Chapt 8,9,10,11 - Consumer Behavior

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Lower middle class 32%

Semi-professionals and craftman with some work autonomy, $35,000 - $75,000

informal source

a person the message reciever knows perosnally and peolple who influence ones consumption via on time social networks.

Rokeach Value Surevy

a self-adminsiteredvalue inventory that is diveded into two parts, each part measuring different byt complementary types of personal values. First part consists of 18 terminal value items, the second part consits of 18 instruemental value items

Pros and Cons Newspaper

large local audience, quick, not targeted, short life, production quality problems, high clutter, coupons/promotion-feedback

Lower Class 14%-20%

poorly paid, rely on governemnet, some high school education


popular sluctering service- assigns every one a microneighborhood

Pros and Cons Magazines

targeted, production quality, longer life, more readers per copy, greater credibility -clutter, long lead time,

impersonal communciations

targets ussually specific or several audiences

teen internet maven

teenagers who spend cosniderable time on the interet and know how to search for and find informaiton and respond to request from others to provide informaiton.

Socioeconomic status scores

the U.S. Bureau of the Cenuss developed the socioeconomic Status Score - which combines tree basic socioeconomic variables: occupation, family inocme, and educational attainment


the degree of personal choice or influence over others

Social Class

the division of members of a society into a heirarchy of distinct status classes.


the learning of one's own culture

Source credibility

the percieved honesty and objectivity of the sponsor

Working class 32%

clerical pink and blue collar workers, $16,000 - $30,000

the lower-middle class

faithful followers

to communicate effectively with their audiences marketeers must use appropriate


Core values

value must be pervasive, enduring, consumer related

differenctial decay

"sleeper effect"-suggets that the memory of a negative cue (low-credibility source) simply decays faster than the message

Pros and cons of radio

+cheaper, local, audio rembembered jingles, quick lead time, easy to change -avoidance, hard to target specific consumers, local, and product can not be seen.

Pros and cons of outdoor advertising

+larger than life -limited message content, eysesore issues

Direct Mail

+less message limitation, measurable results -high cost per household, image issues

Pros and cons tv

+prduct can be demonstrated, local and national -hard to define specific target, cost of add production, long lead time, clutter, ad avoidance.

Pros and cons of internet

+targeting, cusotmer tracking, easy to change, in some cases feedback is immediate -clutter, avoidance

American Core Values

Achievement and success, activity (invovled), effeciency and practicallity, progress, material comfort, individualism, external conformity, humanitarianism, youthfulness, fitness and health.

Tradition family life cycle

Bachelor hood, honeymooners, parenthood, postparenthood, dissolution


Full-nest stage, usually extends over more than a 20-year period. Purchase and income change throughout this cycle

Upper middle class 15%

Highly educated, Graduate degree, professionals & managers $100,000+

index of status characteristics

a classic composite measure of social class is Warner's index of status Characteristics - a weighted measure of the following socioeconomic variables-occupation, source of income, house type, and dwelling area.

Nuclear family

a hsuband and wife and one or more children

upper-middle class

achieving professionals


can ve formal or informal

intergenerational brand transfer

certain product loyalties or brand preferences to be transfered from one generation to another

affluent houshold

constitiue an especially attractive target segment becasue ites members have inocmes that provide them with discretionayr income.

Objective measures of social class

cosnist of selected demographic or socioeconomic variables consicerning the individuals

upper-upper class

country club establishment

affluent market

defined in its 2008 survey as those with household income of $100,000 + per year


degree of recognition recieved form others

Status consumption

demographics include, family income, occupational status or prestige, and educaitonal attainment. Measure social class by marketeers

the sleeper effect is caused by

dissassociation of the message form the source over time, leaving just the message content in ones memory


economic assets

upper-lower class

ecurity minded majority- largest social-class segment


empty-nest, more leisure time, travel purchase a second home, higher diposable incomes, lucury goods, new cars

geodemographic clussters

enhancing tradiiton social-class measures by linking consumer realted geographic and socioeconomic data - birds of a feather flock together

The shift of children playing a more active role in what the family buys is a reuslt of

families having fewer children, more dual-income couples, and the encouragmenet by the media to all children to express themselves.

