Chapter 10 Bio all possible questions

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Which occurs during anaphase I? a. the cell is haploid b. chromosomes line up in one plane c. nuclei re-form d. homologs separate and migrate toward opposite poles, guided by the spindle apparatus

d. homologs separate and migrate toward opposite poles, guided by the spindle apparatus

Which occur during anaphase II? a. the synaptonemal complex disappears b. chromosomes line up in one plane c. nuclei re-form d. sister chromatids separate and migrate toward opposite poles

d. sister chromatids separate and migrate toward opposite poles

In a male mammal, every cell that undergoes meiosis gives rise to __________ sperm.


What is the result when a diploid cell undergoes meiosis?

four haploid cells

In animals, fertilization is to zygote as meiosis is to which of the following?


Which result in cells that contain half the parental chromosome number?


In this cell, what phase is represented?

meiosis I metaphase

In sexually reproducing species, the chromosome number remains stable over time because __________ and __________ always alternate.

meiosis and fertilization

At what stage is the independent assortment of chromosomes determined?

metaphase I alignment of paired homologs

If the multicellular angel genus Ulva shows alternation of generations, it uses ______________.

mitosis, meiosis, and fertilization

Which is a function of mitosis in humans?

multiplication of body cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell

Which of the following is the smallest unit of life that would contain a complete copy of the entire human genome?

one human somatic cell

Which of the following is the smallest unit of life that would contain a complete copy of the entire human genome? A)one human gene B)one human gamete C)one human somatic cell D)one human chromosome

one human somatic cell

The synaptonemal complex __________.

physically connects homologous chromosomes during prophase I

Crossing over occurs during __________.

prophase I

If chiasmata can be seen in a cell under a microscope, which of the following meiotic processes must have occurred?

prophase I

If you wished to observe chiasmata forming during meiosis, what stage of meiosis would have the best cells to use?

prophase I

Synapsis occurs during __________.

prophase I

Which contributes to genetic variation in sexually reproducing species?

random fertilization, independent assortment, crossing over

A haploid set of unreplicated chromosomes (n = 4) of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has a mass of 0.14 p g. What is the mass of D N A in single Drosophila cell at the end of telophase II?

0.14 p g

A haploid set of unreplicated chromosomes (n = 4) of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has a mass of 0.14 p g. What is the mass of D N A in single Drosophila cell in prophase II?

0.28 p g

A haploid set of unreplicated chromosomes (n = 4) of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has a mass of 0.14 p g. What is the mass of D N A in single Drosophila cell in prophase I?

0.42 p g

Somatic cells in humans contain __________ set(s) of chromosomes and are therefore termed __________.

two, diploid

In a diploid set of chromosomes, one member of each pair of homologous chromosomes is derived from the father (paternal), and the other comes from the mother (maternal). If 2n = 6, what is the probability of obtaining a gamete in which all the chromosomes are paternal ones?


Why is it more practical to prepare karyotypes by viewing somatic diploid cells rather than haploid gametes?

Only diploid cells have all the organism's chromosomes.

Which of the following statements regarding sexual life cycles is correct?

Sexual life cycles can produce both haploid and diploid cells at different stages.

Which of the following statements regarding sexual life cycles is correct? A)Sexual life cycles occur only in animals. B)Sexual life cycles can produce only haploid cells at different stages. C)Sexual life cycles can produce only diploid cells at different stages. D)Sexual life cycles can produce both haploid and diploid cells at different stages.

Sexual life cycles can produce both haploid and diploid cells at different stages.

Which event occurs only during prophase I of the first meiotic division?

Synapsis of homologous pairs occurs.

Which of the following statements about humans is true?

The 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, determines whether the person is female (XX) or male (XY)

A karyotype is ____________________.

a display of all of an individuals chromosomes arranged in pairs

Consider an organism of karyotype 2n = 4. Which diagram properly depicts metaphase II?

b (2 chromosomes)

If a horticulturist breeding plants known as gardenias succeeds in having a single plant with a particularly desirable set of traits, which of the following processes would be her most probable and efficient route to establishing a line of such plants with that particular set of traits?

