Chapter 1, 2, 3 - Physical Fitness & Wellness

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Which of the following is a stage in the behavioral modification model?


The first step in addressing behavioral change is to recognize a problem exists. One of the categories of willful change is addressed.

strengthening a positive behavior maintaining a positive behavior none apply stopping a negative behavior

A stage of change in which a person has eliminated an undesirable behavior or has maintained a positive behavior for more than 5 years.


Research on the effects of fitness on mortality indicates that the largest drop in premature mortality is seen between

the least fit and moderately fit groups.

The constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy and achieve the highest potential for well-being is defined as


What is the greatest benefit of being physically fit?

A higher quality of life.

A SMART goal is effect when it is

Acceptable. measurable. realistic. specific.

In the United States, the leading cause of death for teens is

Automobile accidents

Which of the following is not a technique used in the assessment of body fat?

Body Mass Index

Which of the following parameter(s) is used to estimate maximal oxygen uptake according to the 1.0-Mile Walk Test?

Body weight Gender Exercise heart rate Total 1.0-mile walk time

Essential fat in women is.


True/False: Visceral fat located around the organs such as the liver, intestines and other abdominal organs poses a lesser risk of disease than subcutaneous fat

False Visceral fat also known as intra-abdominal fat poses a greater risk for disease because it can create proteins that encourage low levels of inflammation which can cause blood vessels to constrict and produce proteins that can increase insulin resistance.

Immediate benefits of exercise include

Improved mood. Reduced low grad Inflammation. lowered blood lipids. improved insulin sensitivity.

Non exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)

Includes activities such as walking to work andgocery shopping.

Obese individuals who carry their fat in the abdominal region (android obesity) are at a higher risk for heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and types of cancer.

It is not always the total amount of body fat that a person has that is the best predictor of increased risk for disease but rather the location of the fat. Gynoid obese individuals (pear-shaped) who carry their fat in the hips and thighs are less likely than those who are android obese individuals (apple shape) to be at risk of elevated heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, stroke, kidney disease, migraines, and dementia.

Indicate which of the following exercises is not used to assess muscular endurance in men (according to text).

Modified push-up

Bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles is called

Physical activity

True/False: Women have more essential fat due to gender specific fat. True

Women have more fat found in breast tissue, the uterus, and other gender-related fat deposits.

The leading cause of death for people ages 1-44 in the United States is


Which of the following is not a component of health-related fitness?


The process whereby you substitute healthy behaviors for a problem behavior is called


The metabolic profile is used in reference to.

glucose tolerance. Cardiovascular disease. insulin sensitivity. Cholesterol levels.

A pre-contemplator is a person who,

has no desire to change a behavior.

Visualizing a plan for when you are tempted to give up on your goal is known as

implementation intentions.

social liberation

involves cues that certain behaviors will be accepted and supported in a person's community

The executive portion of the brain

is the area of the brain where complex thought processing takes place. is responsible for remembering long-term goals. is responsible for social behavior. puts the breaks on impulsive behavior.

A Goal is

motivates a change in behavior

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans state that adults between 18 and 64 years of age should

move more frequently and sit less throughout the day. do 1 hour and 15 minutes to 2 hours and 30 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity. do 2 hours and 30 minutes to 5 hours a week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity.

The ability for a muscle to exert submaximal force repeatedly over time is known as

muscular endurance.

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