Chapter 10 Anatomy

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ACh is an acronym for?


Contraction of a muscle fiber requires that the myosin heads in the thick filament bind to active sites on ____ molecules within the thin filaments. troponin connectin tropomyosin actin


Thin filaments are primarily composed of two strands of the protein ________ twisted around each other to form a helical shape. Reticulin Myosin Actin Elastin


What is the shape of each muscle tissue? 1 Skeletal 2 Cardiac 3 Smooth

1 Long, cylindrical fiber 2 Short, branched cell 3 Fusiform-shaped cell

Define each of these properties of a muscle cell. 1 Excitability 2 Contractility 3 Elasticity 4 Extensibility

1 Responsive to stimuli 2 Stimulation of muscle cells generates tension within cell 3. Contracted muscle cell recoils to its resting length when applied tension is removed 4. Muscle cell is capable of extending in length in response to the contraction of opposing muscle cells

Each myosin molecule in a thick filament consist of ______ strands. 2 5 4 3


According to the sliding filament theory, the length of the ____ band remains constant, but the ____ zone disappears. Z/A M/Z H/A A/H


The dark bands of skeletal muscle are called _______ bands and while the light bands of skeletal muscle are called _______ bands. Thin/Thick I/A Thick/Thin A/I


Under the light microscope, the dark bands, called ______ bands,contain the entire _______filament. I/Thin H/Thin A/Thick I/Thick


Acetylcholinesterase in the synaptic cleft is needed so that ________ will not continuously stimulate the cell to contract. Dopamine AChE ACh Norepinephrine


The arrival of a nerve impulse at the synaptic knob of a motor neuron causes synaptic vesicles to release ______ into the synaptic cleft. Fill in the blank.


What would be the effect(s) of a drug that blocks the activity of AChE? No muscle cell would be generated ACh would remain in the synaptic cleft longer than normal ACh would be removed from the synaptic cleft faster than normal The muscle cell would be continually stimulated. Choose all that apply

ACh would remain in the synaptic cleft longer than normal The muscle cell would be continually stimulated

Energy to drive the myosin movement in the sliding filament process is provided in the form of _______? Kinetic Electrical Hydrostatic ATP


A muscle that contracts to produce a particular movement is referred to as a(n), ______. Synergist Fixator Agonist Antagonist


Skeletal muscle actions are grouped accordingly to their primary actions into three types: _____, _____, ______. Fill in the blank.

Agonists, Antagonists, Synergists

The is composed of what type of connective tissue. Dense elastic dense collagenous areolar adipose


A synergist is a muscle that ______ the agonist in performing its action. Resists Assists Inhibits


Parallel muscles have a central body, called the _____, or _____. Soma/Centrum Belly/Gaster Perimysium/Fascia


An example of a parallel muscle is _____? Deltoid Biceps Brachii Orbicularis oris Pectoralis major

Biceps Brachii

Thick Filament function

Bind the thin filaments and cause contraction

Filament function

Bind to thick filaments and cause contraction

Actin Functions

Binding site for myosin to shorten a sarcomere

The practice of applying mechanical principals to biology is known as ______? Physiomechanics Kinesiology Biomechanics Biospace


Cardiac muscle cells dependent upon ____ ions for their contraction. Fill in the blank


Functionally, troponin provides a binding site for _______ ions. magnesium sodium calcium chloride


The cycle events of "attach, pivot, detach, return" continue as long as ____ ions remain bound to the troponin


In smooth muscle, cytoplasmic calcium levels regulate contractile activity when _____ binds to a protein called _____, which then regulates the movement of tropomyosin from the myosin binding sites in thin filaments.


In addition to skeletal muscle, two other types of muscle are found in the body: ____ muscle and ____ muscle. Fill in the blank


As crossbridges form, the myosin heads pivot toward the ____ of the sarcomore. tail periphery lateral part center


The muscle fibers in a circular muscle are _____ arranged around an opening or recess. Eccentrically Concentrically longitudinally


_______ are Z disk proteins that anchor and interconnect the thin filament ends at either end of a sarcomere. Myosins Tropomyosins Troponins Connectins


Myofibrils function

Contain myofilaments that are responsible for muscle contraction


Contraction of specific skeletal muscles stabilizes joints.


Covers the active sites on actin when muscle cell is at rest.

