attributes is called a(n): A) functional relation. B) attribute dependency. C) functional dependency. D) functional relation constraint.

functional dependency

When transforming a one-to-one relationship, a new relation is always created.


An attribute that may have more than one meaning is called a(n): A) homonym. B) alias. C) double defined attribute. D) synonym.


A domain definition consists of all of the following components EXCEPT: A) domain name. B) data type. C) integrity constraints. D) size.

integrity constraints

A form of database specification which maps conceptual requirements is called: A) logical specifications. B) response specifications. C) security specifications. D) physical specifications.

logical specifications

All of the following are the main goals of normalization EXCEPT: A) minimize data redundancy. B) simplify the enforcement of referential integrity. C) maximize storage space. D) make it easier to maintain data.

maximize storage space

The need to ________ relations commonly occurs when different views need to be integrated. A) metadata B) system C) drop D) merge


________ are anomalies that can be caused by editing data in tables. A) Insertion B) Deletion C) Modification D) Creation


The entity integrity rule states that: A) no primary key attribute can be null. B) referential integrity must be maintained across all entities. C) each entity must have a primary key. D) a primary key must have only one attribute.

no primary key attribute can be null

Which of the following are properties of relations? A) Each attribute has the same name. B) No two rows in a relation are identical. C) There are multivalued attributes in a relation. D) All columns are numeric.

no two rows in a relation are identical

Understanding the steps involved in transforming EER diagrams into relations is important because: A) one must be able to check the output of a CASE tool. B) there are rarely legitimate alternatives from which to choose. C) CASE tools can model any situation. D) CASE tools model hypothetical business problems.

one must be able to check the output of a CASE tool

A functional dependency in which one or more nonkey attributes are functionally dependent on part, but not all, of the primary key is called a ________ dependency. A) partial key-based B) partial functional C) cross key D) merged relation

partial function

________ database specification indicates all the parameters for data storage that are then input to database implementation. A) Logical B) Physical C) Schematic D) Conceptual


An attribute (or attributes) that uniquely identifies each row in a relation is called a: A) column. B) foreign field. C) primary key. D) duplicate key.

primary key

A rule that states that each foreign key value must match a primary key value in the other relation is called the: A) referential integrity constraint. B) key match rule. C) entity key group rule. D) foreign/primary match rule.

referential integrity constraint

A two-dimensional table of data sometimes is called a: A) group. B) set. C) declaration. D) relation.


Which of the following violates the atomic property of relations? A) Sam B) Hinz C) Sam Hinz D) Atomic

sam hinz

Which of the following is NOT a reason to create an instance of a relational schema with sample data? A) Sample data can be used to improve user communications. B) Sample data can be used for prototype generation. C) Sample data can reverse database implementation errors. D) Sample data provide a convenient way to check the accuracy of your design.

sample data can reverse database implementation errors

A relation that contains no multivalued attributes and has nonkey attributes solely dependent on the primary key but contains transitive dependencies is in which normal form? A) First B) Second C) Third D) Fourth


Two or more attributes having different names but the same meaning are called: A) homonyms. B) aliases. C) synonyms. D) alternate attributes.


Data is represented in the form of: A) data trees. B) tables. C) data notes. D) chairs.


A candidate key must satisfy all of the following conditions EXCEPT: A) the key must uniquely identify the row. B) the key must indicate the row's position in the table. C) the key must be nonredundant. D) each nonkey attribute is functionally dependent upon it.

the key must indicate the row's position in the table

A functional dependency between two or more nonkey attributes is called a: A) partial functional dependency. B) partial nonkey dependency. C) transitive dependency. D) partial transitive dependency.

transitive dependency

A candidate key is an attribute, or combination of attributes, that uniquely identifies a row in a relation.


A cascading delete removes all records in other tables associated with the record to be deleted.


A partial functional dependency is a functional dependency in which one or more nonkey attributes are functionally dependent on part (but not all) of the primary key.


A primary key is an attribute that uniquely identifies each row in a relation.


A referential integrity constraint is a rule that maintains consistency among the rows of two relations.


A relation in fifth normal form may not contain any anomalies.


A well-structured relation contains minimal redundancy and allows users to manipulate the relation without errors or inconsistencies.


All values that appear in a column of a relation must be taken from the same domain.


Data structures include data organized in the form of tables with rows and columns.


If an identifier is not assigned, the default primary key for an associative relation consists of the two primary key attributes from the other two relations.


One property of a relation is that each attribute within a relation has a unique name.


Sample data are useful for developing prototype applications and for testing queries.


The allowable range of values for a given attribute is part of the domain constraint.


The columns of a relation can be interchanged without changing the meaning or use of the relation.


View integration is the process of merging relations together.


When a regular entity type contains a multivalued attribute, two new relations are created.


When normalizing, the goal is to decompose relations with anomalies to produce smaller, well-structured relations.


When two or more attributes describe the same characteristic of an entity, they are synonyms.


A relation that contains minimal redundancy and allows easy use is considered to be: A) clean. B) simple. C) complex. D) well-structured.


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