Chap 7

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3 Ways of Measuring personality

A Self-report Inventory, Projective Technique, Rorschach Inkblot Test

Organizational Development

A system wide effort, managed from the top of an organization, to increase the organization's overall performance through planned interventions.


Advertisements on Web sites and in newspapers and related publications are also popular methods for EXTERNAL RECRUITING. Any local newspaper is likely to have help-wanted sections ranging from perhaps a few listings to as many as several pages, sometimes organized by different kinds of job openings such as sales, health care, professional, nonprofessional, technical, etc.

Popular Selection Techniques

Application and Background Checks, Employment test, Work Simulations, Personal Interviews, Behavioral Questions, Administering Skills Test, Personality Test, Conducting a Panel Interview

Work Based Program

Apprenticeship, OJT, Vestibule Training, Organizational Learning

Different types of Employment Tests

Aptitude, Achievement, Cognitive Ability, Scholastic Aptitude, Psychomotor Ability, Personality

External Recruitment Advantages

Better availability of skilled and qualified employees Introducing new skills and input into the organization Generation of new ideas Competitive spirit Gaining new ideas from other industries

Metrics for Evaluating Recruitment Process

Cost per hire, Time to fill, Quality of Hire, Turnover Cost

Internal Recruiting Disadvantages

Create resentment among employees and managers Leave a gap in your existing workforce Limit your pool of applicants Result in inflexible culture

Forms of Test Validity

Criterion-Related, Content, Construct

Best Selection Criteria

Education and Experience, Skills and Abilities, Personal Characteristics, Hiring for Fit

Two types of Selection errors

False positive, False Negative

Interview errors

First-impression, contrast, similarity, nonrelevancy

3 General Steps in the Selection Process

Gather Info about pool of qualified applicants, Evaluate qualifications of each applicant, Make decisions about employment offers

Importance of Training and Development

Improved Employee Performance, Improved Employee Satisfaction and Morale, Addressing Weaknesses, Consistency, Increased Productivity and Adherence to Quality Standards, Increased Innovation in New Strategies and Products

Conducting a Panel Interview

Interview but with a panel hehe

Internal Recruiting

Is the process of looking inside the organization for existing qualified employees who might be promoted to higher-level position OR any method of identifying and attracting job candidates from within an organization.

Public Employment Agency

It became formal part of recruiting process with a passage of the Social Security Act of 1935, an act which requires that anyone who paid unemployment registration must register that fact with a local state employment office.

Advantage of CPO

It can specify qualifications such as major, grade point average, work experience, etc.; It is also inexpensive method of recruiting.

Behavioral Questions

Many employers are developing behaviorally based questions to understand how the prospect thinks and the types of choices they will make at work.

5 Big Personality Traits

Neuroticism, Extraversion, Oppennes to Experience, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness

8 Steps in selection process

Preliminary Interview, Receiving Applications, Screening of Applications, Employment tests, Interview, Reference checking, Medical Examination, Final Selection

Internal Recruiting Advantages

Reduce time to hire Shorten onboarding times Cost less Strengthen employee engagement

Organizational Learning

Refers to the process by which an organization learns from past mistakes and adapts to its environment

Skills and Abilities

Technical skills can be easily assessed objectively. However, as organizations move toward teamwork and team-based operating systems, many of them have put emphasis on hiring individuals with the skills necessary to function effectively in group situations.

Personal Characteristics

These are difficult to assess objectively rather, these are usually quite subjective and are obtained as part of the interview process.

Evaluate Qualification of Each Applicant

This evaluation process occurs through the application of explicit and implicit standards to the information gathered in step 1. Here, the manager assesses how closely the applicant fits the desired profile.

Supervisory Recommendation

This method for INTERNAL RECRUITMENT is when managers solicit recommendations from their supervisors as to whom they would recommend for a job opening.

Word of Mouth Recruitment

This method of EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT the organization simply informs current employees that positions are available and encourages them to refer a friend, family members, or neighbors for those jobs.

Job Posting

This procedure for INTERNAL RECRUITMENT publicizes job openings through various forms of media such as, but not limited to, bulletin board announcements, emails, newsletters, memos, or though the company intranet.

Gather information about pool of qualified applicants

We look at the levels of requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities possessed by each applicant. In addition, information regarding certain factors, such as education, experience and attitude of the individual towards work and the impression of the manager, are also collected.

Types of training and development programs

Work-based programs, Management development, Organizational Development

False Positive

applicants who are predicted to be successful and are hired but who ultimately fail.

False Negative

applicants who are predicted to fail and are not hired but if they had been hired, they would have been successful.


asking probing, open-ended questions, comprehensive, interviewee does most of the talking.

Employment Agencies

common method for EXTERNAL RECRUTING


consists of a series of job-related questions that are posed to each applicant.

