Chapter 10 and 12 Study guide Mr.King

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Black Death

Bubonic plague was the most common form of the Black Death. It was spread by black rats infested with fleas carrying a deadly bacterium. Italian merchants brought the plague with them from Kaffa, on the Black Sea, to the island of Sicily in October 1347. The plague had spread to southern Italy and southern France by the end of 1347. Usually, the path of the Black Death followed trade routes. In 1348 and 1349, the plague spread through France, the Low Countries (modern Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands), and Germany. It ravaged England in 1349 and expanded to northern Europe and Scandinavia. Eastern Europe and Russia were affected by 1351.


By the ninth century, the grant of land made to a vassal had become known as a _________.

Who converted Eastern Slavs to Christianity

Cyril and Methodius converted the Eastern Slavs to Christianity

Impacts of Craft Guilds

From the 1000s on, craftspeople began to organize themselves into guilds, or business associations. Guilds played a leading role in the economic life of cities. By the 1200s, there were guilds for almost every craft, such as tanners and bakers, and separate guilds for specialized groups of merchants, such as dealers in silk, spices, or wool. Craft guilds directed almost every aspect of the production process. They set the standards for the quality of the articles produced and even fixed the price at which the finished goods could be sold. Guilds also determined the number of people who could enter a specific trade.

Hildegard of Bingen

German nun who became abbess of a religious house for females in western Germany. was also one of the first important women composers. She was an important contributor to the body of music known as Gregorian chant. Her work is remarkable because she succeeded at a time when music, especially sacred music, was almost exclusively the domain of men.

Result of Otto I protecting the Pope

In return for protecting the pope, Otto I was crowned emperor of the Romans in 962

John Wyclif and John Hus and their reaction to the Pope during the Great Schism

Meanwhile, these crises in the Catholic Church led to calls for reform. In England, John Wyclif's disgust with clerical corruption led him to a far-ranging attack on papal authority. Because of a marriage between the royal families of England and Bohemia, Wyclif's ideas spread to a group of Czech reformers led by John Hus. They called for an end to clerical corruption and to excessive papal power within the Church. Hus was accused of heresy by the Council of Constance and burned at the stake in 1415. In response, the Czechs led a revolutionary upheaval in Bohemia that was not crushed until 1436. Hus's ideas would later have an impact on the German monk Martin Luther.

People of Russia and Ukraine were conquered by whom?

Swedish Kings


The Church created a court called the Inquisition, or Holy Office, to deal with heretics. This court developed a regular procedure to find and try heretics. The Dominicans became especially well known for their roles as examiners of people suspected of heresy.

Francis of Assisi

The Franciscans were founded by Francis of Assisi. Francis was born to a wealthy Italian merchant family in Assisi. After having been imprisoned during a local war, he had a series of dramatic spiritual experiences. These experiences led him to abandon all worldly goods and to live and preach in poverty, working and begging for his food. His simplicity, joyful nature, and love for others soon attracted a band of followers, all of whom took vows of absolute poverty, agreeing to reject all property and live by working and begging for their food.


The eastern Slavic peoples of Moravia were converted to Orthodox Christianity by two Byzantine missionary brothers, Cyril and Methodius, who began their activities in 863. The Slavic peoples had no written language. Cyril developed the Cyrillic alphabet so that he could create a Christian Bible and liturgy in the Slavic language.


The first European university appeared in Bologna (buh • LOH • nyuh), Italy. Students, men only, came from all parts of Europe to learn law from the great teacher Irnerius.

Kievan Rus

The first Russian state, which ended in 1169( settled by Oleg the viking in the 10th century

How did the Vikings become part of European culture

They conquered and began to make various settlements in Europe

Why were Castile and Aragon united

They were united when Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon married and co governed castile and argon, they also united the people by making everyone catholic

William of Normandy

William of Normandy conquered England in the year October 14,1066

Philip IV

created a French parliament.

Dominic de Guzman believed the best way to attack heresy was

the formation of a new religious order of men who lived lives of poverty and preached effectively

Domesday Book

A book containing the census information compiled at the request of William for his kingdom. It is called "doomsday" due to the fact that it was as thorough as God's final day of judgment that was inescapable.