Clone the plant asexually to produce an identical one.

The parent cell that enters meiosis is diploid, whereas the four daughter cells that result are haploid. Which statement correctly describes how cellular DNA content and ploidy levels change during meiosis I and meiosis II?

DNA content is halved in both meiosis I and meiosis II. Ploidy level changes from diploid to haploid in meiosis I, and remains haploid in meiosis II.

Regarding the role of cohesin protein in maintaining cohesion between sister chromatids, which of the following statements is false?

During meiosis II, cohesin holds sister chromatids along their lengths as the second meiotic spindle forms.

Which of the following is true of an organism that has a chromosome number of 2n = 16

Each cell has eight homologous pairs of chromosomes.

Which of the following is true of an organism that has a chromosome number of 2n = 16?

Each cell has eight homologous pairs of chromosomes.

Which of the following is true of an organism that has a chromosome number of 2n = 16? A)A gamete from this species has four chromosomes. B)The species has 16 sets of chromosomes per cell. C)During the S phase of the cell cycle, there will be 32 separate chromosomes. D)Each cell has eight homologous pairs of chromosomes.

Each cell has eight homologous pairs of chromosomes.

Diploid cells may undergo either mitosis or meiosis. Can haploid cells?

Haploid cells can undergo mitosis but not meiosis.

Which of the following processes happens during meiosis I?

Homologous chromosomes of a pair are separated from each other.

Ignoring crossover, how many kinds of gametes can be produced by an organism with a diploid number of 8?


Through independent assortment alone, humans (2n = 46) can create 8,388,608 combinations of chromosomes. How many chromosomal combinations can a fruit fly (2n = 8) make through independent assortment alone?


If a sexually reproducing organism has a diploid number of 36, how many individual chromosomes would any of its gametes have?

18 chromosomes

How many pairs of autosomes do humans have?


In humans, the haploid number of chromosomes is 23. Independent assortment has the possibility of producing __________ different types of gametes.


The following question refers to the essential steps in meiosis described below. 1. formation of four new nuclei, each with half the chromosomes present in the parental nucleus 2. alignment of homologous chromosomes at the metaphase plate 3. separation of sister chromatids 4. separation of the homologs; no uncoupling of the centromere 5. synapsis; chromosomes moving to the middle of the cell in pairs. Which of the steps take(s) place in both mitosis and meiosis?


The following question refers to the essential steps in meiosis described below.1. formation of four new nuclei, each with half the chromosomes present in the parental nucleus2. alignment of homologous chromosomes at the metaphase plate3. separation of sister chromatids4. separation of the homologs; no uncoupling of the centromere5. synapsis; chromosomes moving to the middle of the cell in pairsWhich of the steps take(s) place in both mitosis and meiosis?

3 separation of sister chromatids

The egg (ovum) of a domesticated rabbit contains 22 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are in the somatic (body) cells of a rabbit?


In a diploid cell containing 10 chromosomes, meiosis results in the formation of daughter cells containing __________ chromosomes.


Through independent assortment alone, humans (2n = 46) can create 8,388,608 combinations of chromosomes. When also considering recombination, which expression is the best estimate of the number of chromosomal combinations?


Which of the following statements correctly describes an organism's genome?

A genome is a complete set of all of an organism's genes

Which function makes meiosis lengthier and more complex than mitosis? a. introducing genetic variation among the daughter cells b. decreasing the chromosome number to haploid c. ensuring that each daughter cell gets a single, complete set of chromosomes d. undergoing two rounds of cytokinesis

All of the choices are correct.

Why are cells arrested at metaphase in the preparation of a karyotype?

All of their chromosomes are highly condensed and easy to visualize.

Which statement reflects an advantage that sexual reproduction likely provides over asexual reproduction?