The expansive sheet of dense irregular connective tissue that separates individual muscles is called the ____. Subcutaneous Layer Deep fascia adipose layer superficial layer

Deep fascia

The part of the level from the fulcrum to the point of effort is called the ________ arm. Wimpy Effort Resistance Relaxed


The property of muscle tissue known as _____ describes how a contracted muscle cell recoils to its resting length when the applied tension is removed.


Order the connective tissue components of skeletal muscle tissue from deepest to most superficial. Perimysium Epimysium Endomysium

Endomysium Perimysium Epimysium

The three connective tissue surrounding the individual components of a muscle are ____, ____, and ____. Fill in the blank.

Endomysium, perimysium, Epimysium

When the biceps brachii muscle shortens, it causes movement of the forearm. What property of muscle tissue does this best describe. Elasticity Excitability Extensibility Contractility Conductivity


The majority of skeletal muscle fibers in the body are _____ fibers FG SO FO


In muscles moving the appendicular skeleton, the distal attachment is less mobile than the proximal attachment. True or False

False. Distal is MORE mobile

Overall, as aging progresses, muscle strength and endurance are impaired, and the individual has the tendency to ____ quickly. Fill in the blank


The sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle cells store _____ calcium ions than in skeletal muscle fibers. more fewer


During the ____ week of development , portions of some of the somites migrate into the developing upper and lower limbs. Second Fifth Third Tenth


The smaller the motor unit, the _______ the control. Finer Larger Lesser More Expansive


When a lever has a fulcrum in the middle, between the effort and resistance, it is classified as a ________. Second-Class First-Class Third-Class


When a synergist stabilizes a joint, this synergistic muscle is called _____? Antagonist Agonist Stabilizer Fixator


The resistance of a second class lever is between the _____ and the _____ Fulcrum/Applied Effort Effort Arm/Resistance Fulcrum/Resistance

Fulcrum/Applied Effort

In each helical strand of actin, many small, spherical molecules are connected to form a long filament resembling a string of beads. Each spherical molecule is called ____. H-actin G-actin F-actin J-actin


In a concentric isotonic contraction, the tension produced is _______ than the resistance. Less Greater


In a relaxed muscle fiber there are no thin filaments overlapping the thick filaments in the ____ zone Sarcomore Z A H


The ______ zone (or band) is a light, central region of the A band H I M Z


Temperature Regulation

Heat is produced as a waste product of energy usage.

An increase of muscle fiber size is called ____. Fill in the blank


The Z disk is a thin transverse protein structure in the center of the _______ band that serves as an attachment site for ________ filament ends. A/Thick I/Thin H/Thick M/Thick


In the atlanto-occipital joint, the muscles on the posterior side of the neck pull ______ on the _________ of the skull and oppose the tendency of the head to tip anteriorly. Superiorly/Occipital protuberance medially/Styloid process laterally/Mastoid process Inferiorly/Nuchal lines

Inferiorly/Nuchal lines

The calcium needed to activate smooth muscle contraction originates in the _____ around the cell. Interstitial Fluid Synaptic Vesicle Synaptic Cleft Motor end plate

Interstitial Fluid

Smooth muscle contraction is under _____ control. Involuntary Conscious Somatic Voluntary


During an ________ contraction, the length of the muscle does not change. Eccentric Isometric Isotonic Concentric


After the ____ heads bind to the thin filaments, ____ sliding begins. Fill in the blank.


Muscle contraction begins when a ____ impulse stimulates an impulse in a muscle fiber. nerve collateral sensory


The point where a motor neuron meets a skeletal muscle fiber is called a ________ junction Fill in the blank


A large muscle known as the biceps brachii has ______ motor units, each controlling a portion of the total number of _______ in the muscle. Few/Synapses Numerous/Fibers Few/Fascicles Small/Synaptic Clefts


Based on your current knowledge, what relationship would you expect agonists and antagonists to have to one another? Same side of bone or joint Opposite sides of bone or joint On top of one another.

Opposite sides of bone or joint

How many skeletal muscles in the human body are named? 100-200 200-300 Over 700 300-400

Over 700

In skeletal muscles, fast fibers are characterized as fast ____, or fast ____. Fill in the blank.