Anna Comnena

After asking for help, the Byzantines became doubtful. Alexius I, and his daughter, Anna Comnena (who was also the Byzantines' only female historian), were fearful that the western crusading armies, which would have to go through Byzantine lands to reach their objective, might prove harmful to the Byzantine Empire.

Magna Carta

At Runnymede in 1215, John was forced by the nobles to put his seal on a document of rights. It was called the Magna Carta, or the Great Charter. The Magna Carta gave written recognition to that fact and was used in later years to strengthen the idea that a monarch's power was limited, not absolute.

The Council of Claremont

At the Council of Clermont in southern France near the end of 1095, Urban II asked Christians to take up their weapons and join in a holy war. The pope promised: "All who die . . . shall have immediate remission [forgiveness] of sins." The enthusiastic crowd cried out: "It is the will of God, it is the will of God."

Spread of the Bubonic plague

Bubonic plague was the most common form of the Black Death. It was spread by black rats infested with fleas carrying a deadly bacterium. Italian merchants brought the plague with them from Kaffa, on the Black Sea, to the island of Sicily in October 1347.


In Eastern Europe, rulers found it difficult to centralize their states. Religious differences troubled the area as Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Christians, and other groups, including Mongols and Muslims, confronted one another. Since the 1200s, Russia had been under Mongol domination. But by 1480, Ivan III had thrown off the yoke of the Mongols. The next ruler of Muscovy, Ivan IV, was recognized as the legitimate ruler and czar of Russia by the Orthodox Church.


In the twelfth century, tournaments—contests in which knights could demonstrate their fighting skills—began to appear. By the late twelfth century, the joust—individual combat between two knights—had become the main part of the tournament.

Joan of Arc's impact on the Hundred Years War

Joan of Arc brought the Hundred Years' War to a decisive turning point by inspiring the French with her faith


Known by many as the Spider because of his devious ways, Louis strengthened the use of the taille—an annual direct tax usually on land or property—as a permanent tax imposed by royal authority. This tax gave Louis a sound, regular source of income.

Most important thing someone could be given in the Middle Ages


Where was Orthodox Christianity the chief religion

Russians, Serbs, and Bulgarians.


Scholasticism tried to reconcile faith and reason—to show that faith was in harmony with reason. Its chief task was to harmonize Christian teachings with the works of the Greek philosophers.


The Jews of medieval Europe came to be subjected to___________, attacks, and expulsions.


The Name the early christians called the Muslims


The Poles, Czechs, and Hungarians (Magyars) all accepted Western Christianity and became part of the Roman Catholic Church and its Latin culture.


To achieve his political ends, Innocent used the spiritual weapons at his command. forbids priests from giving the sacraments (Christian rites) of the Church to a particular group of people. The goal was to cause the people under interdiction, who were deprived of the comforts of religion, to exert pressure against their ruler.


To survive, it became important to find a powerful lord who could offer protection in return for service. This led to a new political and social order known as feudalism.

Henry V

William Shakespeare's famous plays about English monarchs popularized the legend that the man who would become King Henry V enjoyed a wild youth, which ended abruptly when he ascended to the throne. If there was any truth in the legends, Henry must have undergone an extraordinary change, because as a ruler he displayed such consistent prudence, skill, and leadership in his conduct of domestic affairs and the invasion of France that he is often offered as an example of an ideal medieval king. Henry was also deeply religious. Dying of a fever at the age of 34, he expressed the wish to go on a crusade to Jerusalem.


an idea of civilized behavior, gradually evolved among the nobility. Chivalry was a code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold. In addition to their oath to defend the Church and defenseless people, knights were expected to treat captives as honored guests instead of putting them in dungeons. A knight was expected to treat aristocratic women with tenderness and respect.


the language of everyday speech in a particular region, such as Spanish, French, English, or German

Architecture improvements in the Middle Ages

they had rounded roofs and pillars??

How did Phillip II Augustus increase the power of the French monarchy?

waging war on the rulers of England and gaining control of Normandy , Maine, Anjou, and Aquitaine

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