Channel Theory basics

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YIN ch hand begin and end

chest along inner surface of the arm to the hand

Yin -yang pairing

lung- LI spleen-stomach heart - SI kidney -U bladder pericardium- san jaoi liver-GB

Order of channels superficial to deep

1. Cutaneous 2.Minute collaterals 3. Sinew 12 4. Luo connecting 15 5. Primary 12 6. divergent 12 7. Extraordinary (Ren, Du) 8 8. Deep pathways of the primary and divergent ch Cats make snakes look past dogs except daschunds

12 Cutaneous Regions

1. Not channels but skin regions overlying the broad network of superficial channels and linked to them 2. provide invasion pathway for exogenous pathogenic factors 3. manifest disorders of deep-lying channels e.g. -abnormal skin sensations - skin lesions - discoloration white = deficiency +cold red = heat, blue/green = pain 4. Rx applied thru cupping, moxa, massage, dermal needling, cupping, skin scraping, plum blossom needling

Function of the Channels:

1: Transporting Qi and blood thru the body and rendering it an integrated whole 2: Protecting the body 3:Responding to dysfunction in the body a) disease of channels themselves - b) disease of the zangfu organs reflecting on the channels. c)disease transmitting via channels - from one zangfu to another. d) visibly shows disease. 4: Serve to transmit Qi to diseased areas.

Exterior-interior relationship between the channels:

Lung (hand taiyin) -> LI (hand yangming) -> stomach (Foot yangming) -> spleen (foot taiyin) -> heart (hand shaoyin) ->small intestine (hand taiyang) -> bladder (foot taiyang) -kidney (foot shaoyin) ->pericardium (hand jueyin) -> San Jaoi (hand shaoyang) -> gall bladder (foot shaoyang) - liver (foot jueyin)

3 Yin channels of the hand

Lung: hand taiyin (Lateral aspect) pericardium: hand Jueyin (middle) heart: hand shaoyin (medial)

8 Extraordinary vessels

Ren (Conception) CV Du (governing) GV Only Ren and Du have points of their own Functions: - act as reservoirs to absorb xs blood and Qi from the 12 primary channels -link the 12 primary channels Ren links all Yin, Du links all Yang at DU 14 - protect the body from exterior pathogenic factors -function independently od the 12 primary channels

3 yang channels of the hands

Large Intestine: hand yangming San Jiao: hand Shaoyang Small intestine: hand taiyang

Cycles of Qi

Liver - lung -large intestine stomach-spleen-heart small intestine - bladder- kidney pericardium-san jaoi- gall bladder

YANG channels of the hand begin and end:

hand, travel along outer surface of the arm to the head

The 12 Sinew channels

!. Circulate on outside/periphery of body - they go along muscles, tendons and bones to nourish them 2. Do NOT penetrate the zungfu 3. Originate at the extremities and ASCEND to head and trunk 4. Follow the course of their associated primary channels but WIDER and more SUPERFICIAL Clinical significance: - reflect disturbance of the primary ch - Can be injured themselves - traumatic, exterior pathogens NO SPECIFIC POINTS ON THE SINEW CHANNELS Access by: -shallow needle insertion (Ahshi pts) - cupping - moxa -dermal needling - plum blossom -Guasha

Yin channels direction

Earth to heaven

15 Luo Connecting Channels:

- Luo -> connection, net, -go transversely, collaterally - branch out from the PRIMARY CHANNELS and EXTRAORDINARY channels 15 luo connecting channels -12 primary -Ren -Du -Great Luo connecting of the spleen FUNCTION: strengthen the connections between the internally-externally paired channels and the zungfu

Minute Collaterals distribution and function

- distributed superficially over the broad surface of the skin - help blood and Qi reach every part of body

Yang channels (connect in the head) sensory orifices

Aquired experience/wisdom through interaction with the external world - sensory connection -connection to the external world

12 Divergent channels

Definition: meridians that branch off the 12 primary channels and penetrate into the body cavities. - NO SPECIFIC POINTS OF THEIR OWN FUNCTIONS: - Strengthen the yin yang relationship btwn internally/externally paired channels and zangfu organs -strengthen the bonds between the primary channels -distribute Qi to the head and face -integrate areas of the body not supplied or interconnected by the primary channels, strengthen the bond btw the channel and the area it traverses. they help explain the clinical actions of some commonly used acupuncture pts

Yang ch direction

Heaven to earth

Yin channels(connect in the chest)

Internal wisdom of the heart, inner knowing -connection to the inner wisdom of the universe

YANG channels of the foot travel:

begin on face around the EYE and travel along outer surface of the leg and foot

YIN channels of the foot

begin on the foot and travel along the inside of the leg to the chest or flank

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