Personality Test

determine if the candidate has the personality to succeed in a specific job

Personal Inteviews

face-to-face conversations

Executive Search Firms

finding applicants for high-level positions

Biodata Application

focuses on the same type of information found in a regular selection process but it goes into a deeper complex and detailed assessments regarding background for example, an applicant's college major

2 types of determining approaches

in house and outsource programs

Make Decisions about Employment Offers

involves careful assessment of the individual's qualifications relative to the standards of the job and to the extent to which those qualifications best prepare and provide an individual the requisite skills and abilities for the position.

Management Development

involves more generalized training for future managerial roles and positions.


involves the ability of a device to measure what it is supposed to measure.


involves the consistency of the particular measurement tool. A device consistently measures what it is supposed to measure without random error. No device is completely reliable, but the results should be consistent.

multiple indicators of selection decision

involves using multiple approaches in order to counterbalance the measurement error in one selection technique against another, and it is also able to base decisions on the basis of more complete information.


is a face to face meeting between the job applicant and members of the interview committee.

Hiring for Fit

is a unique and interesting criterion for selection. Here, it hires a person not because he or she is the most qualified for the specific job but because he or she is a good fit for the larger organization.

Utility Analysis

is an attempt to determine the extent to which a selection system provides real benefit to the organization.


is defined as a planned attempt by an organization to facilitate employee learning of job-related knowledge, skills, and behaviors.

External Recruitment

is the assessment of an available pool of job candidates, other than the current or existing workforce, to see if there are qualified individuals with sufficient skills to fill and perform existing job vacancies (Reddy, n.d.).


is the process of finding and persuading the best candidates to apply for a job opening in an organization and selecting the best out of them to take the position, all in a timely and cost-effective manner (Luenendonk, 2016

Administering Skills Test

make sure your prospect has at least a minimum level of skill for any required task

Electronic Recruiting

most important reason for the growing Electronic recruiting is that it is cost effective and does not cost much to post a job opening on a job board like those available at and

College Placement Offices

mostly used by colleges and university sponsor

other selection techniques

references and recommendations, assesment center


refers to teaching managers and professionals the skills needed for both present and future jobs.


refers to the amount of time the individual may have spent working in either a general capacity or a particular field. This is an indicator of an individual's familiarity with work and a surrogate measure of a person's competency as an employee.

Test Validity

refers to the extent to which a measure or indicator is a real reflection of what it is assumed to measure.


refers to the formal classroom training an individual has received in public or private school and in college, university or technical school.

Weighted Application

relies on statistical techniques and predicts person's ability to perform a job effectively

Work Simulations

requires applicants to perform tasks or job-related activities in a simulated setting

Internships: A mixed Model

• Internship is an approach that is useful from the organization's perspective and provides a real-world experience for the students. • It is a temporary type of employment that is offered by a company or an employer to potential employees to work in a

Application And Background Checks

• This is the first step in most selection systems. • Employment Application asks individual about general information and facts pertaining to an individual's background which contains questions pertaining educational background, name, career goals, and experience. • But in this process, one cannot ask for a person's age, marital status, and gender.

Discrimination and Civil Rights

• cases present the biggest legal vulnerability in the selection part of the human resource management process. • It's essential for an organization to be able to demonstrate that its selection procedures are based on job-related factors. • To accomplish this, selection instruments must be validated.


• is concerned with identifying the best candidate or candidates for a specific job from among the group of qualified applicants developed during the recruiting process. • It is a process of picking the right candidate with prerequisite qualifications and capabilities to fill the jobs in the organization. • This process starts after recruitment and divides the candidates in two parts those who will be offered job and those who will not be. • There is a need of well-organized selection process because only then will the right type of candidate can be selected and unsuitable candidates are rejected.

Employment test

• it is general, and it measures the characteristics of an individual. • mostly made up of questions and answer exercises and it's made on paper or computer and has different types.

Private Employment Agency

• more likely to serve white collar labor market (although some serve specialized niches such as office worker), and they charge a free for their services. • All potential employee job applicants are currently employed but some use PEA to find federal work while maintaining their current jobs.

Realistic Job Previews

• recruiting instrument used to communicate a job's excellent as well as poor elements. • it is used to give a realistic perspective of what the work entails to a potential worker. Like the job-fit measure, to provide applicants with a richer description of the agency and the work to assist them decide if they are a good match.

Acquisition of Realistic Job Previews


External Recruitment Disadvantages

Limited understanding of the company Higher risk Time-consuming High costs Internal disputes among employees

Types of Interviews

Structured and Unstructured


an individual working for an executive search firms.

2 types of application

weighted and biodata

Common reasons for Working

• Financial income • Job security • Promotion opportunities • Benefits • Challenging work assignments

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