Chapter 1: 1-10 Review

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An ___ is someone who is on our side to help us, to strengthen us, and to empower us for holiness.


The three Divine Persons are inseparable in both what they ___ and in what they do.


Through ___, we become God the Father's adopted daughters and sons.


Because ___ is the sacrament by which one becomes a Christian, it was important for the people being ___ to know and profess the beliefs of the community they were joining.

Baptism, Baptized

On one hand, the Church does not recognize any means other than Baptism to reach true ___. On the other hand, we believe that God's infinite ___ and tender ___ extend to all people, even in ways we cannot fully understand.

Beatitude, Love, Mercy

The Council of ___ concluded that Jesus is of he same substance as God the Father when it comes to his ___, and that he is of the same substance as us when it comes to his ___.

Chalcadon, Divinity, Humanity.

___ is a title given to Jesus, based on the Greek word ___, which means "anointed one." The Hebrew equivalent is ___.

Christ, Christos, Messiah.

A ___ is a summary statement of the beliefs of an individual or a community.


The Holy Spirit was not fully revealed until after Jesus' ___ and ___.

Death, Resurrection.

Praying the Creed each Sunday is a way for us to ___ ourselves to the Catholic ___.

Dedicate, Faith

Through conversation, service, and one-on-one ___, we grow as ___, discover our gifts and talents, and learn live in the way ___ wants us to live.

Dialogue, People, God

Even though they are inseparable, the three Persons of the Holy Trinity are truly ___ from one another.


Some Christological heresies downplayed or denied the ___ of Jesus. For example, ___ claimed that Jesus was created, just as we were.

Divinity, Arianism

Throughout the Church's history, bishops have met in gatherings called ___ Councils to discuss the challenges facing the Church.


Catholics pray the Nicene Creed at Sunday celebrations of the ___ as well as at ___, Baptisms, and other special liturgical celebrations.

Eucharist, Solemnities

Jesus' relationship with God is ___ --- that is, a father-son relationship.


Both Judaism and Christianity have always affirmed that God has no ___.


Receiving the ___ of the Holy Spirit means that the mission of Jesus became the mission of the ___. In fact, it becomes our mission.

Gift, Church

By assuming human nature, Jesus has shown us how to live in a way that reflects the fullness and beauty of ___.

God's Reign.

Several New Testament passages may help us to understand that Jesus is truly ___, who became flesh through the power of the ___.

God, Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is both truly and fully ___ and truly and fully ___.

God, Human

Many people had their own theories about who Jesus was and what his time on earth achieved. Many of these ideas were ___, or false teachings.


Jesus Christ has a fully ___ nature. So he is able to teach us, through his ___ and ___, how we are to live as sons and daughters of God.

Human, Words, Actions.

The ___ is truly a mystery, but that does


Our Triune God is not distant from us, unconcerned with our joys and struggles; rather, our God is ___ in human history.


The Creed affirms belief in the resurrection of the dead and in the ______.

Last Judgement

Gnosticism, another early Church heresy, claimed that Jesus was not a ___ at all, but a semidivine being.


Other heresies downplayed the humanity of Jesus. ___ believed that Jesus's divinity fully absorbed his humanity so that, in the end, he was only divine and not human.


The belief in and worship of only one God is called:


Simply defined, a ___ is something that is difficult to fully understand or explain, or a revealed truth that is beyond our experience and ability to grasp fully.


The Council of Nicea also produced the first draft of what is now known as the ___. You may be familiar with this ___ from praying it at Sunday liturgy.

Nicene Creed, Creed

Catholics have always affirmed the truth that God is:


One way Jesus teaches us about God the Father is through his ___, such as the story of the Prodigal Son.


Because Jesus is no longer physically present here on Earth, the ___ blesses and strengthens our efforts to live as Jesus did.


At ___, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, now fully revealed, to be with his disciples-- both those who were his earliest followers and those who are his followers today-- forever.


As the Church's Trinitarian doctrine developed, the Church Fathers turned to the language of ___ to express the doctrine in a way that would make sense to the people of their time.


The presence of the Trinity is clear in ___, especially in the New Testament.

Sacred Scripture

God the Father is the Eternal ___ of all that exists.


From the beginning of time to the end of time, wherever the Father sends his Son, he also sends his ___.


In AD 325, the Council of Nicea declared that God declared that God the Son is "of the same ___" as God the father.


1. To save us by reconciling us with God 2. To share divine love with us 3. To show us how to be holy 4. To enable us to share in God's divine nature.

The Catechism states that God became incarnate for four reasons. Name three reasons.

The Council of Ephesus affirmed Mary as the ___, a Greek word that literally means "God Bearer" but is often translated as "Mother of God".


After Jesus died, rose, and ascended to Heaven, the early Church faced the enormous task of precisely articulating the doctrine about the ___ and about ___ and defending against those who challenged them.

Trinity, Jesus

The Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, consistently reveals that there is only one ___ God


1. Each carries out the work of our salvation in the way that is most proper. 2. In their relationship to one another.

Two ways that the Persons of the Trinity are distinct.

God the Father is ___, meaning he has always existed without beginning or end. God the Son is ___ of God the Father. The Holy Spirit is sent out into the world, ___ from the Father and Son.

Unbegotten, Begotten, Proceeding.

There are similarities between the ___ of the persons of the Trinity and the kind of ___ we should have with one another.

Unity, Relationships

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