Oxidative, glycolytic

Blood vessels deliver, to the muscle fibers, the nutrients and ____ needed for the production of ____. urea/energy carbon dioxide/heat oxygen/ATP


Return of fiber to its resting length is completely ____. neutral active passive ATP dependent


An example of a convergent muscle is the _____. masseter Orbicularis oris Pectoralis major Biceps Brachii

Pectoralis major

An agonist is called a ______. Prime Mover Fixator Synergist

Prime Mover


Regulations entry and exit of materials

In a third class lever, an effort is applied between the _____ and the fulcrum. Applied Effort Effort Arm Resistance


The part of a level from the fulcrum to the point of resistance is the ________ arm? Relaxed Resistance Effort Strength


Match the name of the muscle cell component with its function. Myofibrils

Thick and thin filaments

The M-line serves as an attachment site for the ____ filaments and keeps them ____ during contraction and relaxation. thin/aligned thin/together thick/aligned troponin/attached


In cross section of the lateral part of an A-band, each _______ filament is surround by six _______ filaments. Thin/Thick Thick/Thin Troponin/Tropomyosin Thin/Myosin


As crossbridges form, the myosin heads pivot toward the center of the sarcomere. The action pulls the ____ filaments toward the sarcomere center, causing the ____ to move closer together as the sarcomere shortens. thick/heads thin/Z-discs thick/Z-discs thick/M-lines


Repeated contraction of certain muscles, resulting in stereotyped, individualized actions that can be voluntarily suppressed for only brief periods is called a _____. tic myomalacia strain myoma



Transports a muscle impulse from the sarcolemma throughout the entire muscle fiber.

In a skeletal muscle cell, two terminal cisternae and the centrally placed T-tubule from a structure called a _____ Fill in the blank


In a relaxed muscle, myosin is blocked from binding to actin because strands of _______ cover the myosin binding sites on the action. Fill in the blank.


Troponin attaches to ______ and holds it in place over the structure of the actin. ATP Myosin Elastin Tropomyosin


When stimulated from a nerve impulse ends, the troponin-tropomyosin complex moves back to the original conformation. ____ blocks the active sites on actin once again. Tropomyosin Myosin Calcium Troponin


Two regulatory proteins are part of the thin filaments. These regulatory proteins are _______. Myosin and Collagen F-actin and Myosin Tropomyosin and Troponin G-actin and F-actin

Tropomyosin and Troponin

After release from the terminal cisternae, calcium ions bind to ____, causing tropomyosin to move and expose active sites on actin. Fill in the blank


Tropomyosin strands are held in place by _______ molecules. Troponin Thick Filament Actin Myosin


A single myofibril runs the length of the muscle fiber. True or False


Smooth muscle cells retains its mitotic ability. True or False


Thick filaments are about ____ the diameter of thin filaments. equal four times three times twice


Based on their names, a biceps muscle has ____ proximal tendons, a triceps muscle has ____ heads/proximal tendons, and a quadriceps muscle has ____ heads/proximal tendons.

Two, Three, Four

The three types of skeletal muscle fibers are slow oxidative (SO) fibers also knows as ____ , ____ oxidative fibers (type lla), and fast _____ fibers (type llb)

Type I, Fast, glycolytic

As the myotomes migrate into the limbs, the myotome group is subdivided into a ____ muscle mass and a ____ muscle mass. proximal/distal cranial/caudal lateral/medial ventral/dorsal


The deep fascia is also known as ____. Visceral fascia elastic fascia loose fascia areolar fascia

Visceral Fascia

Storage and Movement of Materials

Voluntary sphincter muscles of the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts can be kept closed or opened

A raphe is a _____. Flat tendon Slender band of collagen fibers Tendinous Sheet Split tendon

Slender band of collagen fibers

The _________ filament theory explains how muscle fibers shorten during contraction Fill in the blank.


An individual has better proficiency in performing repeated contractions under aerobic conditions if he or she has a greater percentage of ____ fibers in specific muscles. slow fast intermediate


What type of muscle is found in the wall of the digestive tract? Cardiac Smooth Striated Skeletal


The attachment of ACh to a receptor on the motor end plate causes the receptor to open, allowing ____ ions to enter the muscle fiber. Fill in the blank


The attachment of ACh to a receptor on the motor end plate causes the receptor to open, allowing ____ ions to enter the muscle fiber. Fill in the blank.


Skeletal muscle development begins from blocks of paraxial mesoderm that form structures called ____ dermatome myotome somites paraxoderm


The location and nature of the muscular connection to the skeleton influences the _______, _______, and _______ of movement. Fill in the blank.

Speed, Range and Force

A circular muscle is also called a ______, because contraction of the muscle closes off the opening. Fill in the blank.


