Chapter 1 Smartbook

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Manufacturing costs can be divided into three categories:

Direct Materials, Direct Labor, Manufacturing Overhead

A cost may be direct or indirect, depending on the cost object.


Which type of cost changes in total, in direct proportion to changes in activity level?


How individual costs react to changes in activity level is referred to as cost ___


A ____ format income statement makes a distinction between fixed and variable costs


A(n) __ __ is anything for which cost data are desired—including products, customers, plants, office locations, and departments.

cost object

Costs that can be easily and conveniently traced to a specific product are called ______ costs.


Materials that become an important component of the finished product whose cost can be easily and conveniently traced to the finished product are ___ materials


Labor costs that can be easily and conveniently traced to specific products are ___ ___ costs

direct labor

A laptop computer manufacturer would consider the computer's processor chip to be a(n) ____ ____ cost

direct material

Within the relevant range of activity, ______ costs remain constant in total.


The rise-over-run formula for the slope of a straight line is the basis of the ____ method


Product costs flow through the inventory accounts until the goods are sold, at which time they are matched against sales on the ___ ___

income statement

Inventoriable costs is another term for ___ costs


Direct labor is also called ___ labor


An income statement focusing on product and period costs has been prepared using a _____ format


Cost of goods sold for a merchandising company, direct materials and commissions are all examples of ___ costs


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