Fifth essential componenet of communication


Content analysis

focuses on the content of verbal, written, and pictorial communications.

formal source

for-profit or a not-for-profit organizaiton

downscale consumers

frequently defined as having household incomes of $40,000 or less they may actually be mor estable in terms of their brand loyalty


gives both favorable and unfavorable - use when audience is well educated or might hear both sides from the competitiion.

membershp group

group to which a perosn either belongs or would qualify for membership

symbolic group

groups and individual is not likely to recive membership and adopting the groups values, attitudes and behavior

normative referece groups

groups influencing broadly defined values or behavior


groups seving as benchmarks for specific or narrowly defined attitudes or behaviors

reference groups

groups that serve as frames of reference for individucals in their cosnumption decisions

shelter magazines

important sources of new product information - Better Homes and Garadens

subjective measures of social class

individuals are asked to estimate their own social-class positions

social comparison theory

individuals normally ocmpare their own material possession with those owned by others in order to determine their relative social standing.


is a type of symbolic acitive consisting of a series of steps occuring in a fixed sequence and repeated over time.


is the learing of a new or foreign culture

Content analysis

is used as a relatively objective means of determingin what social and cutural changes have occured in a specific society or as a way of contrasting aspects of two different societies.

Characteristics of fieldwork

it takes place within a natural environment, it is performed sometimes without the subjects awareness, and it focuses on observation of behaivor.

marketing comunication is designed to

make the consumer aware of the product or service, induce purchase or commitment, create a positive attitude toward the product or show how it can solve the cosnumers problem better than a comptititve product.


marketer claims product superiority for its brand over one or more explicity named or implicitly identified competitiors, either on an overall basis or on selected product attributes.

Family life cycle

means of depicting what was once a rather steady and predictable series of stages through wich most familite sprogressed.

Values and modes of behavior cosnistenet with the culture are generally

moral and religious principles, interpersonal skills, dress and grooming standards, appropriate manners and speech, and the selection of suitable educational and occupation or career goals.

lower-upper class

new wealth

extened family

nuclear family with at least one grandparent livign within the house hold

Composite-variable indexes

objective measures of social class- systematically combine a number of socioeconomic factors to form one overall measure of social-class standing.Refelct the complexity of the social class

single-vairible indexes

objective mesures of social class- uses just one socioeconomic variable to evaluate social-class membership, such as occupation, educaiton, income

children acquire their consumer behavior norms through

observation of their parents and older siblings


occurs with the death of one spouse, economical lifestlye

advertising resonance

often consisting of a humorous double meaning word play

upward mobility

opportunities ofr self development and self advancement

impersonal communications are

organizations that develop and transmit appropriate messages through their marketing departements, advertising or public relations agencies and spokespersons.

consensual parents

parents who encourage children to seek harmony

pluralistic parents

parents who encourage children to speak up and express their individual preferences on purchases

protective parents

parents who stress that children should not stress their own preferences.

socialization agent

person or organizaiton involved in the socializaiton process "because of frequency of constact with the individual and control over the rewards and punishment given to the individual.

Order effects

pramacy effect- material presented first productes a greater effect, recency effect - materail presented last is more effective, ads on the front, back and inside covers of magazines have greater visiblity and recall.

consumer socialization

process by which children acquire the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and experiences necessary to funciton as consumers.

socializaiton of family members

process includes imparting to children the basic values and modes of behavior cinsistent with the culture

participant observers

researchers become active members of the environment that they are studying

Consumer fieldwork

researchers select a small sample of people form a particular society and carefully observe their behavior.

lower-lower class

rock bottom

Four basic components of communication

sender, receiver, medium, message

source amnesia

sleeper effect- informaiton is transfered from short-term memory to the cerbral cortes, over time, it is seperated form the contect in which it was learned.

downward mobility

slide in social-class mobility

class consciousness

social class is treated as a personal phenomenon, one that reflects an individual's sense of belonging or identificaiotn with others.

social status

social stratisfication- status is frequently thought of as the relative rankings of members of each social class in terms of specific status factors


starts immediately after vows. indulgent purchases new home, minor appliances, start-up expenses, household wares

message framing - positive

stress the benefits to be gained by using a specific product

message framing - negative

stress the benefits to be lost by not using the product


stresses only favorable info- supportive

Mothers are generally considered to be

stronger consumer socialization agents than their husbands because they tend to be more involved with their children.


sum total of learned beliefs, values, and suctoms, that serve to direct the consumer behavior of members of a particular society

key factor underlying the persuasive impact is

the source credibility


the transmission of a message from a sender toa receiver via a medium of transmission

Upper class 1%

top-level executives, celebritires, heirs - $500,000 +


young and single men/women with established households away form their parents, Incomes spent on rent, basic home furnishings, cars, travel and entertainment, clothing and accessories.

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