____ distribute the muscle impulse throughout the inside of the muscle fiber. Sarcoplasm Sarcoplasmic reticulum T-tubules Terminal cisternae


A cord-like structure that attaches muscle to bone is a ____. Fill in the blank


Part of the sarcoplasmic reticulum that appear as blind sacs perpendicular to the fiber's length are called ________. Sarcoplasm Terminal Tubules Sarcolemma Terminal Cisternae

Terminal Cisternae

The reservoirs and specific sites for calcium ion release to initiate muscle contraction are called ____. sarcolemma Transverse tubule sarcoplasm terminal cisternae

Terminal Cisternae

As a result of ACh stimulation, calcium ions are released from the ____ of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Sarcolemma sarcoplasm mitochondria terminal cisternae

Terminal cisternae

Myofibrils contain multiple _______; thus, there are numerous _______ in each myofibril. Z-discs/Sarcomeres A-bands/Sarcolemmas Troponins/Sarcolemmas


The total force exerted by a muscle depends on the number of ____ motor units in that muscle. desensitized deactivated activated striations


Cardiac muscle cells use ____ respiration almost exclusively. Fill in the blank.


Skeletal muscles have a diverse number or composition of fiber types. However, within a single motor unit, ____ fibers belong to the ____ type. some/same all/different some/different all/same


The ____ feature of cardiac muscle cells is responsible for the repetitious, rhythmic heartbeat. Fill in the blank


The myosin molecules in a thick filament are arranged in a manner that the long tails point toward the ____ of the filament. periphery lateral aspect center ends


The sternocleidomastoid has origins on the sternum and ____ and an insertion on a ____ process. Fill in blank.


The first somites appear in the ____ portion of the embryo at about day ____. thoracic/10 caudal/10 cranial/20 lumbar/10


The motor neuron axon travels through the epimysium and perimysium, and enters the ____, where it delivers a nerve impulse to an individual ____. endomysium/muscle fiber muscle cell/myofilaments sarcolplasmic reticulum/myofilaments muscle cell/myofibrils

endomysium/muscle fiber

The epimysium of a muscle surrounds the ____. entire skeletal muscle individual muscle fibers each fascicle

entire skeletal muscle

In a muscle, the perimysium surrounds ____ muscle cells. all individual fascicles of

fascicles of

If used repeatedly for endurance events, ____ fibers can develop the appearance and functional capabilities of ____ fibers. slow/intermediate slow/fast fast/slow fast intermediate


Intermediate fibers contract _____ than slow fibers and _____ than fast fibers. less/more faster/slower slower/faster


During aging, the elasticity of skeletal muscle decreases as muscle mass is often replaced by dense regular connective tissue, a process called ____. fibrosis hyperplasia hyperhydrosis hypertrophy


The ventral muscle mass of the migrating myotomes will form the future ____ of that limb. extensors abductors circumductors flexors


Slow fibers are about ____ the diameter of fast fibers. triple quadruple half twice


The more mobile attachment of the muscle is its ____. insertion stationary end fixator origin


An ____ contraction of the arm muscles allow you to lift a book from the table, while an ____ contraction of the arm muscles occurs when you push against a wall. isometric/isotonic eccentric/concentric concentric/eccentric isotonic/isometric


Side effects are associated with extended anabolic steroid use, including ____. kidney damage lung tumors decreased risk of heart disease and stroke passive behavior

kidney damage

Myotones in the thoracic and lumbar regions from the ____ muscles and the ____ muscles. neck/shoulder lower back/abdominal pectoralis/trapezius

lower back/abdominal

A contracting pennate muscle generates _____ tension than does a parallel muscle of the same size, and thus it is _____. equal/similar more/stronger less/weaker


Skeletal muscle fibersare ____ binucleate anucleate uninucleate multinucleate


Muscle fibers contain cylindrical structures called myofibrils, which are composed of ____. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum myofilaments epimysium endomysium


A benign tumor of muscular tissue is called ____. meningioma myoma hemangioma sarcoma


As we age, decreased muscle strength is compounded by a tendency toward _____. elastic deposition slow fatigue adipose deposition rapid fatigue

rapid fatigue

If a skeletal muscle experiences markedly _____ ______, it loses both mass and tone. Increased turgor increased length reduced simulation

reduced simulation

During development, groups of myoblasts fuse to form single muscle fibers. Cells that do not fuse are called ____. triads fibroblasts satellite cells myofibrils

satellite cells

Cells within a somite differentiate into three distinct regions: ____, ____ and ____ Fill in the blank

sclerotome, dermatome, myotome

Concentric isotonic contractions actively ____ a muscle. lengthen shorten release relax


