Chapter 10-2 Reading Guide: The Louisiana Purchase and Exploration
What goals did Jefferson have for the Lewis and Clark expedition?
- Lewis and Clark were instructed to explore rivers in hopes of finding a water route across the continent - They were also told to establish good relations with the Native Americans and to describe the terrain, plants, and animals they saw
How did the Mandan and Sacagawea help the expedition?
- The Mandan offered the explorers shelter during the winter - Sacagawea aided the explorers with her extensive knowledge of the land and language
Who was Sacagawea and what was his impact?
A Shoshone woman whose knowledge and skills were of great help to the Lewis and Clark expedition
What did Zebulon Pike hope to achieve?
After being arrested by Spanish officials, Pike managed to bring back valuable descriptions of the Great Plains and the Rio Grande River Valley.
Who was Meriwether Lewis and what was his impact?
Captain chose by Jefferson to lead the Corps of Discovery's exploration of the Louisiana Territory
Who was William Clark and what was his impact?
Corps of Discovery officer who selected the expedition team; a diplomat, map-maker, fort-builder, artist
Who was Zebulon Pike and what was his impact?
Explorer of the southern part of the Louisiana Territory, the Rocky Mountains, and the Great Plains
What caused Jefferson to hesitate before agreeing to purchase the Louisiana Territory?
Jefferson conflicted on whether or not to buy the land, considering that the Constitution stated nothing about the president's power to purchase territory.
How did Jefferson attempt to settle the nation's dispute with France?
Jefferson decided to settle the nation's dispute with France with the Louisiana Purchase.
What was the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
Name of the 1804 exploration of the Louisiana Territory and river routes to the Pacific Ocean
What was the Louisiana Purchase?
President Jefferson's 1803 purchase of territory from France that doubled the size of the United States
How did the Louisiana Purchase change the size of the United States?
The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States.
What area of the Louisiana Purchase did Zebulon Pike explore?
The Pike expedition explored the Rocky Mountains, Great Plains, and Rio Grande River Valley.
What did the Lewis and Clark expedition accomplish?
The expedition returned a wealth of scientific and geographic information. Though they learned that an all-water route across the continent did not exist, Americans received an exciting report of what lay in the west.
What were the effects of the exploration of Lewis and Clark and Zebulon Pike?
The expeditions all brought back tales of adventures as well as scientific and geographical information.
What four nations claimed parts of the area between the Mississippi and the Pacific?
The four nations were France, Spain, Russia, and Great Britain
What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition?
The purpose was to explore and learn more about the Louisiana Territory.