Chapter 09. Participation, Campaigns, and Elections

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In recent elections, which of the following four factors is the single most important factor in predicting whether an individual will vote?


The release of a video of a Minneapolis officer kneeling on the neck of George Floyd as he said "I can't breathe" before dying led to nationwide (then worldwide) - demanding racial justice and accountability of law enforcement. This form of political action is protected by the -.

protests First Amendment

Identify whether these electoral rules increase or decrease voter turnout in states.

same day registration increases turnout voter ID laws decreases turnout

Which statement about campaign fundraising in 2016 is most accurate?

The Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, raised substantially more money than the Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

The process by which large numbers of people are organized for a political activity is best known as


The winner of the electoral college vote - matches the winner of the popular vote.


The candidate spending the most money always wins.


Which term describes a candidate who is running for re-election to a position in Congress that she already holds?


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the effect that same-day registration (SDR) has on turnout?

SDR increases turnout, particularly among the young and less educated

The 2020 presidential election had record turnout with over 159 million voters.


Identify the correct and incorrect statements about the 2020 presidential election.

There was a sizable gender gap among voters. Ideological moderates and independents supported Joe Biden over Donald Trump.

Negative campaign ads are more likely to address -, whereas positive campaign ads tend to focus on -.

policy positions personal characteristics

Winners of - elections go on to face each other in the - election.

primary general

Suffrage is another name for the right to vote.


Although - will continue to have control of the U.S. House of Representatives, - gained over a dozen seats. Most Republicans - their re-election bids in the Senate, and partisan control of the Senate will be determined after the Georgia - election in January 2021.

Democrats Republicans won runoff

Match each issue to the candidate who held the position during the 2020 presidential campaign.

Donald Trump opposition to immigration tax cuts and deregulation increases in military spending and decreases in spending on social programs Joseph Biden stronger environmental regulations increases in social spending liberalization of immigration rules

Which of these statements about elections are true?

Elections are administered by state and local governments. Turnout in midterm elections is lower than in presidential elections.

Which of these factors contribute to the gender gap in elections?

Female voters are generally increasing in their support of Democratic candidates. White male voters are generally increasing in their support of Republican candidates.

Which individuals would be considered high socioeconomic status (SES) and which would be considered low socioeconomic status?

High Socioeconomic Status a high-income physician with a medical degree a high-income investment banker with an MBA (master of business administration) Low Socioeconomic Status a person just above the poverty level with some high school eductation a low-income person with a high school education

Why might digital media be more effective than television ads?

It is cheaper It offers more possibilities for free advertisement. It may be more effective with viewers because internet users seek out information.

Which of the following are examples of micro-targeting?

Marceline is strongly pro-life, and she receives a phone call from a pro-life supporter of a local candidate. Jake is a doctor, and he receives a campaign mailer about a candidate's position on medical malpractice reform.

Which of the following characterizations of turnout trends are correct?

More people vote in presidential elections than in midterm elections. Turnout dropped during the 1960s and 1970s. Turnout rates from 2012 on were generally similar to presidential turnout rates in the 1920s.

Which of the following statements about political action committees (PACs) are accurate?

PACs are private groups that raise and distribute funds for use in election campaigns. PACs are allowed to make larger contributions than an individual can make to a campaign.

Which of the following is a primary limitation on digital political participation?

There are clear economic and racial inequalities in access to digital information

Identify the correct and incorrect statements about the 2020 Democratic Party.

There were more than 20 candidates vying for the Democratic nomination. The Democratic primary featured the most diverse field of candidates to date.

How do 527s and 501(c)(4)s differ from more traditional campaign finance groups such as political action committees?

These groups cannot coordinate directly with campaigns. These groups are not subject to the spending limits of the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act.

Study the Who Participates? infographic, and then answer the question.

Those with greater education levels are more likely to report attending a political rally or event. Those with greater education levels are more likely to report contributing money to a political campaign.