The myotome gives raise to the ____. hypodermis sclerotome skeletal muscles skin

skeletal muscles

The contraction of the agonist ______ the antagonist. Thus the antagonist _____ the agonist. stretches/yields to shortens/assists shortens/fixes

stretches/yields to

Although smooth muscle cells have both thick and thin filaments, they are not precisely aligned, so no visible _____ are present. sarcoplasmic reticulum striations nuclei terminal cisternae


Muscle tone is the resting ____ in a skeletal muscle. passiveness tension relaxation energy


As a result in ACh stimulation, calcium ions are released from the ____ of the sarcolplasmic reticulum. Sarcoplasm terminal cisternae sarcolemma mitochondria

terminal cisternae

Spread of a muscle impulse along the sarcolemma, then down the ______, causes calcium ions to leak out of the SR into the sacroplasm of the muscle fiber Motor end plate synaptic knob transverse tubules myofibrils

transverse tubules

As the troponin changes shape (due to binding calcium), it moves the ____ molecules to which it is attached, thus exposing the active sites on the G-actin molecules. tropomyosin titan actin myosin acetylchlorine


Individual cardiac muscle cells can be stimulated to generate a muscle impulse ____ stimulation. with acetylcholine without nervous with sensory with hormonal

without nervous

A multipennate muscle has _____ of the tendon within the muscle. Flathead branches single piece pieces


Slow fibers have a relatively large number of _____. This permits slow muscle fibers to produce a greater amount of ____ then fast muscle fibers while contractions are under way. mitochondria/ATP nuclei/DNA golgi/protein Rough-ER/protein


Neurons (nerve cells) that stimulate muscle contraction are called ____. interneurons sensory motor association


A motor unit is composed of a single _______ and all of the muscle fibers it controls. Motor Neuron Spinal Nerve Cranial Nerve Sensory Neuron

Motor Neuron

Although muscle fibers obey the all-or-none principle, the force and precision of muscle movement can be varied, depending on how many ________ and motor units are ________. Striations/Desensitized Fascicles/Stimulated Muscle Fibers/Activated Fascicles/Relaxed

Muscle Fibers/Activated

Body Movement

Muscles contract and pull on the tendons that attach the muscles to the bones

Hypertrophy results from an increase in the number of _____ in a muscle. myofibrils nuclei terminal cisternae motor end plates


The sarcoplasm of a skeletal muscle fiber contains hundreds to thousands of long, cylindrical structures called _______? Centrioles Fibroblasts Myoblasts Myofibrils


There are many successive groupings of _______ that run the entire length of a myofibril. T-Tubules Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Myofilaments Fibroblasts


In a unipennate muscle, all of the muscle fibers are on the ____ of the tendon. Opposite side Same Side Both sides

Same Side

Thick and thin filaments maintain their _____, whether the muscle is relaxed or contracted. same length contracted expansion attachment

Same length

The motor end plate is a specialized region of the ____. Sarcoplasmic reticulum synaptic knob sarcoplasm sarcolemma


The plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle fiber is called the _________? Sarcolemma Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Sarcoplasm T-Tubule


The functional contractile unit of a skeletal muscle fiber is known as a _______? Sarcolemma Sarcomere Sarcoplasm Sarcoplasmic Reticulum


At the end of muscle contraction, calcium ions are moved back into the ________ reticulum by ATP driven ion pumps. Fill in the blank


An internal membrane complex that is similar to the smooth endoplasmic riticulum of other cells is called the _______. Sarcoplasm Transverse Tubule Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Sarcolemma

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

As a result of muscle fiber contraction, the I bands ________ in length. Spread Expand Shorten Slide


In an isotonic contraction, the muscle fibers _______, resulting in movement. Shorten or Lengthen Shorten Shorten then Lengthen Lengthen

Shorten or Lengthen

Cardiac muscle cells are ____ and thicker then skeletal muscle cells, and they have only ____ nuclei. longer/1-2 shorter/10-20 longer/10-20 shorter/1-2



Site of metabolic processes for normal muscle fiber activites

The narrow space between the synaptic knob and the motor end plate is called the ____. sarcolemma synaptic cleft sarcoplasm axon ending

Synaptic cleft

Sacroplasmic Reticulum

Stores calcium ions needed for muscle contraction

The superficial fascia is also known as the ____. subcutaneous layer dense fascia elastic fascia visceral fascia

Subcutaneous Layer

A nerve impulse travels through an axon to its ____. sarcoplasm dendritic zone axon hillock synaptic knob

Synaptic Knob

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