Although energetically more costly than asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction leads to different combinations of alleles that could provide adaptability in a changing environment.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction?

In sexual reproduction, offspring vary genetically from their siblings and both parents.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction? A)In asexual reproduction, offspring are produced by fertilization of sperm and egg. B)Asexual reproduction, but not sexual reproduction, is characteristic of all living organisms. C)In sexual reproduction, offspring vary genetically from their siblings and both parents. D)Asexual reproduction produces offspring that vary genetically from the parent.

In sexual reproduction, offspring vary genetically from their siblings and both parents.

What is the main advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?

It increases genetic variation among offspring.

A given organism has 46 chromosomes in its karyotype. Which of the following statements is correct regarding this organism?

Its gametes must have 23 chromosomes.

Privet shrubs and humans each have a diploid number of 46 chromosomes per cell. Why are the two species so dissimilar?

The two species have appreciably different genes.

The diploid number of chromosomes in a certain animal is 8 (2n = 8). How do the four pairs of homologous chromosomes align and separate during meiosis?

They align and assort independently to form any of 16 different combinations.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding human X and Y chromosomes?

They are responsible for the determination of an individual's sex. Submit

Fertilization produces _______________.

a diploid zygote

Which of the following are ways in which gametes from one individual diploid cell can be different from one another?

all of the above (mutation, crossing over, independent assortment)

Which is part of the alternation of generations life cycle? a. multicellular diploid stage b. zygote c. spores d. multicellular haploid stage

all of the choices are correct

Which statement is true? a. diploid cells can divide by meiosis b. diploid cells can divide by mitosis c. haploid cells cannot divide by meiosis d. haploid cells can divide by mitosis

all of the choices are correct

Sister chromatids __________.

are identical copies of each other formed during DNA synthesis

Nearly all life cycles have both haploid and diploid phases. Usually, the transition from haploid to diploid takes place __________.

at fertilization, when gametes fuse

Consider an organism of karyotype 2n = 4. Which diagram properly depicts metaphase I?

c (4 chromosomes attached)

Regions of chromosomes where nonsister chromatids cross over are called __________.


Spores and gametes are different in that __________.

gametes can fuse to form a zygote, but spores can develop into independent organisms without first forming a zygote

After telophase I of meiosis, the chromosomal makeup of each daughter cell is

haploid, and the chromosomes are each composed of two chromatids

The major contribution of sex to evolution is that __________.

it increases genetic variation

When we say that an organism is haploid, we mean that __________.

its cells have a single set of chromosomes

In a human karyotype, chromosomes are arranged in 23 pairs. If we choose one of these pairs, such as pair 14, which of the following characteristics are most likely for the two chromosomes of the pair to have in common?

length, centromere position, staining pattern, and traits coded for by their genes

Humans have 46 chromosomes. This number of chromosomes will be found in __________.

liver cells

What allows sister chromatids to separate in which phase of meiosis?

release of cohesin at centromeres in anaphase II

Which of the following is not involved in the transmission of genes from parent organism to child?

somatic cells

Prophase I of meiosis is generally the longest phase of meiosis. Why might this be?

synapsis and recombination

Which of the following events occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis?

synapsis of pairs of homologous chromosomes

How many genes are present in the human genome?

tens of thousands

A clone is the product of __________.

the first and third choices are correct

Which answer is not involved with or an outcome of crossing over?

the random alignment of homologous pairs of chromosome at metaphase I

Independent assortment of chromosomes during meiosis is a result of

the random and independent way in which each pair of homologous chromosomes lines up at the metaphase plate during meiosis I.

What is a locus?

the specific location of a gene along the length of a chromosome

Sexual and asexual reproduction are alike in that ____________.

they can both occur in multicellular organisms

What is the function of meiosis?

to make cells with a haploid number of chromosomes

At the end of telophase I of meiosis and the first cytokinesis, there are __________.

two haploid cells

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