Chapter 1 - graded

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b. Amazon

Which company is experimenting with the management of the final mile of delivery in some markets, using small aerial drones to deliver shoebox-size packages from fulfillment centers? a. FedEx b. Amazon c. Zappos d. UPS

b. Supply, operations, logistics, integration

According to the text, the FOUR important elements of the supply chain are: a. Supply, operations, manufacturing, distribution b. Supply, operations, logistics, integration c. Purchasing, manufacturing, transportation, retail stores d. Purchasing, manufacturing, logistics, transportation

c. Both "Using supply chain analytics" and "Increasing supply chain visibility"

According to the text, which of the following is considered a current trend in supply chain management? a. Increasing supply chain visibility b. Using supply chain analytics c. Both "Using supply chain analytics" and "Increasing supply chain visibility" d. None of these choices are correct.

b. Cooperation among firms

According to the textbook, conditions which must be present for successful supply chain management include: a. Corporate contracts regarding performance expectations b. Cooperation among firms c. Vertical Integration d. Short-term company focused performance

d. Supply chain risk

An internal or external event that causes a disruption or failure of supply chain operations is an example of a. Six Sigma quality management b. Back-shoring c. Bull-whip effect d. Supply chain risk

a. Business process reengineering

Developed in the 1990's as a popular way of developing radically new business processes in an effort to reduce waste and increase performance is referred to as: a. Business process reengineering b. Vertical integration c. Benchmarking d. Process integration

c. Toyota

Lean production is typically associated with which of the following company's production systems? a. Kraft b. Proctor and Gamble c. Toyota d. Samsung

d. Coordination and collaboration with channel partners

Supply chain management includes the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities. It also includes: a. Human resources and job design b. Program evaluation and review techniques. c. Selling and marketing products d. Coordination and collaboration with channel partners


The bullwhip effect causes an amplification of the variation in the demand pattern along the supply chain. True or False

a. Bullwhip effect

The continuing cycle of erratic demand causing forecasts to include safety stock which in turn magnify supplier forecasts and cause production planning problems is known as: a. Bullwhip effect b. Supply chain management c. Process integration d. Back-shoring

d. Barkley's incorrectly anticipates consumer demand resulting in stockouts at several popular retailers

The following is an example of the bullwhip effect: a. Barkley's is unhappy with the performance of a distributor which causes a chain-reaction of replacements to companies involved in its supply chain b. Barkley's produces a defective product and thus realizes an excessive increase in consumer returns c. Barkley's products are so successful that it adds a new retailer for distribution d. Barkley's incorrectly anticipates consumer demand resulting in stockouts at several popular retailers

d. Six Sigma

The following strategy is usually employed by lean organizations in an effort to ensure continued quality compliance among suppliers and with internal production facilities: a. 3PL b. CAPS c. MRP II d. Six Sigma

b. False

Trends in supply chain management include expansion of the supply chain and decreasing supply chain visibility. a. True b. False

a. Align itself with one of the suppliers to ensure a continued supply of the scarce item.

When a particular item is in short supply accompanied by rising prices, a firm might find it beneficial to: a. Align itself with one of the suppliers to ensure a continued supply of the scarce item. b. Discontinue buying the product and focus more on cheaper products. c. Purchase the item from a manufacturer who cuts corners and provides a product below market price. d. All of these choices are correct.

a. TLS - Third-party Logistics Services

Which of the following acronyms is NOT paired with its correct "translation?" a. TLS - Third-party Logistics Services b. JIT - Just-in-Time c. ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning d. TQM - Total Quality Management

a. Supplier certification

Which of the following activities allows buyers to assume the supplier will meet certain product quality and service requirements? a. Supplier certification b. Right-shoring c. Distribution network d. Business process reengineering

c. Demand management

Which of the following activities would fall under the foundational element of operation? a. Distribution network b. Third-party logistics services c. Demand management d. Supplier management

c. Excess costs for each firm in a supply chain

Which of the following can happen as a result of the bullwhip effect? a. Decreased levels of safety stock b. Increase in defective products c. Excess costs for each firm in a supply chain d. Quicker distribution to warehouses

d. Recycling products and components

Which of the following is a reverse logistics activity: a. Delivering finished goods to your customer b. Developing a collaborative relationship with your supplier c. Managing the quality of products d. Recycling products and components

d. A firm that leases storage warehousing

Which of the following would be considered a third party provider? a. An intermediate component manufacturer b. A Raw materials supplier c. An end product manufacturer d. A firm that leases storage warehousing

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