Over the past quarter century, the Consumer Confidence Index, which gauges voters' confidence in the economy, has been a fairly accurate predictor of presidential election outcomes.


Unlike PACs, 527 organizations are not subjected to contribution limits and spending caps.


Put these groups in the order in which they gained the right to vote from earliest to most recent.

White men with property Black men women people aged 18-20

Match each feature to the committee it describes: 527 committees (Super PACs), 501(c)(4) committees, or both.

both cannot coordinate with a campaign or candidate can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money 527 committee/Super PAC are required to disclose donors 501(c)(4) cannot spend more than half its revenue for political purposes

If Joe Smith, a registered Republican voter, is allowed to vote in the Democratic primary, he must live in a state that uses which type of primary system?

open primary

Identify the forms of political participation as traditional or digital.

traditional political participation voting in an election attending a campaign event participating in a protest digital political participation writing a blog post

Match the U.S. Supreme Court case to the effect it had on campaign spending.

Citizens United v. FEC (2010) government could not restrict independent expenditures by corporations or unions gave rise to SuperPACs Buckley v. Valeo (1974) introduced idea that campaign contributions count as speech

Which of the following statements about the role of partisanship in elections are true?

Partisan loyalty has a large impact on voters' evaluations of candidates and their vote choice. Party loyalties are fairly stable but can change over time.

Suppose that Congress passed the "Block Billionaires from Buying Elections Act" that restricts the amount of money candidates can use to finance their own campaigns to $999,999. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case. Is the law constitutional?

Probably not. The Supreme Court has equated campaign spending to free speech

Which of the following statements regarding digital participation are correct?

Young voters are more likely to use social media for political participation. Political participation digitally is likely to increase offline participation. Digital participation has made political participation easier.

Studies find that political participation varies by age. Although younger voters typically participate at much lower rates than older voters, the picture is much more complex when analyzing other forms of political participation. - individuals are less likely to contribute money to a campaign. Younger individuals (ages 18-29) are more likely to - compared to older individuals. Those between the ages of 30 and 49 are only slightly more likely than those between the ages of 18 and 29 to -. However, across all age groups, individuals are the least likely to - compared to the other forms of participation.

Younger attend a political rally or event contribute money to a campaign work or volunteer for a campaign

When is the "general election" period?

after the party nominations have concluded

Who is eligible to vote under these systems?

all registered voters midterm election general election open primary only party members closed primary

The 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission had what effect on campaign financing?

allowed super PACs to spend unlimited money in independent support of candidates

Drew is voting in a congressional election for the first time. He has decided to support Clyde, a former youth minister, over Cheryl who was recently implicated in a savings and loan scandal because he views Clyde as being more trustworthy. What factor that can influence voter decisions does is Drew considering?

candidate characteristics

What unique crises affected the 2020 presidential election?

coronavirus pandemic racial strife and mass protests

The trend in campaign finance law over time has been toward which of the following?

fewer restrictions on campaign donations

Select all of the voter eligibility requirements put into place by states during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

gender restrictions literacy tests racial restrictions property ownership ability to pay poll taxes

To prevent having multiple candidates from the same party confusing voters in a general election, political parties take which of the following actions?

hold primary elections

Match the type of campaign with the campaign characteristics that describe it.

mass media campaign statewide campaign money-intensive grassroots campaign local campaign organizationally driven

Which term describes developing campaign ads for specific demographic groups?


Match the frequency of the election cycle to the corresponding election type.

midterm elections two years presidential elections four years congressional elections two years

Which group was the primary election system introduced to weaken?

party leaders

The - or caucus votes determine the allocation of - at the party's convention. In addition to selecting the party's nominee, delegates also vote on the - at the convention.

primary delegates party platform

When is party identification most likely to influence a person's vote choice?

when that person is voting on state legislative candidates when that person is unfamiliar with the issues when that person knows little about the candidates

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