Chapter 1 review for test - interpersonal communications

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instrumental needs- two reasons they are important

Practical, everyday needs. 1(Ex. ordering a drink, getting a job, etc.) talking to professor, 1) helps up get things done 2) ordering food

-Model 3 of them Linear/interactional/transactional

A representation of an object or event linear (speech, sending a memo, send a video, no feedback) Interactional (writing a group paper there is noise, feedback, noise) Transactional (task-oriented face to face skype interact meeting facetime)


A thing/ word that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract. Ex: red octagon means stop, blue lines in a map mean rivers, a red rose means love


Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives- put yourself in their shoes


anything that interferes with, distorts, or slows down the transmission of information such as not feeling well, a bird chirping outside a window, mentally tired


being attuned to the way one presents oneself in social situations and adjusting one's performance to create the desired impression (how they look sound in social situations)


the information transmitted by the source could be verbal and nonverbal message that people give meaning to.


the means by which a message is communicated could be face to face, email, text, voice mail,


the originator of a thought or idea


the person who decodes a message read an invite listen to lecture, observe people, watch a movie


the principles of right and wrong that guide an individual in making decisions- ethics vary depend on culture. Such as treating people safely communicating honestly, avoiding immoral behavior


to interpret the meaning of the nonverbal behavior other people express, such as deciding that a pat on the back was an expression of condescension and not kindness


to put an idea into language or gesture, words symbols. (Transforming into a message)

Interpersonal communication occurs between

two people, evolves over time within their relationship, and helps them to negotiate and define their relationship.

Five myths about communication are

1) everyone is an expert, (no you have to study and practice)not just personal experience2) communication can solve any problem, ( no because we still have our own ideas about communication doesn't change that) could be bad timing or not effective 3) communication can breakdown, it's not a motor so it cannot break down but could be poor communication or too much information )4) communication is inherently good, and ( communication can be bad depending on what your sharing and to whom)people are responsible for the outcome the not the communication 5) more communication is always better. (An example of discrepancy in our political or religious beliefs more communication would not change that)

Five myths about communication are

1) everyone is an expert, 2) communication can solve any problem, 3) communication can breakdown, 4) communication is inherently good, and 5) more communication is always better.

The three models developed by communication scholars are

1) the action (linear), 2) interaction (Two channels where i information flows with feedback could be a nod), and 3) transaction models, with the transaction model being the most comprehension description of communication. (Both can be senders and receivers a cooperative action to get things done)

Communication keeps us healthy as we are inherently social beings that when denied the opportunity for interaction, our mental and physical health can suffer.

If denied communication with others, we lose a feeling of belonging and being heard or seen. During the pandemic because of isolation therefore less communication with our tribe many have committed suicide. we are not built for less communication but for more. we need the support and the listening ear of others in order to thrive. When we don't have this, we think no one cares about us. we may stop taking care of ourselves.

The three models developed by communication scholars are the

action, interaction, and transaction models, with the transaction model being the most comprehension description of communication.


The receiver's response to a message both verbal and non-verbal


Words, events, or circumstances that help determine meaning. Ex where we are we adapt behaviors

channel-lean context (this can lead to misunderstandings)

a communication context involving few channels at once such as text, instant message, because there are no voice or gesture's

channel-rich context

a communication context involving many channels at once such as face to face, using expressions, gestures, tone of voice, touch some examples are skype, YouTube, facetime, phone call


a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. Ex labeled psychotic instead of experiencing psychosis

explicit rule

a rule about behavior that has been clearly articulated-Don't talk with your mouth full.

implicit rule

a rule about behavior that has not been clearly articulated but is nonetheless understood. ex. no eye contact in elevators, don't cut in lines, .....

We need relationships in our personal and professional lives, and communication is a large part of how we build and maintain relationships.

building companionship is based on our shared experiences. Whether at home or work we do better when we can share a lunch with a co-worker and speak about our work struggles. It helps us not dread going to work. At home sharing our unfiltered feelings with a spouse or family helps us feel supported. Each of us these may be a different style of communication maybe one more formal than the other but still necessary for a healthy productive life

communication competence

communicating in ways that are effective and appropriate for a given situation. What you would say in one group you might not say in another

We need relationships in our personal and professional lives, and

communication is a large part of how we build and maintain relationships.

small group communication

communication occurring within small groups of three or more people a family or support group

intrapersonal communication

communication with oneself ex. rehearsing a speech or a conversation


group of two

Communication relies on multiple channels, passes through perceptual filers, is given meaning by the people who use it, has

literal and relational implications, sends intentional and unintentional messages, and is governed by rules.

context dimension

literal information that is communicated by a message example I'm kinda down today. Could be physical, temporal, social-psychological and cultural-in relation to

metacommunication (communication about communication)

messages (usually relational) that refer to other messages, communication about communicational. ex buying a gadget the store owner is the sender, the gadget is the message and you're the receiver. the store owner will also hand you instruction manual and a bag and a receipt. All of these say something about the message so if you give something to someone but don't smile your giving more communication than just the message so meta communication

Communication keeps us healthy as we are inherently social beings that when denied the opportunity for interaction

our mental and physical health can suffer.

Interpersonal communication occurs between two people, evolves over time within their relationship, and helps them to negotiate and define their relationship.

people can get to know each other better so they become more comfortable expressing themselves or it can become romantic, friendships develop and deepen. These relationships can also grow apart for various reasons, maybe they move away or form other relationships or join groups that take up that spot in a friendship or change jobs if it's a work friend

Communication relies on multiple channels, passes through perceptual filers, is given meaning by the people who use it, has literal and relational implications, sends intentional and unintentional messages, and is governed by rules.

rules. Know u audience, timing is everything, broadcasting is not communication, leave ego at door

relational dimension

signals about the relationship in which a message is being communicated ex I'm feeling down signals to coworker implying needing help.

cognitive complexity

the ability to understand a given situation in multiple ways or possibilities such when a friend says hello and does not respond. Are they mad at you or just distracted?

mass communication

the communication of a concept or message to large audiences (social media) people receiving and sending lots of messages even nonverbal

interpersonal communication

the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between two or more people (it exists on a continuum role vs personal information societal vs personal rules, social vs personal information)

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